Do you support censorship in gaming?

Do you support censorship in gaming?

localization is not censorship.


Yes, only manchildren would want pixalated panties in a video game.

removing peach's panties = localization

>Stop liking what i don't like
>Oh no, now it's happening to what i like

Bottom two on the right were from the Japanese version, and the versions on the left were from the international version. Sakurai himself said the Japanese version was censored.

Yes, discouraging degeneracy is almost always a good thing.

nice b8aite

Nah, when I was a kid I was definitely down for it.



Yes because if we can finally stop objectifying women in video games then women will finally stop majoring in the liberal arts and start working high end salary positions.

Real princess don't wear panties like that. It would make more sense if they are real sexual deviant.


It's supposed to be censorship, not make it lewder. >:D


i don't get it, what's wrong with the last one?, if anything the second one is more suggestive because you can see the shape of the breasts better, also i think the second one is a much better figure because the pose is more fun, it even looks like she's blowing a kiss with a heart and the heart at the end of the whip is flying at you.

I don't really see an argument for censorship. I'm not going to be one of those literal autistic retards who refuses to play a game because they censored out a pair of panties, but my issue stems from the fact that censorship really doesn't accomplish anything whatsoever other than stirring up controversy and irritating fans.

If you left the virtual e-panties in, fans who already enjoy your product and would already have bought and played it are going to either continue to play it if they dislike them, or be happy that they're in if they actually like them. If someone among the fanbase is so apalled by an upskirt that this would destroy their desire to keep playing the game, there is clearly something wrong with that particular individual's priorities with regards to development. Most especially if it's already in the game to begin with.

Censoring these things, however, does not bring in new fans. It's not like the whiny idiots on Twitter ever actually go out of their way to purchase Bravely Default and/or the latest Xeno-Game. Seeing censorship barely reads on their radar, and assuming they actually had zero interest in the game beforehand, removal of a potential upskirt isn't going to suddenly jerk them into a 180 where they now absolutely MUST have this game. It might encourage a curious individual or two to notice it from all of the loud arguments against developers, but it's pretty much never going to seal additional purchases.

So with that said, non-censorship won't deter interested fans, censorship won't bring in new fans, non-censorship irritates non-fans, censorship irritates current fans. There's no economic benefit to the developer to censor things, so why do it? Beyond personal priorities, I cannot see any reason to censor a game from its initial state to appeal to otherwise disinterested individuals.

imagine actually getting mad about video game pantsu

i think its easier to look up her dress

Consider the following:
The uncensored versions look like shit