How would you fix this mess?

How would you fix this mess?

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supers aren't the only way to get kills because what th tier list whittles down to is whoever has the most powerful tier 1 super.

Diffrent character models and physics and finnally better hype train and more character

Super should be removed entirely.

The models would have to get an art style, that would make characters look better.

In terms of soundtrack, they could have taken more out of some franchises and not bother to make "remixes" or anything.


Create a cohesive art style between characters.
Don't revolve gameplay around building supers.
More classic characters.
Third party characters that actually make sense.

fix the godawful art style and make ringouts a thing

Copy smash gameplay
Get rid of mashup levels and just have levels based on a single property
Get rid of donte and add dante

There. Fixed

They absolutely HAVE TO get full cooperation from these companies at a minimum:

>Create a cohesive art style between characters.
What would it be, thought?
I was thinking of making them look colorful and cel-shaded, with models having eyes and mouths as textures, just to keep things easier and better.

Never played the game but the attract trailer was great

They also need to treat characters, by representing them in a fair way, while getting the personalities of their series.
Smash had its own share of characters people didn't like or thought they were weird, yet some can actually have true passion and effort put into them.
>Here at SuperBot, we grew up with Ape Escape
Yet he looks, sounds and plays like shit.
You should represent characters in a way, that makes people associate these crossover cameos with their original portrayals in their own games.

Probably one of the only good things about the game.

>Get rid of mashup levels and just have levels based on a single property
Woah, hold up famitsu. That was the only part of the game that was nicely done.

Sometimes they distract the players.

How did a game that was significantly worse than any Smash game give us the option to turn off stage hazards? That's like one of the 3 things they did right.

What are the other 2?

Not make it discount Smash Bros. Deeper mechanics. Don't depend on Super building. There is plenty wrong with this game. bigger maps for characters to run around.

>Stage designs
>Story mode crossover cutscenes were kinda neat.

>>Story mode crossover cutscenes were kinda neat.
Some of them felt forced, like the characters had to hate each other, because they were told to.

Abort. Sony has fucking garbage tier mascots.
fund Sega or Capcom to make a game like that if anything. They are the only ones next to Nintendo with a proper potential roster.

"Alright we're gonna make our own Smash Bros but with PlayStation mascots so we need ideas for characters."
"What about Crash and Spyro?"
"C-Crash and Spyro? They were Sony's first real masco-"
"Nah I don't know about any of that, but have you guys played Heavenly Sword?"


They just barely push them or not know which ones are the good ones.
If they pushed a character like Sir Daniel or Kat, people who assumed there were at least 2 good characters.

Let Nintendo develop it.

Make the roster three times bigger and make the game an unashamed smash clone

What characters could be added?

I thought the rival system was pretty hecking neat. It was interesting to see what characters had a feud with other characters (Ratchet actually fighting Jak was something I waited years for). Now that I think about it, what Smash characters would be rivals with each other?

I wished they'd learn from something like Project Zone X and made interactions based around fun conversations.
In fact, this game would have been better if it was done by a Japanese studio.

They probably show more respect to anyone else's game characters, than other publishers do

Exhibit A
The soundtrack should be fixed

It was perfectly fine. Expect DLC characters were OP

>It was perfectly fine


Parappa should have been the opposite, where he had the look from the anime, in which he wasn't flat, but due to a cartoonosh/more stylized aesthetic his eyes and mouth would have been drawn textures

Also, make the characters based off their best looks or parts in their series, that people would prefer a lot more
>Sir Dan based off the original MediEvil's
>Sly has the style from 2/3
>Spike has the Big Mission look


Kat is the only op one in the pic. Alot of people didnt learn how to fight Sly but once you do its fair. Ratchet grab combo was fun as hell to use. Fp is so under used I only met 1 amazing fp player. Spike and Pararappa are fair, dont know why its in the pic

Make it a traditional fighter instead of a party brawler.

It's more about how the models look
There was no art style or aesthetic in the game, so they all look rushed and baerly alive
They could gave them a cartoonish/2D-like style, that could make models both better and easier, specially when this sort of thing even happens iin something like the Gravity Rush series
Without context, you'd probably think those were fanmade renders from Blender

>Spike and Pararappa are fair
Wasn't Spike nerfed too much he could get a confirm kill against himself?
Because that game was unbalanced as fuck.

Lammy could have been in the game

If any of you were to add positive relationships or friendships, what would they be and how?

Could have worked better.

Even better: put it in a different fucking genre

It looked good enough ingame.

Even if that were true, they could have looked better
Like, a lot fucking better

Holy ass this actually looks good. Maybe this would be on par with Mario Kart and Sonic Racing.

It's also nice that he remembered Jumping Flash

>bing bing has Mario and Zelda characters everyone recognises
>Xbox has halo and gears characters everyone recognises
>Pc has Minecraft Steve, the pubg guy, various league/Dota characters everyone recognises
>The only truly recognisable character in the op pic is the big daddy

Why is Sony's roster so weak?

Sony barely uses some character after a certain period of time, so Parappa and Sly won't be recognized by someone who only got into video games in like 2009, which is most people
Sony wanting to chase trends and newer people to games, than focusing on existing costuners probably led into their characters being lesser known
That and this game being shitty, that fans of some characters thought they were badly represented, so some people actually think Spike is meant to look like that

I'll say this again: representation and portrayal is an important factor in crossovers, that may or may not be bigger than whether or not a character is even popular
It's why Nintendo and Capcom crossovers led to people like characters from games they personally never played or heard of, yet some MediEvil fans despise how Dan plays and the fact he was based off a shitty PSP remake
Don't add a character just to occupy a slot or because of marketing, add it because you not only know people could like them, but you personally like them too
So much good soundtrack they didn't use

How many characters would Microsoft have for a Smash clone?
Like, besides Chief, Marcus, RARE and Cuphead?


I forgot about Blinx.