Game development

I can't take it anymore
I have to make a game. I have to. I must.

Where do I start?

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what kind of game do you want to do

Don't code like this guy.

Why is this bad?

Study C. Ignore and don't look at C++.
After you've mastered C, go study and start looking at C++.

>After you've mastered C

A lot of reason, hugely ensted if statements, should use case switching, float(6), comparing strings with == in C#, comparing strings at all, etc. There's almost 7 major issues in just that single screen shot

the cast is pretty weird, also you map that shit

It uses a lot of string comparisons to branch what would otherwise be something more simple. Instead of encoding states as strings, which require many operations to determine equality, one is better of representing those states as named enums. Alternatively, one could simply use numbers as representations for those states, and test equality against them.

More ideally, the developer shouldn't use if statements at all, and should use either a switch statement, an array of function delegates, or a dictionary to control branching here.

If I recall correclty that if statement is like nested 6 times
Should even be using if statements, should be using a case switch or map the value to an action on load and just use that
Strings should be enumerators or a custom object
casting an int to a float unneccessarily
comparing strings
hard coded reactions and strings
he's checking if this object is a teacher, telling us that his code isn't using inheritance/polymorphism

This code is beyond garbage

Don't be a coder
Become a games artist
It's a lot more fun

Additionally, the idea that the character needed to test whether or not it was a teacher indicates that the developer probably over generalized their classes, making broad 'god classes' that might be better off subdivided into several classes. I'd predict that the developer probably made one 'person' class then divided the behaviour with flags and if statements. This sort of development is great for reusability, but quickly grows into unmaintainable messes that require very specific conditions to work as intended and are difficult to debug. It's better to separate, for instance, teacher and student classes such that there is no opportunity for students to perform behaviour that is exclusive to teachers and vice versa.

yeah , use the Romero trick, get Carmack to do the heavy lifting

Make it with Unity and don't be discouraged. Set a goal for each week that must be fulfilled. Keep progressing and don't slack off. Create your game through small steps/progress.

I made my own game. It's about kobolds.

I asked the same question a few months ago. Everyone seems to dislike his code.

No. This is a problem that is solved via polymorphism, not via any kind of matching.

it's just a bunch of autists shitting on an indie devs game with sloppy code

you don't create new classes for variations of a single text message you java-using brainlet

Serious reply: your first, best option is to download an easily setup development environment. I'm assuming that you're not a developer, or else you wouldn't need to ask what you did.

Unity is easy to install.
Python and pygame are easy to install.
Game maker is easy to install.

The next step is to find out how to use those environments. Download projects that other people have made (there are plenty for the option mentioned above) and dissect them. Take what you learn from other projects and apply that to making something simple. Pong is simple. Asteroids is simple. Broaden your scope and repeat until you're ready to make that special something.

No, you create classes for different game over scenes. Stick to C, you don't know shit about classes.

>where do i start

you can't comment on the correct architecture of the program from the context given, all we can see is that he's updating a message box

that is worse than sloppy code

"architecture of the program" my ass.
yes you can faggot.

>Switch-case comparing strings to update strings


don't battle with these people.

Yes just get started on your buggy mario clone just like Mr. Blow here and you'll be a multimillionaire in no time

>Comparing strings

I'm interested in making a turn-based game, interested making an interesting battle system and nothing else. Strictly on a hobby level, with no prior experience, what's a good engine to use?

you, dont get scared by these peple if you program something lilke this it is prerfectly fine for a begginer.

RPG Maker honestly. You don't need to reinvent the wheel, if you try and get overly ambitious you'll go nowhere and have no game.

>I'm interested in making a turn-based gam
if you are making a turn based game anything that can handle a GUI is fine, no game engine needed

>tfw make video game music
>tfw no one wants to make a LISA fan game with me

if it's relevant to performance it should be comparing integer constants, using classes where none are required is retarded


are you implying your video game music is good enough to be in a LISA fan game?

But classes clearly are required here, since it's nine different cases.

everyone who knows how to make a video game REFUSES to teach others how to do so.

the people who want to teach others how to program CANT FUCKING PROGRAM THEMSELVES so the market and industry and students everywhere are flooded with shit information that these anonymous bullies come online to bully those who recieved this shit information for having recieved the shit information so who is to blame but those who tell you LOL TEACH YOURSELF FAGGOT!!!!!!!! never realizing how much better their teachers were when they received their education, everyone in that time having plenty of iodine in their food and limited to no fluoride in their bodies. They are the problem. Not me.

I still seek the correct teacher to teach me how to program and every single day for a decade now do I have to defeat assholes who do nothing but bully me for wanting real information and a better world to share that information in.

Don’t fall for the game dev meme, or software dev meme in general. It’s autism incarnate and boring as fuck at the same time.

