ITT: Characters that reminds you of yourself and why
For me it's Magilou. Intelligent and nihilistic.
ITT: Characters that reminds you of yourself and why
For me it's Magilou. Intelligent and nihilistic.
Not a funny thread but atleast she is sexy
Post more armpits.
why is her arm a stump
>all of her porn and fanart emphasizes her armpits
What gives?
artist is trying waaay too hard to avoid drawing hands
>all of her porn and fanart emphasizes her armpits
You say that like it's a bad thing.
armpits are NOT for sexual
are you gay
>a canonical trans reminds you of yourself
the hormones will never make you female user
>have a hot thicc gf who wears twintails
>fuck her everyday
>tfw when I fuck her she raises her arms so I can see her armpits
life is good
Read: Hambeast weeb
Handles are truly the best.
Magilou is my beautiful wife
Pic related, OP.
Not the guy you responded to, but armpits aren't made for sex, user. You might wanna stop consuming so much stupid porn full of stupid fucking fetishes.
Porn's breaking you, user.
Well, to be fair, I looked at the pic from the catalog and the first thing I thought was "I wanna lick that armpit", so there's that
gay lol
And with a sexy sense of humor?
post more slutromancer
Except my hair is brown.
titts or gtfo
please no make fun I not smart
for me, it's Logos
intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor
honestly im more worried about her elbow. elbows shouldnt be that sharp, looks like shes growing bone spurs. it must be painful to move her arm like that.
Because I'm an annoying faggot
For me there is only one choice.........
xX |||| < JUDGE GHIS > ||||| Xx
Hes a lady magnet, Can snipe an apple 6 miles away from the hip and doesnt give 2 hecks about Donald Trump!!!
Is that her in the image?
>I heart FUCK
What did she mean by this?