Never got to experience this game in its prime

>Never got to experience this game in its prime
>Pick up MCC and play it and its fun
>Mfw watching MLG """pros"" play this shit
>Everyone is a white boy
>Probably the most uneventful slowest piece of shit I've ever seen just retards camping points in the map
>Hardly any killing going on just camping
Wow. I expected a lot more from watching that.

Other urls found in this thread:

2 was the only good halo game

Why are you assuming it's a competitive game? Just because publishers inject millions to force it?

Halo is a lot of fun, but it's not competitive.

1 too

>everyone is a white boy

Retarded sjw detected

I assumed a game where people like to brag there so good at would actually be interesting to watch.

>the most optimal play isn't flashy
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow thanks for sharing Jamal, I'll call on you if I need to know the spread for the Knicks game, ok cool

>yfw lockout in halo 2

>Everyone is a white boy
Remember when the US wasn't 56%?

cry harder fags it was the most cancerous dudebro shit i've seen.

Zanzibar and lockout were god tier

Reflex Arena might be more your type of game. No camping.

>everyone is a white boy

Wow that was important information thanks OP

>watching other people play video games

the people he's playing against are being retarded and standing still. Literally playing against shitters and bragging about it.

does this game have a healthy player base, or did it die just like all arena shooters these days?

not it wasn't, that would be call of duty

except people know CoD fags are a joke in themselves and no one takes them seriously.

>every online game has to be a competitive nofun garbage fest like csgo or overwatch
Online games were a mistake

>except people know CoD fags are a joke in themselves and no one takes them seriously.
you are delusional if you think cod wasn't taken seriously back then

>all those halo 3 memories are a decade old
>you'll soon forget them

What the fuck did you expect from """""""""""'competitive""""""""""""" play?
Play the game how you want nigger.

Mw2 and mw1 sure no one gave 2 shits after that.