>Game studio makes critically acclaimed and financially successful games
>Most of the original employees leave for some reason
>Studio never returns to its former glory
Why does this keep happening?
>Game studio makes critically acclaimed and financially successful games
>Most of the original employees leave for some reason
>Studio never returns to its former glory
Why does this keep happening?
times change
Sea of Thieves will save it, Pony!!!
>All these people leave companies to start there own studios (Yuji Naka, Keiji Inafune)
>End up crawling back but to different companies
Banjo-Kazooie was made by fucking 13 people
The whole reason the Stampers wanted out of the video games business was because they were getting more and more costly to make.
Less developers almost always produce better quality games. Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.
Protip: You can't.
This isn't even the part thats the problem really, stop being attached to company logos.
The real problem is
>Devs from the original teams scatter to the wind and none of them make something great ever again
>On the rare occasion a team of ex devs get together to make a game the only thing they make is a poor facsimile of the their old work.
Well then the logo certainly represents something, it brought together a group of talented employees that were responsible for great games. After they all scattered their talents were completely wasted.
I'm still convinced Sup Forums hates YL and loves Hat in Time to be contrarian because of that Arabic prat
I hate this board
Meanwhile the greatest villain of all of gaming is EA, as they playfully buy all the best companies and instantly starts ass fucking them into submission.
Well you'd be an idiot then, A Hat in Time is a pretty good but ultimately nothing special platformer carried along by really good presentation, a likable cast, and oozing personality and memorable bits.
Yooka Laylee measures itself up against great games and falls massively short, the game has outright bad aspects to it like the level design in the last 3 worlds.
Doesn't help when your only good games is Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark.
You can add Naughty Dog to the list.
Pure coincidence
What's up with the finnish filename?
Rare somehow forgot how to make good video games after the NES.
I mean sure; if you're a fucking pleb
Sea of Thieves isn't my jam as far as it being based and driven by social experiences, but it very well could be a hit. It'll be interesting to see the scope of its presence on Twitch as well as the longevity in retaining the streaming crowd. Regardless, if not shallow, it seems like a quality game that revitalized Rare and put them back on the map. I'm more excited to see what their next project will be more than anything else.
There is nothing wrong with shallow games if they are addicting or fun to keep playing. I mean, how do you think shit like Crazy Taxi or Nights Into Dreams took off for Sega all those years ago?
doubt that, cause the hype for that game is a little bit too low, and name me any succesful pirate mmo game
>hey we just made Banjo Tooie, can we get a raise?
>LMAO no
>hi this is user from Rare, I saw you were hiring for your new studio
>holt shit, you made Banjo Tooie? Well pay you twice as much to work for us
And so it goes. Devs are workers, they're not treated like artists, theyre seen as disposable.
It's an avant-garde spurdo
How do you go from the golden boy system selling top dog of multiple generations, to a laughing stock that just can't stop fucking up the most basic shit?
Them canning Marty O'Donnell still blows my mind to this day.
I honestly would like another Wizards & Warriors game someway somehow.
I will never understand their business model. Things like the recent blowout success of Monhun World shows that if you just give your devs the time and resources to make a quality product with their vision, you will reap untold dividends.
You damn well know all those destiny decisions, like selling half a game and selling the rest as DLC is all activision.
Bungie might become good again once they finish the contract for destiny
In this case, shit publishers never allowed for the miracle to occur again.
I worry though, because nobody forced them into that contract. They were fucking set for life when they left Microsoft, but instead of exercising their newfound freedom in new and exciting ways they chose to exchange the ball and chain for a fucking cement brick tied to their ankles and then thought it would be a good idea to jump in a river.
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when that deal was made, was it their own greed, or just hubris?
I read somewhere, that EA thinks their sport-games only sell so well, cause there is a new installment every year
either way, I am still wondering how they can still buy studios and close them down a few year afterwards
at one point, even their money must be gone
>we left microsoft because they only let us make halo! fuck da corps bro! #smokeweed
>hm...lets partner with activision and make a sci fi shooter! aah all this freedom :) also bye marty
One of the biggest BETRAYALS in all of gaming, can't believe I supported bungie for years and they turned out to be soy cucks
Their management went to shit in 2010.
>carried along by really good presentation, a likable cast, and oozing personality and memorable bits
Are you THAT GUY?
I guarantee you that they make more in insurance, ect on those losses than they could ever make if they actually succeeded.
I always assumed they buy out a popular company, give them the funds to make a single successful game under their name and then fire everybody and replace them with cheaper hires.
They basically obtain the fan loyalty to a company with the purchase and use this hype to sell a cheaper product.
Of course this is probably bullshit because EA still blows an ass load on advertising
>there will never be a second game
>Why does this keep happening?
The short answer? The industry needs to unionize.
Chasing the dragon, m8