this never bothers me
@you pointless meaningless bullshit
You have to be turbo-autistic for this to bother you
Dark Souls 2 is a great game and the second best Souls game
Monster Hunter World is a great inclusion to the MonHun franchise
OoT is overrated, TP improved upon it, MM is better, SS is fucking trash, and BotW is overrated but a fun idea implemented poorly due to lack of vision and hardware restrictions
The only wrong statement here is the one related to Dark Souls 2
I don't get it
@role mention because you can't mute those
Because Dark Souls 2 is the worst game in the series and is only toted otherwise by contrarians on Sup Forums. Their only backing being a video that is hours of damage control that was immediately BTFO by a different video.
TP exaggerates OoT's problems (items rarely useful outside their dungeons, empty overworld etc), Wind Waker is a better Ocarina 2 even though the sea is barren but simultaneously more entertaining than TP's overworld, the rest is correct
fuck that piece of shit mouse
Yo don’t @ me
SotFS is rather playable but it doesn't hold a candle to the first or third
Good to see this board is still pretending 2 is a bad game four years from release
it only pisses me off whenever it's two people having a conversation and every single thing said is
>person 1: @everyone blah blah
>person 2: @everyone yada yada
>person 1: @everyone googoogaga
>DS2 widely considered the worst even off the board
>everyone's wrong but me I swear!
>ask how its bad
>because it is, I dont have to explain
every fucking time with you people I swear.
If it isnt the"Because it just is!" argument then its fucking meme nitpicks like the Iron Keep elevator or the optional areas in the DLC's that were specifically intended for co-op.
>>DS2 widely considered the worst even off the board
when did I mention it's ranking compared to the other games
For me it didn't click and the often-nonsensical geography nagged at my autism
If you weren't referring to that then why reply when my first post was specifically ranking it and nothing else?
So in that first post you were saying 2 is a good game?
>using discord
All I said was it's the worst in the series. And it is.
But do you think it's a good game or not?
I've been making @everyone photoshops for two days now.
Understandable because even at release it felt completely different from DeS and DaS. Everything took more stamina and you have at most two rolls before your stamina was completely gone.
It was also extremely against the player just holding lock-on with enemys as well as Backstabing with how much longer it took and how you still took full damage while doing it as well as enemys turning on a retarded swivel to face you at all times.
Dark Souls 3 is the worst game in the series, just barely below 2.