Tactics Ogre

Anybody play this game? How would you compare it to Final Fantasy Tactics? I thought the story was great, but some gameplay elements were frustrating.

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s249.photobucket.com/user/Lujei/library/Ozma Return to Lodis?sort=6&page=1

It is great, but the fact that FFTA came later and has QoL really shows.

Fuck, i meant FFT, i have been arguing too much about Marche.

I liked it more. I enjoyed the different races you could recruit as opposed to tactics human or go home. I just didn't care about any of the characters in fft. TO just felt like there was more to it than fft but I could be wrong. Played both on at release yeeeears ago.

But I liked Ogre Battle too and going from that shitty combat system to tactics was awesome to me. Like going from RE1 controls to RE4 controls

Best girl. Speaking of which, some character requirements in this game were fucking annoying. It would have been better if the AI for the person you're supposed to save wasn't so damn suicidal.

Don't forget that TO has a good chunk more of Agency due the route system allowing you to actually decide the political directions the game takes instead of feeling more like a spectator or pawn.

The point of the Ivalice series is being the unknown, unsung hero.
You are complaining the game didn't suck your dick for being the protag.
>legs and hips all day

I feel like replaying the game, but then I keep remember how utterly frustrating some of the battles were. Games like this are usually my thing, but some of those fights were just bullshit.

user, i get that and im not complaining about the Ivalice style, i love the FFT plot too, im just noting a HUGE difference in presentation despite both having having the Matsuno "Political Plot", coming from FFT and realize how hard i accidentally fucked people over by moralfagging was great.

Repostan since i quoted the wrong post, sorry bout that.

They were both political plots, and indeed, you see in FFT that Ramza being the good guy may have "saved" the land, but the only thing he really did was make it so that the church could hide it's secrets and for Delita to gain power, only to end up dead, and by killing the last of the royal dynasty bloodline, set up the church to take over the country outright.

So looking at this game, what do I do to not fuck up out of the gate?
My experience with ssrpgs has always been that there is some "choice" that only leads to getting fucked over in the long run.

If you really need to just use a guide for the choices. There are three routes, and what route you end up on will depend on the choices you make. For example if you choose to butcher innocent people for the greater good you'll be put on the Law route. If you refuse and rebel against orders, you'll be put on the Chaos route. Both routes have different perspectives and different characters to recruit.Also saving certain characters affects the ending. If you want to get the best ending, I suggest you look at a good otherwise the chances of you getting it by yourself the first time is pretty slim.

Enemies scalong to your level post game is fucking awful. I had to reset the game and break it with archers and ninjas

I mean choices with characters and options, not story ones.
I can deal with story choices, I mean "This class looks good but actually is abysmal shit" and "this class looks like it is shit sandwich but has this baller ability you MUST get".

Reminder that Catiua was a whore

If I remember correctly, Ninjas are broken as fuck. I made the Main character into one and he absolutely wrecked shit on the battlefield.

Make denam a ninja. Have 1 or 2 mages. Everything else is an archer.

This game has so much content and classes but they fucked up balance

I like exploring options, what class is so awful as to be irredeemable?


A bro-con whore.

I really don't like how jobs work, every new class starting out at level 1 means basically you'll have to do a lot of grinding or just ignore them for your superior generics (and some of the early good uniques like Canopus).

I wish Matsuno would make another Tactics game though. FFT2 would probably be easiest to get approved. Ramza getting in Dissidia shows Square-Enix is still aware of the brand at least.

Terror knight or Beast tamer

She was the worst. I didn't want to keep her alive, but I ended up doing so because I wanted Denam to get a happy ending with his waifu Olivya.

Yeah but if you do that Denam gets assassinated.

It is a shame since a a lot of the classes have cool designs or neat concepts that just don't work in practice.

>Yeah but if you do that Denam gets assassinated.
That's the joke user.

Of course the cool looking shit is trash.

>It is a shame since a a lot of the classes have cool designs or neat concepts that just don't work in practice.
Yeah. A lot of cool classes, but thanks to the way the job system works it's a pain. Add to that the enemy scaling which makes leveling the newer jobs harder and harder the further in the game you get.

I always found Vyce's drastic personality change hilarious. If you go the Law route he becomes this stern heroic figure. If you go the Chaos route he turns into this bloodthirsty edgelord.

Adding Ozma as a recruitable unit was one of the best decision they made in the remake.

Obligatory note that the job system in the psp remake was shit

It was a pain, but I made sure to save her and her blind husbando.

How so?

>Let me be your eyes Hobbyrim
The man lost his sight but won a wonderful wife in exchange.

You had a hell of a hard time late game to switch to class you have never used before. You were encouraged to use the same classes again and again and again.

For someone new to the genre (only really played FE), which versions of these games should I play and what's the best method (I'm guessing emulation)

If you're new to this genre I'd start with Final Fantasy Tactics or the Tactics Advance series. TO is pretty unforgiving to newcomers.

