Game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she goes through to get one in this modern times

>game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she goes through to get one in this modern times
>mirror clone is her self doubt that she eventually conquers
>getting to the peak represents finally being free of the child
>Sup Forums praises the game and calls it GOTY 2018

What the fuck happened to you people.

>le epic bait xD
there is not abortion you fuck. and it would only be better if there was

haha ebi bait mai friendo

>Tumblr art
>Assist mode
There are multiple reasons to shit on the game, why are people making shit up about abortion?

>game is a metaphor for a woman wanting an abortion and the struggles she goes through to get one in this modern times

What the fuck are you talking about?


I legitimately have no idea why it's so popular. Games like Iconoclasts & Remnants of Naezith came out and are way better. This game does absolutely nothing new with the genre while these others are. Yet this game gets 10x more coverage and fanfare. Even the music is unoriginal. The composer was clearly trying to mimic Disasterpeace



fuck the video game industry

Oh yeah, that struggle of having legal access to an abortion clinic in any state for a cheap price. Wow, what a struggle

What the fuck? Is the game really like this??
Fuck this SJW bullshit.

That would honestly be a more interesting plot than what the game actually has

>join game
>votekick 1/4
>votekick ended 1/4
why does this happen so often in r6s?

It actually is in some states

If I only looked at screenshots, I'd probably come to the same conclusion. Luckily I pirated it, and it's clearly much better than Iconoclasts. Never heard of the other game, tho.

It's actually fun.

>I wanna be the guy:The ripoff: The game

>I wanna be the shitposter

you're still trying to do this a month later? do you have autism?

None of that makes any sense. What the fuck are you even talking about.

>Sup Forums praises the game and calls it GOTY 2018
Shit that never happened.

Stop shilling your shit game here.

>the only people perpetuating this meme are falseflaggers

I encourage you to pirate it so you can at least muster a better quality shitpost.

>Game has more challenge and replayability than BoTW
>Sup Forums hates it because it's not filled with autistic amounts of collectables

>chromatic aberration on pixel art
>mixed resolutions
>super low detail sprites so they don't have to put any effort into them
It's like they were trying to tick the boxes to make the most awful indie stereotype aesthetic. All they needed was abysmal sprite rotation effects and a 3D rendered segment with flat shaded low poly models and it would have been the perfect satire

They probably did the best they could without a professional artist.
I think it looks good enough

>>mixed resolutions
What's the issue?
>super low detail sprites so they don't have to put any effort into them
I like level sprites but character ones could be more detailed. I dislike the high detail look of iconoclast or owlboy desu.

>I don't like effort put into the media I consume

Celeste is not bad but slime San is better.

>a 3D rendered segment with flat shaded low poly models

this. i like having a reason to collect shit other than bragging rights.

The game doesn't look like there's no effort put into it

>What's the issue?
It's fucking hideous. Mixing resolutions like that just makes it look like a cheap phone game. It looks like default unity assets or something. If you're going for a "retro style" then have the common decency to at least commit to a specific resolution. You don't just say "oh I feel like having vector art right alongside my crunchy pixels".

You don't need to be super high detail to look good, you just need to commit to your aesthetic. Look at the original La Mulana for instance. Or if you're going to mix styles, you do it in such a way that it serves a purpose, not out of fucking laziness.

Jesus Christ, how creatively bankrupt can you be?

Nice strawman.

look at
then tell me that.

Mixed resolutions looks fine to me.
Do you also complain if pixel game uses more colors than would be available on retro hardware?

>tfw you unironically like the pixel graphics and low poly overworld
Looks nice.

If it isn't obvious already, devs of these types of games have absolutely no shame and shove their game in the face of every reviewer/forum they can think of. Yes, even this one, you don't think these threads are genuine, do you?

>Look at the original La Mulana for instance
Looks like ass.


who cares
the game is fun, who cares about whatever the fuck metaphor it is for
>game is blatantly sjw
>Sup Forums shits on it
>it's somehow a metaphor
>shits on it
go fuck yourself with a stick

I thought having a 3d mountain map rather than a basic level select was a really nice touch. There's really no need for more detail on it.

If they were trying to evoke a specific era of hardware, I would absolutely make that complaint. Obviously not here though since the devs clearly weren't trying to do that (or failed so completely that it's not even recognizable)

First, that looks perfectly fine. Second, that's not the original, this is.

In b4
>I was just pretending to be retarded.

Also looks like ass.

Low effort pixel garbage with a horrible art style.

Congratulations, you've just found out that Sup Forums was never a conservative hugbox and people have always had divided opinions on things.

tasteless faggot

Sup Forums hates it

Abortions are good for all poor people and taxpayers, and anyone that disagrees is an enemy of impoverished women and, therefore, the working class.

>caring about real problems
Dude the sun is just going to swallow us whole in a billion years or something, who cares?

>struggle to get an abortion
>they're literally subsidized by the government

>great RPG with great pixel graphics
>no one on Sup Forums talks about it

8 bit style is just an excuse for laziness at this point.

Owlboy took ages to make. Not everyone can be SNK tier pixel artists. There's nothing wrong with an 8 bit style, the problem is a "style" that's just a bunch of assets lazily thrown together with no thought put into how they look juxtaposed against eachother. Celeste ISN'T in an 8-bit style, its aesthetic is most reminiscent of no-budget shovelware for phones.

I'm not surprised Nu-Sup Forums loves this liberal dogshit.

>great pixel graphics
it literally looks like a mobile game

good eye, user, i suggest you and i never read or post on these shill platforms again

That looks worse than Celeste. There's no color scheme, it's just all over the place and mostly gray at the same time

oh no it's retarded

There's a fuck-ton of foliage though.

>Sup Forums praises the game
where the fuck have (You) been? Sup Forums hates this game. They don't like it when you bring up their mental illnesses.

Iconoclasts is shit

At least Celeste is mechanically satisfying and actually difficult. And the characters are entertaining

>dude, selfies #blessed lmao

Now that's pixel art.

Shame the character sprites are pretty eh.

Well that looks much better. I guess the first one was just an unflattering screenshot

Wait is there an actual abortion metaphor in the game?

The hidden boss on final stage is an 8-bit floating fetus.

there is nothing even close to one

I skipped cut scenes

I know he makes up 1/5th of the characters but the others are fine and so he theo when he's not in full millennial mode.

Nope. It's a metaphor for overcoming depression. Not that that's much better.

>and the struggles she goes through to get one in this modern times
I know this is bait, but it's not the 70s anymore. Women can literally just stroll into one of the thousand clinics and say, "Hey doc, vacuum me please" and get it done. It's like the people who unironically try to pretend life is hard nowadays to be gay.

This. Faggots will whinge about SJW all day and then go buy ten amiibos for their shitty open world meme game.

>try to pretend life is hard nowadays to be gay.
it is if you looking to fuck someone that doesn't have aids


B sides are rough. Barely even want to see the core

Nice little fairly challenging platformer with plenty of extra hard bonus stages. No wonder Sup Forums doesn't like it. Half of this soylent-ridden board couldn't beat Kirby if they tried.

Why would that be a bad thing though?

I wish the game would somehow hint that you can control the floating blocks.

Honest answer it's not a relatable topic. It would be a tough feat to find a person that can connect with the protagonist because of that problem. Depression and anxiety can connect with a much wider audience, even for people that don't have "real" depression and anxiety. Why the fuck would a pregnant woman be climbing a mountain alone and in what way would that help her make a decision relating to an unborn child?