what game is currently replacing WoW for you?
What game is currently replacing WoW for you?
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I never played wow
Japanese WoW
ff14 and warframe mostly
Especially FF made me realize just how shit the wow models actually are
ff14 made me realise how god damned good wow is compared to the rest of the trash mmos out there
Nothing. I completely burned out on WoW. I don't even want to play anything similar
This but unironically
Private server wow
Nothing really. Thinking about going back to Runescape or ESO. Haven't played either in ages.
the witcher 3
asking myself if waiting 10 years will be worth when i dont even have time to play mmos nowadays
>how god damned good wow is
is this ironic
it is much better than having to wait 2.5 seconds between spells
I'm playing Neverwinter on PS4. I wish there was more MMo's on console. Elder Scrolls is kind of fun, and Destiny is kind of dead. Warframe feels like I'm so behind that its oerwhelming.
>I won't play a superior MMO because I have to wait longer between button presses
welcome to nu-Sup Forums
I played on a vanilla WoW private server for a few months pretty hardcore but burnt out once I got to max level.
aside from that, I haven't put much time into any MMO since I stopped playing retail seriously back in MoP, which I only played because the guy who got me into WoW back in vanilla wanted to play again.
nowadays, the closest thing I play that gives me the similar feeling of investment isn't even an MMO... it's Rust and it's only a very loose comparison because everything in Rust is volatile. your progress is either destroyed or just wiped away fairly often but I still love it for some reason.
Alcohol and masturbation.
Getting bored of WoW is the worst thing to ever happen to me. I should sue Blizzard.
how is it superior in any way though?
doing mythics with the buddys beats anything that pile of shit called xiv has to offer. The atrocious 2.5 secs gcd just seals the deal
If the game doesn't have a fun combat system then it's overall pretty shit. I tried out ff14 a bit last month as I was bored of wow and god damn it's just too slow, which is a shame as some of the classes seem pretty cool.
Also holy shit the questing is bad, 90% is spent talking to npc's.
I never played wow because i'm not a faggot
it gets better as you level up and you get used to it too
ESO for now
Also cant believe Camelot Unchained beta 1 date has been announced before Crowfall's beta.
Swtor unironically had the best pvp of any mmo i've played but the new jew model killed it for me
You're getting blamed for being the reason that a lot of new games these days don't have too much depth or difficulty in them.
what is up with people that complain about MMOs are slow when they haven't even left the tutorial phase yet. did you niggers never play vanilla WoW?
I stopped playing rust because
1) i picked a bad time to build a PC, cant find any decently priced 1070's. game looks like shit on potato settings
2) waking up every day to all your shit raided
3) every clan i join to prevent the above from happening is filled with 13 year olds that end up shooting each other because they can't go 15 minutes without discharging their AKs
I did get to max level and did a few dungeons and yeah it gets better when you have some off global spells but outside of that it's still just too slow.
My biggest issue was definitely the questing though, it's the worst in any mmo I've played, far too much running between people and talking and not nearly enough combat. At least other asian mmo's like tera and bns had good combat and a lot of it to make up for the boring questing
No MMO has a good combat system.
What the fuck
vanilla wow was actually challenging compared to modern mmos. It was pretty much 1 button spam, but the leveling was fun because the enemies actually were somwhat of a thread to you. ffxiv leveling is easy as cake compared to classic wow.
This is also what I am missing in modern mmos. Give me from the start a challenge. I don't want to steamroll everything
I enjoyed tera and bns a lot, too bad outside of the combat systems the games were pretty bad. The biggest difference between wow and ff14 is just how smooth is feels, perhaps if you never played an mmo before or use a controller it's fine but when you're used to wow it just feels so slow and clunky, especially since I'm already finding wow to be on the slow side so I can only really play haste stacking classes that play with 1 sec global or so.
>vanilla wow was actually challenging
are you joking? the enemy AI was dumb as shit. they barely had mechanics. vanilla was the epitome of tedium from having to eat/drink before every pull, walking miles to your corpse because graveyards were sparse, and they sent you on a billion fetch quests with long respawn timers to waste your sub time.
>enemies actually were somewhat of a threat to you
As a warrior, some monsters at your level could 1v1 you if you got unlucky misses/crits.
playing wow TBC on warmane outland private server
>the leveling was fun
maybe if you were 12 and it was your first time playing a MMO in your life. once you become an adult you realize it's just pointless fetch questing and trying to waste your subscription time as much as possible
you are right but what do you need mechanics for when you twohit these mobs anyway or the mechanics don't make you sweat a single drop?