Yeah actually
what are you trying to imply?

what does the amount of cases have to do with anything? for a simple "if this do this" you should use a switch statement, turning it into a class will just make it perform even worse and make you spend 5 times as many lines typing it out

you piece of shit you will never stop my quest to make good video games

Not him but post some shit dude.

Just a warning, you can aim for any height you like if you’re that stubborn.

>everyone who knows how to make a video game REFUSES to teach others how to do so.
everyone who knows how to make a video game taught themselves to do it instead of whining that other people aren't helping them

fucking amateurs

You can start by making physical games before you make digital games.

I've already made four boardgames, and once I go through a few playtests and feel happy with them I'm going to switch to digital.

First make sure your high school math skills are up to par. You should have a mastery of algebra, trigonometry and geometry. You should also have a solid foundation with calculus. Next up is to learn about the different data structures and how they work. This is very important, you should know the ins and outs of every common data structure. Next, you need to learn algorithms and how to use use them to manipulate information in data structures to get your desired output. Once you're able to identify which algorithmns you need to use to achieve your goal, you can start learning a programming language, preferably C++. Once you've got a solid grasp of C++, you should be able to take your knowledge of algorithms and make implementations in C++ to achieve what it is that you want to do. Now you can begin making a video game, albiet with no music and shit graphics because you didn't have enough time to learn the artwork part of video game creation.

>I've already made four boardgames, and once I go through a few playtests and feel happy with them I'm going to switch to digital.
you're nothing but an idea guy

>everyone in that time having plenty of iodine in their food and limited to no fluoride in their bodies
haha what

I have more in my sight than just video games.
Video games are a mask video games are a foundation. What's the point in making something that's already been made? It would be more important to them share what we have already made which is great than to muddy the waters with our own garbage in hopes of feeding ourselves. in hopes of injecting purpose into our lives.

what a fucking asshat, just give some helpful advice you douche
Not really LISA music but its my most recent work

An idea guy is someone who sticks to the notion that they can make games with no skills or personal development, and just come up with ideas. I am learning as much as I can, and I hope to be able to communicate intelligently on all aspects of game design.

hes right though
everyone constantly asks 'HOW DO I GAMEDEV' when you can get the answer by typing it into Google

you aren't learning anything by making board games expect the basic game design you'll learn incidentally by making video games anyway

Getting Aphex vibes here.

We don't need houses. All we need is protection from the elements. We don't need clothes or houses or roads if we could replace all these things into something better: A type of all environment protection suit. Yes we need clothes but not as we understand them. We could wear our houses we could become our cars and we can become our businesses. I am suggesting the careful casualization and commercialization of an ironman suit

video games are a stage to share useful ideas, to preserve culture to teach history to experience impossible things. video games aren't products to sell yearly but god have mercy on us do we endure.

the guy of cave story did nothing of that, but this guy knows better.

I dunno man, I feel like I'm improving, but if you're passionate enough about this to correct me, then thanks for the feedback I guess.

You might like this one too, was going for a Bola Soup vibe

Making a buggy mario clone will teach you a lot

you're in delusional feedback loop where you pat yourself on the back for getting something done but what you're getting done is completely irrelevant
you get good at making video games by making video games
programming, art, putting it together
game design is the easy part
game design is the reward

expand the suits to withstand all gravity and you have colonize anything anywhere with anyone.

new planet, new ocean depth, snow cave, low oxygen mountain top

>tfw can't take it anymore
I'm with you OP, you better fucking start, I'm going to start living my life

>But classes clearly are required here
The quote that killed a thousand software projects

Got discord or something? or a site? I want to follow.

if you program a game you know how to use algorithms and basic data structures but the advice in that post is backwards and pretentious anyway, you don't learn to code before even touching a programming language

Christ, fuck you.
But also, thanks.

you sir are completly right. I am one of those assholes that do not teach others. I've never expect to read a post like that in my lifetime.

I got a soundcloud
Most of the stuff I think is finished goes up here

hey wait a minute
this is pretty good

Look up 'chili tomato'. Any sane person would be immediately turned off by his fucking Guy Fawkes & not-quite-Runescape party hat avatar, but if you look at his intro to C++ game development series you'll be pleasantly surprised. Despite deepthroating the mic he's a much easier watch than any other material you'll see out there, and it's geared toward people with no concept of programming/fundamentals.

thanks my dude

How long have you been creating music? And what software do you use ?

I think 5 years now?
I use FL Studio 12

Stupid conclusion that aims guilt at people seeking knowledge. How is it bad to want instruction? Ever? Should a scientist that wants to cure cancer have to discover fire, reinvent the light bulb, and find out germs exist on their own with zero fucking input or instruction?

