Are you all as excite as I am? I am so pleased to see this finally released. Thank you

Are you all as excite as I am? I am so pleased to see this finally released. Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:

No this game looks like a bad Elder Scrolls clone without the fun.

Why does this game look like utter shit? Graphically?

Main character is the bastard son of lord Radzig Kobyla and a common girl. His mother then married smith who took Henry as his own despite knowing about his bastard origins. Henry was raised as the son of the smith, without knowing his true father. Radzig Kobyla himself has a positive attitude towards his bastard and secretly supports him. When Henry loses both his parents, Radzig takes him in and makes him his own squire. Henry’s character is dependent on player’s choices throughout the game.

Henry wants to avenge his family, stop the injustice, save the king and become a knight. His development leads him to a realization that revenge won’t return his dead relatives, but can stop the bad guys from committing more atrocities. But the path he has to take makes him sometimes commit bad things too and he realizes that heroes are no saints. The world is in a terrible state and needs to change. His main motivation is that he disappointed his loved ones, but that cannot happen again and he has to fix his mistakes.

Thanks, Daniel. But I'm still not buying your oblivion clone.

wtf I hate KDC now!

>still playing fantasy
Dude NO

The game is made so Henry loses combat at scripted events.
What is going to happen when I use cheats to turen Henry into a unbeatable Super Saiyan 3?

why is this whole thread bait? And why am I responding?

it's not fantasy

>QTE combat

go away shill

Take your smug loli and go to Nip land


Nobody wants to go to /vg/ now fuck off.

The king of Eurojank is here

>STILL playing videogames

Apparently this is actually Daniel Vavra.

Keep your consoleshit to yourself you fucking sellout.

>shilling his GamerGate game
Should've pandered to the SJW crowd Danny boy.

Game is hot shit and Raven’s Cry tier, now fuck off.

If this is true,
I am excited, we need more good eurojank RPGs.
Also, I hope you'll make another KC:D game, and something in vein of Mafia 1.

But it's not fantasy you fucking idiot, it's historically accurate. That's the whole point of the game.

The worst part of this bait/shill brigade is that I can't even get a solid answer. What do you do in the game? Is it just like a elderscrolls style open world? Do you just take quests and go into dungeons or is it more mundane?

It's an historical accurate role playing game set in 15th century Bohemia.

That doesn't explain shit, what is it that you do in the game? Like it says its a non linear open world, but that doesn't really explain whats really connecting everything. Are you building up fame/reputation to become a lord or king? Are you adventuring for fun? What does it mean by open world? I dig the games design, from the combat to the medieval style, but I feel like it can turn out pretty lack luster.

It's a true hardcore RPG like we used to have on PC. If you still don't understand maybe your underage ass needs to leave.

You're working to avenge your father and taking quests while part of the army.

Imagine a mix between Gothic and Elder Scrolls

Its medievil era, so I assume there isn't that much of a progression system? Elders Scrolls games didn't have a purpose outside of the main story, but all the quests you did at least gave you some loot or experience so your character would end up more powerful or capable, so doing the quests felt somewhat rewarding, even for the basest of thing.

There is quite large system of progressions, you have layers of wearable items you can put on and upgrade, and you also have many realistic stats you can level up like how you would make your body better in the real life.

Alright, that sounds cool, the layered armored stuff is super underrated.

How long is the game?

If you only do story quests about 30 hours, side quests add about another 30 hours to the game.

A russian guy "speedran" on twitch in 7-8 hours. Main story mostly though.

I believe the story is something like this: the rightful king of Bohemia has been overthrown by his brother or something, and the invading army killed your parents. So you set out to avenge the death of your family, and in doing so you join the army of the rightful king of Bohemia. So I think the overarching goal of the game is to 1) kill the person who killed your parents, and 2) restore the rightful king of Bohemia by defeating the opposing guys.

I think that "sidequests" (or I don't know if they're full sidequests, but I've seen videos of the player engaging in optional tasks, raids, things like that) reward you with things to make your character stronger - money, better equipment (armour, better weapons), increased reputation, stuff like that.

100 hours easy if you play honest.

why do all the characters sound sedated?

Leveling up is similar to TES; the more you fight, the better your fighting skill is.
I think they said it's around 50 hours.
Also, I hope the game starts off with you playing as a no-name murderhobo, constantly getting shit on, but with time you become powerful and respected.

>no magic, only race is humans, no waifus to rape
>Needs excessive slav squating to process.
>shitty voice acting and bethesda-like animations

You just don't have understanding of the handsome Czech language.

it's going to be great to finally have a roleplaying game without elves and dragons and shit
trying to keep my expectations low but I got hyped from the new promo

>A russian guy
What'd you expect?

Professional Eurojank acting techniques

This. I hope there's a possibility of Darklands 2.

Better than ugly american accents in RPGs.