You should play FFT 1.3 easy mode if you're gonna emulate it. It's very unforgiving, but it fixes the wonky difficulty of the base game and every victory feels great.

what said

If you like a more political story, go with the FFT remake for PSP (emulate it obviously). If you like a more anime story, FFTA for GBA is a good place to start.

Definitely come back to TO afterwards, it's hard but very rewarding.

>Yeah but if you do that
If your Chaos Frame is low with a particular race, then odds are that you will be assassinated shortly after you begin your rule. However, if your Chaos Frame is high with the Walstanian, Gargastan, and Bacrumese races, then you don't have that problem. Of course you've got another problem, which is the future invasion of the Kingdom of Lodis. You find this out through an ending in Zenobia, where King Tristan and Beast Master Gilbert (of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen fame) discuss the misfortune of Valeria.
This is for the SFC version but still interesting.

Pic not related.

I thought the regular game is like that, as spoken of in this thread?
>it fixes the wonky difficulty of the base game
I've played a shitton of FFT, what motes are you talking about?
Also, does TO have the crazy special battles FFT did?
Like the random battle of a lone knight against a minotaur, or entire hordes of beasts fighting against each other until you join the gangbang?

I never really understood the Chaos Frame mechanic.

FFTA is pretty great if you are into the Anime right now since it is a Isekai that is Anti-Isekai, in its own way it did turn its story into a classic, even if it did get a LOT of flak for being nothing like FFT, i still enjoyed it for what it was even back when it came out, really funny to see how the "Marche Debate" changed a developed across the years as people developed new stances on it when growing up and things like the translation changes being more well-known, i really didn't expect that game to have the discussion staying power it ended up having.

By "wonky" I meant the difficulty curve made no sense at times, some battles were hard as hell (especially in the beginning) and others (the final boss for example) were a joke, even if you had no idea what you were doing.
With 1.3 you can't really break the game anymore with overpowered combinations of classes or anything of the sort, the difficulty is balanced (on the hard side of things). And the victories feel earned.

in the original game every character could unlock classes based on his base stats (dependent on level obviously). You could freely change between unlocked classes. SOme were gender exclusive though.

You did, however, have a hard time leveling up new characters that started from a low level.

All in all, the two versions were very, very different.

FFT>Tactics Ogre LUCT>FE4>FE7>>>power gap>>>every other SRPG

You are talking about the story battles, not the random battles, then?
Because I lived in fucking terror of some of the random battles (Choco War at the Waterfall/Mindflayers Fuck You/Assault on Archer Hill/WE R BEHEMOTH/Chemists w/ Gunz).

Best Route

I'm mainly talking about the story battles, yeah.

It never bothered me. I can accept it as a gameplay necessity. Or you could choose to believe the theory that he hates Denam so much he always wants to do the opposite.

What's the justification for it though? I don't remember any discontent normally.

Better than FFT. Both in art and gameplay. Very similar on suspiciously many levels though.
One of the better games I ever played.
Art, story and certain great quotes are remembered fondly.
Recommended to all SRPG fans.

fft is a better game but the psp luct tactics ogre had more fucked up shit. its a god damn shame the psp tactics ogre didnt make changing jobs more flexible and didnt have more fun skills and jobs to switch around with and use.

tfw there will probably be no more ogre battle saga games

>Pic not related
It might not be, but when the fuck will Tri-Ace stop making fucking mobile games and go back to making real games!?
Would you rather have "VP:3 Hrist" that might disappoint(or might be really good) or a (real) remake of the original that's almost bound to be good,
but is really mostly a visual upgrade?

I played the original PS1 version with the godawful translation back in the day. It was fun and got me in to the rest of the series. Last boss and his fucking tower can suck a dick though.

What are some good sequels and remakes you know of?

Imagine being the writer behind the world of Ogre Battle Saga. You have some interesting continents(?)/countries that all interact subtly with each other, some more than others, and everything is completely mapped out in his head. From how every character thinks, how they're connected to the timeline and how the different games' stories reference each other.
Very few others understand this because most people have only played a single of the games and only getting a glimpse of it all can't possibly work out how grand you've designed everything to be. Must be kinda sad.

You need to be more precise about what you want to hear about, or are you implying that sequels and remakes are always bad?

Balexephon killed his parents and put the blame on his brother, Hobbyrim who got his eyes taken away as a punishement and banned from Lodis. Lancelot and Balexephon lied to Ozma about this and when she later meets Hobbyrim when she faces you, she starts asking doubting about Balexephon. You can if you follow her quest fight her and tell her the truth about what happened, and then you have a choice where you either forgive her for the death of your father and she will forgive you the death of her brother, and join you, or let her go and meet her again as an ennemy later on.

Is the remake of this better? I found the original version painfully boring and I quit in chapter 4 when every fight basically ended up with me just running around trying to petrify everyone while a priest sat in the corner using resurrection.

You get the most broken units in the Law route.

>No thunder maiden
But you've got a good point.

You get Arycelle, but you can recruit her in the Chaos route too. I was talking about the Law route exclusive units.

