> Ajay my son u must understand when you give monkey food they throw shit at each other
Can we agree Vas is a shitty overhyped saturday morning cartoons villain while Pagan is the best villain?
Pagan isn't even the bad guy in FC4. The warmonger drug dealers and war criminals you are forced to help are

I agree but pagan is a fag

He's fabulous

What if I liked Vaas and Pagan Min equally. They were both interesting characters that I remembered long after I played the games.

Got to hand it to Ubisoft for not making Vaas 2.0 in Far Cry 4. They only copy pasted the gameplay.

Far cry is shit.

Far Cry 1, 2 are great faggio

>far cry 2

A glorious faggot is still better than most generic villains.


> FC4 did a great job at being morally ambigous
> They never released a Pagan campaign where you take down Amita Sarbeesian and Sabal
It was a wasted opportunity. Sup Forums loves the shit out of Spec Ops because DUDE JUST DON'T PLAY THE GAME LOL but FC4 did the morally ambiguous plot better

If you literally don't play Far Cry 4 you get the good ending.

But you don't get to kill both Amita & Sabal with flamethrower while Pagan watching though.

I know, but they could have expanded on that and turned it into a new campaign. It was so easy to do since all the assets and the world were in place already.
Instead of going south to north you go north to south reconquering all the territory the golden path terrorists took

That'd get shat on so much for being an even lazier rehash than the usual asset flipping that ubi was doing at the times for sequels.

That would be way better than the shitty DLC they pulled out of their ass to sell the season pass
The yetis one was alright but the escape DLC was fucking dogshit

>They never released a Pagan campaign
I'm still pissed off at this. Anita and Sabal were a bunch of asses who were just using you to get what. They pretend to be nice to you, but once you've done enough damage to one side, you'll notice a sudden shift in their behavior and start treating you like shit.

>to get what they want.


Pagan is the only one that genuinely cares about you. Proof of that is he ask the pink haired bitch to leave you alive after you kill De Pleur. Any other monkey from the golden path would have been grossly tortured for months until death

Only good Far Cry is the second one, even with all the problems. 3 and 4 are just another flavor of the month games.

I'd rather have a month of flavour than a bland piece of shit.

The funniest shit is that if you actually play the game you're just making life harder for yourself in the post-game via destroying the mechanisms for control that exist within the country. You'll have to shut down all the chaotic bullshit you set into motion.

>Pagan is the only one that genuinely cares about you.
Yep, unfortunately those under him are incompetent fucks that'll get you killed in game. A proof of this was in the intro itself
>STOP the bus, not SHOOT the bus

Its almost as if rebelling never leads to something positive

And if you just sit there for ~12 minutes after the dinner in the beginning he comes back,
you deal with your mom's ashes, and beat the fucking game

>"Now hopefully we get to shoot some fucking guns"
There's no reason to not side with this guy

>but muh rebels

Ugandan joker.

US confirmed for being a chaotic fuckup.