There were some seriously mean mobs in vanilla leveling
yeah, I get all that. I'm mostly a solo player and there's genuinely an art to building... gotta do it concisely/discretely and in the right areas. I also play on a server that wipes the map every week and blueprints once a month, so it's a fresh start constantly (which is what I find to be the most fun about Rust) and the maps aren't overpopulated with advanced weaponry until the end of the month typically.
it seems like performance did improve quite a bit with the final build, at least that's been the case for me (970 meme card here).
but yeah, finding an actual group of players that you can successfully play with is a choir it seems. I actually managed to group up with someone my own age a few months back and then we found another dude. it was going well but it was becoming increasingly obvious that the initial dude I partied with was a total douche and like genuinely racist to the point where it wasn't even funny, like 1950's hysteria type racism. not Sup Forums 'haha ur a nigger' racism.
he eventually tried turning on me and the other dude over some insecure bullshit he was going through but, long story short, failed and ended up getting banned in the server while was destorying our bags and changing the locks because he said 'nigger' too many times in chat.
yeah, Rust is fun. I'm actually really looking forward to Ruin now, which is a side project very early in development from facepunch if you weren't aware. essentially it's gonna be a Medieval Rust.
that is why I say compared to other mmos.
I'd still level vanilla wow than do the boring ass quests in ffxiv
i sure do love games with multiple seconds of time where you can't do anything.
the mobs were "mean" because you were undergeared. throw on some good gear and the mobs become a snoozefest joke.
ffxiv is so much better than wow holy shit
>I had ADHD where I must press a button every 0.5 seconds instead of every 1.5 seconds
but you are doing things even during your GCD
there's abilities you need to keep track of outside the GCD and mechanics you need to pay attention to
nothing can replace wow for me. and i loved roleplaying. but i was more into the roleplaying campaigns rather than the 'cops n robbers' stuff you saw in the cities.
i don't have time to dedicate to wow these days, i have too many good games and books and films to experience. but i still keep up to date with wow news because it was that big a part of my formative years
compared to other mmos? no
pls show me an mmo where the leveling is challenging.
Youd do me a favour.
also retards forget ability queuing exists in hotbar mmos. you can press the button 1 second before the cooldown finishes and it will still activate.
This. FFXIV is a pretty game but WoW is far superior as an actual game and I'm not even memeing on the GCD.
You needed to be really good, really outlevel the zone, or have really good gear to do more than a small handful of mobs at once in vanilla, and if you did you were probably half-dead or just barely not dead afterwards. Rarely did people fight more than one at a time.
In current wow, and every other contemporary MMO really, the only barrier to you pulling even hundreds of mobs at once is that you can't find that many mobs to pull at once.
>WoW is far superior as an actual game
I don't see how. Everytime I walk into a WoW thread, people that wasted their life on the game bash it hard for poor game design choices.
In WoW it's all about stats, not about skill. Hence why Naxx took forever to clear because people were hitting a gear wall, not a skill wall.
Been living and working abroad for awhile now.. Two more fucking weeks until i can jump back into WoW! Cant wait to level from 1 to max level again.
Probably going go go balance druid.
Oh and to answer your question OP. Nothing. I am playing nothing to replace WoW. WoW is just too guuuud!
I feel like the ability to have open world pvp is the source of those design nightmares. Because of that they can't balance pvp and pve separately so they can't nerf or buff something without throwing off something else in the other game mode.
If that were true every guild would clear every raid or dungeon at the same ilvl, when in reality the ones at the top do it with often half the power of the average top-10% player; never mind the guys below that, and they do it faster while making up their strategies on the fly instead of reading what the guys who already cleared the content tells them to do.
It's not the same as playing a fighting game or a FPS but there's still a large enough amount of skill involved in tab-target MMOs that the top 1%+ can be 2-3 times more efficient than the top 10% even just in terms of raw performance never mind the rest of it.
wow has all these things and completely shits on ffxiv in terms of mechanics complexity even on just heroic fights, lets not even start talkinga bout mythic. and even wow feels slow/boring at many times.
Final Fantasy XI
post your armory/mythic clear or else your post holds no weight
I've seen leveling dungeon bosses with more mechanics in XIV than a modern raid boss in wow.
knights of the round did it better
give 47 examples
>vanilla wow was actually challenging
It was actually piss easy, the only requirement were time for leveling and dedication for PvE, because managing a 40man guild was no joke
Now when purely looking at mechanics, a litteral monkey could be trained at clearing Vanilla PvE content
No you haven't.