Is The Knight of Lodis any good?

Ok, that makes a bit more sense.

>None of those are spellcasters
Yeah, nah, enjoy grinding the shit out of Ozma to make her finally "compete" with a generic Warlock.

You can get her on the Law route? I fucked up all the options I got on it then, no exception. Which is kinda why I stopped playing, because I realized that I fucked up.
I remember an event with Ravness in particular where you get two options which to me seemed like two different ways of saying the exact same thing, but only one of them recruits her.
Fucking bullshit.

It's great.

Most of the time, yeah.

I forgot to add that Ozma and Hobbyrim were fiances but after he was banned Balexephon took his place.

On the subject of SRPGs, I enjoyed Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia much more than I did Gaiden.

Ozma and Ravness are the two fastest unit in the game, they will attack twice as much as a spellcaster. You also get Sherri and Deneb in any route, and they murderd everything, so why not add Ozma and Ravness to your team?

In the Law route you just need to avoid killing her when you face her and Vyce. In the Chaos route you have to save her before she gets killed.
I remember Ravness being kinda hard to recruit, and if you fuck up one thing in the early chapters you can get her later on.

There's no point in trying to recruit monsters right? I heard they get outclassed by your human units later in the game due to the fact that humans can equip various gear while monsters can't.

Is the PSP remake worth seeking out, or should I just play the SNES version?

Some monsters are more durable, and early on getting a fairly is one way to get support magic.
Otherwise no, monsters aren't that good.

Snes version is trash
Haven't played the psp version tho so maybe they fixed the game

If you think like that then there is no point having any class other than Archers and Ninjas. Use whatever you want, monsters are fine for a good part of the game even they are outclassed by humans in the late/post game. I recently did a monster only run and it was a lot of fun.

The remake is better in every way.

>Ozma and Ravness are the two fastest unit in the game, they will attack twice as much as a spellcaster
Doesn't matter when they don't have neither the range nor the tools spellcasters have, they're worthless, by the time you kill two units with either of those a Warlock/Lich/Necro has already wiped out a group of enemies with AoE or pulled off some bullshit buffs or effects that both Ozma and Ravness can only dream about while using their own classes.
There is no point in using anything but a spellcaster because they're absolutely gamebreaking in the remake and nothing can touch them.
Monsters got buffed in the remake, if you use one of the class that can support them they're actually pretty alright units, Golems especially.

It's that much better just for the art.

I know user, and if I wanted to play like that I would use nothing but Archers and Shamans. But it's not fun to play that way.

What happened to him was fucked up. He didn't deserve that.


War will fuck you up.

Does Warren still die too?

You can save both of them in the CODA.

It was dark, but there are a lot of really dark scenes in that game. Like that one path where Ozma gets raped, tortured and ghod knows what until she is paralytic and retarded.

I believe so. Speaking of Warren, the Warren Report was comfy as fuck to read through with that OST playing.


>Ozma gets raped, tortured
I don't remember that. Are you confusing her with one of the sisters? Cerya I think it was who was hinted to have been raped by Ozma's brother in one of the routes?

No, she transportet to a boat in a wheelchair, being sent back to her homeland after the solders were done with her for futher punishment.

What route does this happen in? I've only ever finished the Law route where she got a happy ending with Hobyrim.

s249.photobucket.com/user/Lujei/library/Ozma Return to Lodis?sort=6&page=1

I never unlocked it, there was a v user who posted the thing way back. I was misremembering some of it seems, but the jist is the same

You can play Exist Archive, literally is the sequel to VP series but more anime-kawai style.

The ruggedness, or whatever you'd call VP, is a part of the charm. I'm in it for the world and atmosphere, not gameplay.
I kinda enjoyed CotP, it was better than Silmeria.

You can paste Valkyrie Profile on to a game made by Tri-Ace and it will work, the story in Silmeria lost the best part of the first, the reason why those souls were chosen by Lenneth

>You can paste Valkyrie Profile on to any game made by Tri-Ace and it will work
I disagree. But at least you get a good deal of the reason why I don't like Silmeria, so you're not all bad.

VP3, the original holds up fine.

Why did Fusiliers have to suck so much compared to archers. They have the best designs.

>Think male fusilier looks cool
>Fucking love Arquebuses/Arquebii(?)
>They suck and you get them way too late
It hurts.

>battle dress
>it's really cute!

I love it very much, it's my favourite game in this genre. The music, the characters, the classes, and by god the artstyle all make my dick so fucking errect you cannot possibly comprehend


have any of those japanese LUCT mods been translated yet? they all seemed so neat.

I've never really played many SRPG's, and FFT is kicking my ass. Am I just shit at the game, or is it one of those where it's really difficult at the beginning before you get some levels under your belt?

>LUCT mods

the beginning is usually very difficult because of missing stats like defense and especially HP, so your units are much more at risk of dying than compared to later. So just keep playing, power through and it'll get easier with time

FFT gets easier and easier as time goes on until you can pretty much break the game with the free story units they toss at you.