What puzzle games require the highest IQ to beat?

What puzzle games require the highest IQ to beat?

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Dwarf Fortress has the highest average IQ playerbase
They've done polls and it's known many DF players are programmers or STEM

Probably Spacechem or Shenzhen I/O

Still haven't beaten Spacechem
Hardest part about Talos Principle was finding random crystals hidden in trees

Some of the stars in the early talos principle levels are bullshit, but I think it stays consistently logical throughout the rest. The stars in the DLCs are just as hard, but fairly so.

How tough is tis-100?

I imagine it's not very hard if you have a decent grasp on programming. Though I never found it to be very interesting. I loved Spacechem but can't get into the other games they made.


Stephen's Sausage Roll

Have you tried Infinifactory and Opus Magnum? They're more visually focused like SpaceChem.

Hard but not unbeatable, I got halfway through the second page of puzzles and my only programming experience is in python/matlab

I tried infinifactory, but it doesn't have that same satisfaction when solving puzzles.

I haven't tried opus yet, though it looks the most spacechem-y out of all their games.

Wait a minute...

That card...


Objectively DROD.



What ARPGs require the highest IQ to beat?

What's the bottom most game? It looks like Quern but it's not.



In accordance with the meme format, why is ds2 so high up.

Shenzhen and TIS-100 are good

Bioshock infinite

Grim Dawn on hardcore
Try beating the game 3 times, on 3 different difficulties, without dying

I don't get it?