Fuck no. If you refuse to pass on knowledge it's insecurity and fear on your part. Period. You worry they'll do better than you but that's the whole goddamn point. If you want anything to advance you encourage experts to teach. We shouldn't have to figure out basic shit every time someone new wants to get in. Cut the bullshit and let creative minds create.

nah, not at the top of the food chain yet, my friend

C'mon man. I'm not the user you're replying to but you don't honestly think people don't give advice because they feel threatened that the learner will surpass them will you? This isn't some japanese anime. Some people just suck at teaching. Honestly the best advice anyone can give is to just jump in and start. Make mistakes. Screw up and have to rewrite your whole thing. If someone sidelines themselves with excuses they will never finish a project anyway because once it goes from "no one taught me" it'll be "oh I dont have the artwork" or "so and so isn't contributing enough", or even getting roadblocked on a difficult problem and waiting for someone to save them.

We have today the largest library known to humanity call the fucking internet and we can learn and become an expert on literally any subject in the world from it so long as we put in the effort to seek out that knowledge. You should only ask advice from other people when you've exhausted all other resources, not jump straight into interviewing developers when you won't understand their response anyway because they're so much further than you.

all knowledge required to advance yourself to an expert video game programmer is freely available on the internet. All you need to do is apply it. It's never been as easy as it is right now and this guy is complaining that people won't teach him


Working a sensible software dev position and I agree with this user. It's boring as fuck, I hate the """culture""", and in a lot of jobs you will STILL end up having to talk to retarded clients (what I spent 4 years learning in order to avoid). Honestly I want out, but I don't know what else there is for me. I can't talk to clients the rest of my life, be it to some dude at a checkout line or a suit that's contracting us for something. And I feel like the only jobs posted in my area are either more of this or sales.

If you insist on programming in some form, just go all fucking in on stuff you actually like programming (games rather than more CRUD apps). Otherwise find something else to be passionate about. I would if I could.


user have you tried software quality assurance? I've worked in QA for 7 years now and the only time I talk to clients is a bi-monthly status call. I don't even do the talking, my boss who manages our user acceptance testing environment does that and I just provide details when asked.

That's totally how that works.

we do not give advice beacuse we enjoy see people suffer but what you are posting is mostly true.

I've never given that field much thought user, but that doesn't sound bad at all. Do you have to do anything with 'automated testing'? I see the term everywhere, but I have no idea how it's implemented. Feels like a human would need to construct use-cases anyway, and at that point why bother.

Regardless, I appreciate the reply. I'm going to look into it.

Bruh, mastering C is an afterthought, anyone can do that.

I've considered it the "dark side" of software development because your job is to be as cynical as possible about what devs hand over. You tear down what they build.

Automated testing is becoming a big thing and almost a requirement for software testing. Look into Selenium, and TestComplete for starters to see what it's all about. Being a dev you will have a leg up on other people in the field who don't know programming and can only follow a test case.

Look up ITSQB certification as well.

Actually look into HP Quality Center as well. It's a stupidly expensive product but the big names use it and it has automation as well. Would be good to learn if you want to go into that field.

I do believe that. Absolutely. You see it every day with parents. Every parent has to teach, it doesn't matter if you're good at it, THAT'S the excuse. Not the one learning. You don't tell someone who wants to build a nuclear spaceship to Google it, you don't tell them to split an atom on their own. You don't learn to cook by starting fire and throwing shit in. Someone is there to help. There is nothing wrong with having a template that gets improved and commodifying knowledge.

Even better, I can prove it using games. Tim Sweeny spent years making the Unreal engine and gave it away with his game. He didn't say you need coding experience just to make a map. He made it easy and took code and turned it into a tool you could use with little more than a mouse.

You're acting like shortcuts to creation are a bad thing but everyone uses them. Even if you are staunchly pro-coding you are using a computer someone else created, even if you built it yourself. Teach. Good or bad it's better than someone flailing around blindly. It's easier to learn an alphabet with words and books than "lol here's some squiggly lines now figure out language."

are you complaining that the best people in their field don't teach? they became the best because they have their own fucking intiative. People who teach are never the best at what they do, but when you're learning you don't need the best teacher, you just need A teacher

>Someone is there to help.

But they are helping. The content posted online has to come from somewhere. Those are the people helping man. Not some user on Sup Forums for sure.

Have you ever started a project and documented every step of the way, then posted what you did online? If you did, then you are helping anyone who seeks it out.

you are right again but we do not fear to be surpassed in fact we enjoy be surpassed, there is nothing more enjoyable that a young brilliant mind you can expotate and learn from. We are just evil and we enjoy see people suffer. when we see somebody with potential we give him false advice to make him fail of course if he we can not make him fail we befriend him and use his skill for our own purposes. As the time passes he becomes another of us.

stop pretending you're good at anything

he's just a kid trying to be funny, like most of the kids on this site