How come The Sims has never had a real competitor?

How come The Sims has never had a real competitor?

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Or their original games on steam?

copyright and patent

Because the market for the sims is too small for competition.

Cause anything similar would just be knocked away as a copy of Sims, although like coaster planet which could be considered a rollercoaster tycoon there is potential for a decent non Sims Sims title, especislly since Sims 4 sucked so much

It's pretty difficult to create a somewhat realistic human simulator, with the amount of depth that the Sims has (well 1-3 at least) and the building aspect of creating a house and neighbourhood.

The latest game has quite a bit of backlash, so maybe a competitor will rise up like what happened with Simcity 2013 and Cities Skyline

>one of the best selling game franchises
>small market

>market for the sims is too small
>one of the best selling PC games ever

As edgy as it sounds i want a sims like game build on the foundations of realism. Give me a reason to move out of my 1 bedroom apartment in the ghetto, make burglaries/being a victim of crime more prominent in lower income areas. Moving on up to a rich part of town should feel like such but you become a target if you are ultra wealthy. Game should include murder, drugs,gambling, etc.

This was always a great concept lost to subpar developers. This is a game that needs to be built for modding from the ground up. Modding it and making the experience your own should be at the core of the game as a selling point.

>has quite a bit of backlash, so maybe a competitor will rise up
It's been 3+ years since it launched. There has been nothing.
Sims is too large to have any real competitors.

>Game should include murder, drugs,gambling, etc
Game should include some better sexual interactions first.

Women love sims

that's a given, obviously nudity will be on display. Also prostitutes should be available on call, if you call one in a low income area there's a slight chance they will pull a pistol and try to rob you

only retards say 4 is bad. its better than 3 by far

Homeless mode when?

The genre is patented, anyone who tried would be sued. Only EA is allowed to make this genre.

soon brother, that should be an option as well

3 has an open world

>what is the guild 2

Just waste all your simoleons and live on an empty lot with nothing in it.
There's your homeless mode.

you can't patent a genre

can't you just move into an empty plot of land with zero dollars?

Making a Sims-like game would probably be really, really difficult. Too big an undertaking for
an indie dev and a AAA studio probably wouldn't see the point in putting all that time and effort into making a game that would be seen as a "ripoff" of the Sims anyway

Because these games are pretty hard and expensive to make. A smaller team could make something on the level of 1 and MAYBE 2, but only basegame.
These games have a shitton of moving parts.

let me tell you about the time i made a huge plot of land into a housing project. It took a long time but it was interesting.
>Make almost everybody exclusively black
>Set their ambitions/goals/personality a combination of anger,greed,laziness,baby making etc.
>They're constantly fighting, always huge smoke clouds filled with people smacking each other around
>parties thrown in the middle of hallways
>Piss everywhere
>EVERYBODY is making babies. fucking babies EVERYWHERE crawling around some unsupervised
>One nig tried putting something in the oven and left it on, burned down his entire apartment

The only one I remember was singles 1 and 2

Switch the numbers and you're on point.