Since when gaming became a "cool" thing instead of something that was shunned and made fun of for being a nerd/geek focused hobby?
Since when gaming became a "cool" thing instead of something that was shunned and made fun of for being a nerd/geek...
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Since the Playstation, my man
When skyrim realesed
like 15 years ago minimum
When other groups who wanted attention latched onto it and started making everything about it bad and problematic.
mid 2000s. it was still bad when Halo 1 came out, getting there by when Halo 2 came out, and fully good by Halo 3.
penis (female)
Like 2002 dude.
Damn, she’s pretty. The kind of girl I’m in to.
Late 00s,it became a cool thing.But it wasn't looked down upon since the PlayStation,or maybe PS2.
Sony turned the hobby of geeks into the passtime of the masses. All of a sudden jocks and dudebros were playing video games.
Gaming still isn't cool.
Since always.
Are you good looking, rich, or charismatic? You make gaming look cool.
Are you plain, ugly, poor, or boring? You make gaming look bad.
In fact this applies to everything in life. Even if you’re an ugly and boring doctor, if there was another doctor with the same knowledge as you but handsome or funny, your patients would rather go to him over you 10/10 times.
Since its inception you twit. Liking embarrassing weebshit isn't "cool."
this. xbox was where it started, 360 was where it got cemented with the whole CoD craze.
Is this a Sup Forums thread?
when the fuck did you ever have to be a nerd or a geek to play video games?
At least thirty years ago, long before any of the "nerd culture died in 07" retard was born.
i'd say the ps2 and xbox
It's still not.
If you honestly think it is then either you're a pathetic autist who doesn't know how cringey he is or you need to go outside more.
2011 was the downfall of everything.
I like Jordyn but Lexee has a way better body.
Nerd culture was and will always be cancer. It’s literally built on how much merchandise one consumes.
>I’m the truer fan cuz I got the limited edition super duper expensivest toy with product number 0000001 while you got 000002
My nigga
Ding ding ding
This webcomic is from 17 years ago btw
I'd post pics but my friend got permabanned for posting her on r9k.
since the 70s. it's been mass market entertainment the whole time.
that is not nerd, nerd is pirating wing commander with over 9000 floppy disks because you don't believe the so caled cd is worth the cost.
Men of culture.
Though i think that Lexee should cut her hair to about shoulder length. She would be a literal 10/10 then.
I blame call of duty in all honesty.
It's still shunned if you're unattractive.
Gaming isn’t cool.
Well it's simple.
That nerd and geek people were making fun of are now at the top of the companies and are making thousands if not even millions making games, animations, movies etc. They are the ones in the control of huge part of culture now.
So being nerdy is now a positive thing.
People want to get in because they are blind sheep that forgot they were flushing head of a nerd in the toilet years ago.
"The Big Bang Theory is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the series, along with Steven Molaro. All three also serve as head writers. The show premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007"
nintendo made it cool with portables
Early 2000s.
when an attractive person did it
xbox 360
They're still not cool, unless you consider shit like watching TV "cool". It's just become an acceptable pass-time in moderation and even then it becomes pretty uncool quick (autistic speedruns, streaming obsessively, putting thousands of hours into dumb shit like WoW/Overwatch/MOBAs/etc, writing Reviews, wanting to marry videogame characters like a mental patient, etc).
The Big Bang Theory was just cashing in on a cultural shift which had been there for years.
These two anons got the right answer.
It was about more than just the PlayStation though. That was also the same time that internet because to boom as a household passtime.
There used to be a time when people had to grow OUT of their childhoods. That was the expected social norm. But the internet made it possible for people to prolong their childhoods indefinitely and have it be a socially acceptable thing.
Oh you liked Transformers and He-Man when you were a kid? Well now you can talk to other adults who liked them too. Its cool. You can still go and buy those toys if you want, there's no shame in that. There are people making adult versions of those toys just for you. Those silly comic books you loved as a kid are now being written as high art just for you! Put a Batman t-shirt on and go about your daily business, nobody will think any less of you.
never, the people selling you shit want you to think it's cool
go tell anyone in real life you spend a good chunk of your free time playing video games and they'll be laughing at you on the inside