I've recently given birth so I'm not working
Sitting at home all day is boring, I need a game that'll hook me but not too hard. Any ideas?
I've recently given birth so I'm not working
Other urls found in this thread:
What are you playing on?
Project Zomboid
Give me a console , price range ,or genre to work wirh
Sims is the classic game for your situation
these birds are niggers
Take care of your damn kid, slaggathor.
>Sitting at home all day is boring
You should be looking after your newborn. How the fuck do you have time to be bored?
How about taking care of your child, thot?
Child already destined for a life of failure
How about taking care of your child, thot?
Animal Crossing should be up your alley, Wild World and the GC version being the best
May I ask how old you are ?
>put crib in same room as computer
>play with baby when its awake, deal with it when it cries, and when it sleeps you can play vidya
how dumb are you?
decent bait
We have a PS4,l and modern PC. Both are fine
I don't enjoy strategy games other than that anything should work.
I played enough Sims in my youth
Do you think a newborn needs constant attention?
I like it, because it only works against people too ignorant to know the responsibilities of early motherhood.
Hey. Sitting on eggs are hard.
old school runescape
I understand bby, you just need some time apart. Let the kid do its own thing while you do yours.
Got big milkies?
old school runescape
I'd like a response to this
some current mmo, gw2 for example.
it is easy and many people in your situation play it.
so get a comfy guild, play an hour or even less per day and have fun. no monthly fees so you can stop whenever you want.
Caring for your baby
Then 'S suggestions will pretty much cover all your bases.
Stardew Valley
die whore
Is it a baby girl or a baby girl (male)?
Doesn't look fun
I'll try them
Already played
A male
>Any ideas?
post your gaping vag
honestly OSRS is so AFK it's ridiculous.
Tits or gtfo
You could try fallout 4 if you like post apocalyptic things and it also has a good building system
>it also has a good building system
the fuck are you smoking, that shit is a waste of time and the constant invasions are retarded
Well you are right but if your goal is just to build stuff and do nothing else you could set the difficulty to very easy and the invasions are very rare, or I'm sure there's a mod that cancels the invasions or something..
Picture of babby?
FTL, Doorkickers, Nex Machina, X-Com or Shadow Tactics.
>I've recently given birth so I'm not working
>Sitting at home all day is boring
Already neglecting your child, are you a coon?
Why aren’t you just playing monster hunter like everyone else
is your child white or mixed race?
I've got this parrot.
It's so aggressive and manipulative.
It'd bow its head for you to tickle it, and then if you turn your head away she will bite you.
>mentioning you just gave birth
>expecting an actual response
Kid pics or hoax.
you think a woman can play mh?
World is that simple, yes.
They are the only intelligent birds and worthwhile pet birds.
t. thot that cries how hard it is being a mother when it's convinient
thanks for polluting the planet more you piece of shit
>virgins in charge of taking care if children
pic of abortion or bobs and bargene
Op read books. If you find a good game there's a chance you might get addicted to it or at least play more than you should and you might neglect your child. It's easier to put down a good book than a good game.