Is this the greatest role playing game of all time?

Is this the greatest role playing game of all time?

Yes it is

best FF coming thru

It's alright, it has it's problems however.

>it has it is problems however
As do many things.

No, you're thinking of FFX-2

> Final Fantasy.
> Role Playing.

Do you even know what that is? I bet you never once played a tabletop game before. It's not just battles and leveling up you fucking retard.

wheres the meme nihilistic clown?

You get to personalize characters' abilities, they count as lite-RPGs.

I run a weekly Dungeons & Dragons campaign. I know what role playing is.

>role playing game
>playing the role


>"role playing game"
>You're limited to the singular role the story provides


FF7 was great, but i wouldnt say it was the best RPG ever, i would say its the best FF title though

not even the best ff

quick post series reactions
I haven't finished either so no spoilers don't plan to finish ffd at all

Its not even the best FF game.
Has the best grils though.

op: is this the subjectively best final fantasy game of all subjective time?
yes it is subjectively the subjective best and I also like to suck fat chodes
user: not even the subjectively best ff in my humble subjective opionion, mr. original poster.

everyone on this site is retarded

airy lies

Yes, but only because it has Tifa. Otherwise, probably not. The feels from Cloud's backstory comes from him wanting to impress her. If you take that away it's mostly a generic shonen revenge backstory.

I know about the CRAAAAAWLING IN MY SKEEEEIN death scene but i guess im outie

Absolutely every single one of those FFs are pleb shit. Is that all you've played you 17 year old jerk-off addict?

Reminder, gramps, that you're on the wrong side of history.

FF7 is outclassed by its own series, see pic related. Only 14 year olds and nostalgiafags think 7 is the best RPG of all time.

It's still pretty good though.

FF1 was literally D&D for the NES

>love interest is a whore who lives with a nog

Eat a box of Tide pods, fgt

It´s not even the best FF matte.
Tactics and IX are better.

there isn't even any actual role playing

Here, you forgot to post the right pic

It's up there. Still one of my favorite games.

I don't want to say it's the best RPG of all time, but I'm having a hard time naming a better one.

Objectively incorrect

Nice one. LoD is fucking underrated. The battle system was fucking amazing. It was a great game.

>when I found out about the mythological origins of his name and discover everyone who I thought pronounced his name like a jackass was right all along.


Fuck yeah! Got into the last disc today where things get all serious and tons of things about best girl are revealed and i feel sorry for her, Rose deserves better ;_;

Why is it that the people who most often make claims of 'This is the best [x] ever' are the ones with the least knowledge of [x]

The game had a lot of inexplicable dragons.

It got serious the minute Llyoid killed Lavitz, but yeah Zieg was a fucking ass

And yes, Rose is totally best girl.

That's not how it works. In a RPG you play a flexible role which you can shape based on your own taste, be it attributes, personality of the character, objectives, story etc. As other user said, Final Fantasy games are some kind of lite-RPG because you have the build/attribute customization, but in terms of story and characters, they have very little actual roleplaying.

Truth be told, the only game where you can have a full-fledged RPG experience is tabletops

Dont remind me....
Also It wasnt really Zieg, he was just possesed

FF7 and FFT are the best, without contest.

It isn't even the best Final Fantasy. That would be Tactics.

Best RPG's ever are the Nier games (both) and Xenogears.


Oh fuck off you contrarian shitter. Everyone recognises FF as an RPG series.

I don't know about best, but it was one of the most impressive for its time.
It's to RPGs what Mario 64 was to platformers.

>Finna Fantasy
