Buying weeb game on gamestop

>Buying weeb game on gamestop
>cashier gives you a look

>being a weeb
>buying weeb
>buying weeb in person
You had several chances to avoid this

>"make sure to give me the real case too, none of that deviantart trash"

Never happned because I live in the west coast.

Stop doing this. It's already a quote.

>going to Gamestop
You failed before you even started

>Bought Final Fantasy XII TZA from a female cashier
>Compliments my taste

are you new?

>really high in gamestop
>give the cashier a look

Girls play Final Fantasy too though

>Stop doing this. It's already a quote.

>buy Drakengard 3 at gamestop
>cashier tells me the game is awful

>buy Akiba's Trip for PS3
>female cashier
>ask me what it is about
>tell her it's about stripping people of clothing to expose vampires to sunlight
>see her there a week later
>she had bought the game herself and liked it

nevermind just realised what you meant, he had quotation marks inside the green text


Correct if the conent in the quotes is the same post being replied to. Incorrect in this instance since he’s implying a fictional quote to reply to the OP.

Better a weeb than a wojakposter.

>buy weeb game at gamestop
>cashier smiles, winks at me, points at her clock, and performs random hand signs

>buying nothing but soda/candy at the local store
>cashier girl gives you the most judgmental and condescending look every goddamn time
>the sheer glaring "unfuckable" that her eyes are telling every time

>buying soda and candy as a guy
Be a man, buy a beer and turn down the cigarettes. Convenience stores make all their money from alchol and tobacco sales.

>buy nothing but soda, junk food, and sugary cereal
>cashier compliments my choice of fruity pebbles

People are going to have their own thoughts. Nothing you can do about that. People will tell you that people don't think like that but most people have just as fucked up thoughts as us. The good news is unless you're really autistic they won't think about it for long or probably remember past that day.

they make jack shit from cigarettes, their markup is literally 1-2% in retail

>Buy Japanese game at Gamestop
>Some fat neckbeard in the queue calls me a weeb and to hug my waifu pillow

>Posting wojak on the videogames board
>user gives you a nujak

>caring what those gamestop idiots think

lel sounds like a fat bro to me.

>Trying to check avaialability of dragon's crown from gamestop by phone
>Ah the one with the witch with the huge tits?
>That one.

Guy winked at me while paying after.

>reddit can't into comedic paraphrasing

>be me
>girl asks me if I'm playing games
>yeah, I say offhand
>she asks me what one
>I say rabi-ribi
>she asks me to spell it
>so I write it down for her

Why are far people so full of vitriol

I fucking hate when this happens. I've taken to carrying my wakizashi with me to gamestop so I can flash the blade at the stupid fucking cashier and the normie patrons when they do this. It fucking works, too.

Tobacco is practically a loss leader now. I grow my own tobacco and sell it, feels like i'm an illegal dealer.

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500

>here I'll text it to you what's your number?
You'd be rolling in snippty snap for sure

>>buying soda and candy as a guy
>Be a man, turn down what you really want because you're too much of an insecure beta faggot to do exactly that, what you want

>going after women
>going after the kind of woman that would play rabi-ribi

It's okay for me, I'm a man, but a woman playing that nonsense would be pathetic. Not that I want a woman anyway, they're pretty pathetic regardless of their video game hobbies.

>Buy weeab game

>guy offers me key holding position at his GS.

It was when I still thought it might be cool to work at a game store, but the commute was too far for my liking.

>be a man, buy these products that you don't really want, handegg halftime commercials say you will be a cool edgy guy then!!!!11

This is going on r/justneckbeardthings

Epic ftw!

>implying cigarettes are good
Smoking is filthy you fucking pleb

Sure thing champ

Sorry I didn't know you were gay.

>buying a game
>pirate girl gamers point and laugh

I'm not a homosexual.


>buy alcohol
>”may I see your id, please”
>I’m a suicidal, unkempt man who works heavy manual labour 60 hours a week
>”s-sorry, it’s the store policy”

this would atleast be slightly better if you were gay.

they are working at gamestop for min wage they are below you

that's not what I was implying you dumbfuck, you said he's not allowed to buy candy

Yeah, everybody knows that Fruity Pebbles are the pleb choice. Patricians eat Honey Bunches of Oats.

How do I get a job at GameStop?

Yeah, because it's feminine as fuck. What are you, a pedo? What the hell would you need candy for?

nujak looks out of akira

start by not looking like a grand wizard, don't have a mental illness. then you're pretty much set as long as they're hiring.

My nigga

>not cookie crisp

>only girls and pedos buy candy
excuse me princess

I really liked Akiba's Trip, it's simple but it all comes together nicely.

>buy booze from the same cashier all the time
>still cards me
C'mon man

Why the fuck do you want a job at GameStop? You are literally better off working anywhere else.

>because it's feminine as fuck
Ironically, so is smoking.

she wants the D you dumb fuck

It's a bald old guy with a beard

Enjoy your cavities fag.
>water, celery, and fresh air master race here

Is it truly so astounding to someone that I can like a thing and still not bother with it?

I like alcohol, it's fine. Bourbon is great. Doesn't mean I have any interest in obtaining it. It's harmful and expensive and not worth my time. I am better off consuming tea or grapefruit juice.

Same thing with women. Maybe once you virgins catch one for yourself, you will see what I mean, but I can hardly blame you for wanting what you can't have. It's the way of the world.

To add on this, women almost never card me
Does this mean they don't want the D? Or are they just lazy?

>first time smoking dabs
>go to gamestop
>see neckbeard buying atelier tortellini
>can’t contain my laughter
>making a scene
>leave embarrassed

thank God for automatic checkouts. Now I can avoid all that shit.

>have one shit encounter with a person
>dismiss the entire gender
that's SJW thinking right there

>get carded for M-rated game
>feel young and cute

I miss good old fashioned neckbeards. You pretentious faggots make this place no fun.


lmao faggot

Honestly not an issue with me because I look better than anyone who works at a GameStop. Sorry for not being humble but if you take care of yourself, it shouldn’t be a problem getting weeb games at a GameStop.

the gender is fine, I just don't want to date one of them. they have nothing I desire.

Why the homophobia?

>doing immature things and not caring is part of being a grownup! XD

>someone apologizes since they didn't know the person was gay
Don't be that type of faggot.

>in Costco
>decide to get free sample
>lady asks if my parents are around
>mfw I'm 22

>physically traveling to a store to purchase a video game
>$5 for gas
>$15 over priced
>possibly paying for parking

what are you doing?

>enter gamestop
>entire staff says "welcome to gamestop" in the most dead tone ever and gives you the white people smile

have fun dying alone, I guess

Why should you give a rat's ass about what people think of what you play?


>be a man and crack under peer pressure
yeah, no that's gay.

There is no need to be so contemptful of my lifestyle. Why are you behaving this way?

I haven't bought a game from a retail store in years. Between the likes of Amazon and piracy why would I?