Which one is ultimately better?

Which one is ultimately better?


The one without the thirst limit

Dark Cloud is for masochists who love starting from scratch after pouring in 50 hours.

I recently played it and I did not remember my weapons breaking so often. Shit was annoying as hell.

Auto repair dust my man

Completely different games

zelda. only because i didn't play dark cloud. 2 was alright


Still have to leave and buy shit all the time. Also autism and judaism prevents me from buying the cost inefficient powder.

Dark Cloud is shit though, it's not even debatable.

Dark Cloud 2 is comfy tho.

Zelda Ocarina of Time is better by a long shot.

Objectively OoT, but if I was given a choice to only play one or the other, I'd probably choose Dark Cloud.

They’re really different and from different generations. Why are we comparing them?

I like Dark Cloud, but OoT is just of completely different caliber

Dark Cloud 2 > Ocarina of Time > Dark Cloud

>Literally what vs. one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time


Whichever one I want to play the most, which is Dark Cloud.

>Dark Cloud is for masochists who love starting from scratch after pouring in 50 hours.
But...This never happens in the game. Why would you need to restart the game 50 hours in?

Here's a more fair comparison since they came out in the same year on the same gen.

>Zelda Killer
>Zelda series still going on strong
>No one remembers Dark Cloud
Without irony, Dark Souls succeeds more as a "Zelda killer".

never even heard of Dark Cloud.

WTF is Primal?

What are you talking about

These games have absolutely nothing to do with each other

Dark Cloud 1 is outright shit with awful mechanics, so of course Ocarina of Time is better.

Dark Cloud 2 is better than both games however.


M-rated Zelda for the PS2.


i remember that issue back in 7th grade.
jesus my middle school years where better than my highschool years. like 2 years blur but fondly remember the school layout and actual freedom to roam around.

They're just not even comparable, completely different games.
Dark Cloud's durability mechanic is legitimately superior to BotW's though.

Primal is in no way similar to Zelda

>Lock-on target combat
>Semi-open world with linear story
>Gain new items and new forms to solve puzzles
>Water level, fire level, etc.
>Gain new combos and health by gathering collectables
>Central story is about saving your significant other
>Help the inhabitants of the lands to advance the story and gain new items