This is true and I hate both games.
>comparing Burning Crusade visuals to Stormblood
At least use Legion to make it fair.
WoW's aesthetic was legitimately better than this generic humanoid crap literally indistinguishable from dozens of other games.
Too bad the updated models degrade it somewhat.
>glue small 3D pieces to very limited number of otherwise bodypaint armor
>game still doesn't even support specular or normalmaps
XIV's original release vs Legion still wouldn't even be a fair comparison
I picked up SWTOR for the story modes.
Made a male Chiss Agent and the story was actually really cool. Being able to end the story with playing both sides is great for a spy story. Don't much care for the Warrior story so far, and I'm on Corellia so there's not much more left in it. And his fucking Voice actor is hot garbage. Bounty Hunter is boring as fuck and Inquisitor is just Warrior story, but more incompetent.
dont bother.
Cause it has huge potential and a big community whose feedback is ignored completely.
Content patches take too long between and just add more gated shit.
Wow's "aesthetic" have gotten worse with every fucking expansion
>a big community whose feedback is ignored completely
blizzard makes changes based on official forum feedback. there's more normies out there playing WoW than these "hardcore vanilla NEETs"
I'd love to play XIV, but the WoW shorties are just superior in every regard.
>confusing aesthetics with graphics
and here we have the target audience for this rubbish
But fairer none the less.
you can still play xiv and look at wow porn, the in-game models are terrible
FFXIV looks nice and all, but it sacrifices a lot to do so. Every aspect of the game is extremely compartmentalized and restrictive. This all starts with the zones which by modern mmo standards (including wow) are extremely flat, restrictive, and have the worst use of usable terrain of any MMO of its type. For example: See a mountain? Unless there is a clear path up the mountain you aren't touching any part of it. This is partly because it's based off the FFXI zone technology which can look pretty at the cost of malleability.
It's raid and dungeon design fall of even a greater cliff with this sort of design philosophy. Circle arenas with 0 terrain variance or usage outside of a few choice encounters that are no better then stuff out of Vanilla wow. Show me one boss in FFXIV that can even remotely come close to the polish, terrain variability, and character that the Yogg-Saron fight provided, or even as far back as Ragnaros in Molten Core. A lot of care was put into these Final boss encounters outside of just a mountain of mechanics which is all I can see when people speak of XIV's bosses.
i didn't confuse anything, wow's aethetics are shit
>I-It gets better!
>You just have to invest 100s of hours before the game gets good
>It's not that bad, you get used to it!
>I'm actually really looking forward to Ruin now, which is a side project very early in development from facepunch if you weren't aware. essentially it's gonna be a Medieval Rust
you're shit
the circular arenas in ffxiv make the game toaster friendly during raids. remember that there are laptops out there playing the game worse than ps3
yogg saron has the same terrain variability as chimera from 2.0 ffxiv, if you think thats why the fights are/arent good, then you have a lot of thinking to do.
furthermore, there wasnt anything particularly polished about yogg saron. it was a hectic, dirty fight, and thats what was great about it.
>Not posting the Byakko Bullet Hell sequence
what a sizzling hot take user, did you come up with that all by yourself?
When you boil everything down, every boss fight is a mountain of mechanics. You're not making much of an argument here outside of thinking there's more polish to WoW fights.
XIV is shit in design and content philosophy, so I'm not defending it. You'll just need more convincing points (and there are plenty).
That's really cinematic, and nice graphically.
But unless it's a phase transition it's fucking stupid to have that in a raid setting.
I quit WoW recently after playing since Vanilla due to me finding no enjoyment out of it anymore, and nothing BfA is doing is making me wanna come back.
But I still have that itch to play an MMO, but no other games have interested me.
Please help I am seriously troubled here.
WoW's aesthetics are vomit inducing. Everyone has giant football pad shoulders including cloth healers/mages. The general color scheme in endgame zones range from puke green and piss orange to dank purple and and brown.
Because fighting every boss in the game in a closed off, uninspired, circular arena is what makes it good?
You will come back buddy. We all do.
vintage SA had some decent stuff from time to time
Nothing can replace WoW, it's grown into my brain like a tumor to the point I can practically play the game completely autonomously, I can always start playing and sink several hours into it without any thought.