>the rightful king of Bohemia has been overthrown by his brother
If they really put it like this then they should consult the story with their history experts more. That's not history but nationalist fapfiction pushed by commies.

dam it looks even better than the last trailer
I might cave in and buy it
convince me not to

Neofag infested Sup Forums mad as fuck this game will be great.

I personally would love to wear a cowboy hat and have a burger and fries in 15th century Bohemia

Open ended gameplay with good environmental grafix but horrid characters. Janky combat that tries to be too in depth and ended up a cluttery mess. If they fixed the combat which they seem to be pushing as the main seller god knows why, it might be playable. Maybe mods will fix it. Archer seems the only route. Day 1 yarr harr shiver me ballsack

Quit shilling your shitty game here. I am so fucking sick of your shit Vavra.

I'm really excited for this game, I haven't sunken into a good rpg since the P5/Nioh/NieR/BotW clusterfuck last year.


Mate don't give me the fucking third degree I'm just telling you what it is you cunt
>The story takes place in 1403, as war wracks Bohemia. On the orders of King Sigismund of Hungary and Croatia, Cuman mercenaries raid the mining village of Skalitz, a major source of silver. One of the survivors of that massacre is Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Destitute and vengeful, Henry joins the service of Lord Radzig Kobyla, who leads a resistance movement against Sigismund's invasion. As Henry pursues justice for his murdered family, he becomes involved in an effort to restore Bohemia's rightful king, Wenceslaus IV, to the throne.[2]

Can't wait for webms that make Oblivion combat look like DMC and aggressive pro-Vavra shilling.

Fat bearded man raising a toast will be the most posted pic on Sup Forums in February.

jrpgs are still rpgs user-kun
just slightly more autistic

This, I feel like it's Witcher III all over again.

It has no online features and it doesn't have Denuvo, just pirate it and don't waste your money

Oh, if the story takes place during 1401-1403 then it doesn't trigger me. Still I hope it won't be portrayed as black and white. Wenceslaus was a failure as a king, compared to his brother and father (and generally a dick towards Sigismund too).

Day 1 patch being as large as the game itself and there being a review embargo tells me it's shit.

Buy my game vandrák!

Fair enough, I have no idea what the history of the period is, but I certainly believe these guys to be following history properly, since they've hired historians and everything.

And they definitely don't seem like commies to me. But maybe you're right about the history because I don't know anything about it.

That update is for consoles only since the game was primarily developed for PC and consoles needed further optimization, the cd only comes with 150mb worth of data afaik.

Good thing shithead MCA didn't write the story.

>just pirate it
>t. resetera

>trying to guilt nerds into buying your shit game by using buzzwords and appealing to Sup Forums of all places
lol cute

>been playing skyrim today
>mfw 12am hits

When is this gaming shit in Dubrovnik happening this year? I missed it last year when Tim Cain made a presentation.

>awww sweetie
>just pirate it
>t. resetera
go be a kike somewhere else

>Lets take all the worst parts of Oblivion and put them into our game. Also lets try to mimic 7 year old graphic fidelity!
No buy

Damn. Can you get any more cliche than this?. Why even have a story if this is all you can come up with?

tpb preload when?

>p-please buy my game guys, i-i stood up against those filthy SJWs all for you!
not even worth the pirate lol

Stop posting nier in this threads. We dont need any more retards pirating it and shitting up threads with their "opinions"

no fuck off

>I’ve seen a lot of discussion on here concerning the forthcoming Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I don’t often feel the need to do this, but I feel I’ve got to put out a Buyer Beware on the developers responsible for the game. Frankly speaking, the lead developer, Daniel Vávra, is an unashamed racist and sexist. His Twitter account is full of anti-PC, anti-‘social justice warrior’ tirades that come across as the ramblings of a xenophobe. He is also a supporter of GamerGate and makes absolutely no attempt to hide his reprehensible opinions. This interview with Kotaku in July 2015 laid his beliefs bare. In fact, one of the reasons he developed the game was because he believed it was ‘historically accurate’ to not have any non-white characters anywhere, which is provably false given that medieval life was a melting pot of different races. The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies published a paper on it, on how pointless it was to compare modern concepts of race to medieval notions of ethnicity. People have brought up the argument that the hundreds of other developers who worked on the game don’t deserve to suffer lost sales because of one racist, but I have to call foul on that. He’s unashamed in his racism, and it’s clear the game comes from a source of deep rot. I implore people to not buy the game, to boycott it. We have to show that people who hold such disgusting views should not be rewarded, and that games that come from such a rotten, anti-progressive stance don’t deserve to succeed. Andrew Middlemas PS: Incidentally, one of the sound engineers who worked on Subnautica was revealed to be a massive bigot, and was consequently fired from the studio. I hope the gaming community does more to thin out the cancerous elements that infest it.

tl;dr "wah wah we said put a black guy in and he said no"

Looking forward to it

I hate these people and wish them to fall off a cliff.

>here just let me casually show you those filthy SJWs i'm fighting against
>buy my game yet?
:^) great shilling