For EU and JAP

>for EU and JAP

Come on Nintendo, I thought we were past this.

>he still hasn't learned that Nintendo of America despises its fans

I cancel my preorder thanks to no artbook and soundtrack I don't give a shit about stickers and cards.

What the fuck is this? At least give me an artbook.

Cards and stickers, obviously for their intended target audience of children.

>bayonetta 1 download code
>bayonetta 2 card
this triggers my autism way too much

Motherfuckers. I really wanted to buy the LE but I won't pay twice the price for just a steelbook.

>He still thinks amerifats matters
I'm LMAOing at your life

looks like alot of bullshit a child would buy.

>pegi 18

>Next console will have bayonetta 3 with download codes for 2 and 1

Is bayo 1 720p

Too problematic and sexist for 'murca

maybe next time you burgers will think twice about shooting a man over a beanie baby

>Getting cucked by a company that you supported

The Switch is region free. And the jap version of Bayonetta includes English language.
Just import it, you dumb ass.

>Metroid has always been most popular in America.
>yurop gets that pretty cool Samus Returns limited edition while murrca just gets a GB sprite keychain

Fuck off. America keeps Nintendo afloat, they'd be Sega-tier if it wasn't for us. They fucking owe us.

>Still no physical Bayo1
Seriously, that's the one thing I'm the most interested in and it's not even in their edition, it's retarded, especially given that steelbox that could have 2 cards, one on each side.

You have no excuses anymore to shitpost, cunt. Import or shut the fuck up.

you can still buy this thing, and it will work the same as if you bought it in america.
what do they owe you? a bit of money for shipping?

Special editions are always overpriced trash.

it's too expensive.

>Tfw britbong
>Tfw could have gotten it
>Tfw didn't because I didn't feel like it
>Tfw squandering an oppurtunity a buttmad Burger would have loved to have partaken in

I don't get people who order "Special Edition" stuff, it's full with cheap chinese plastic shit, most of the stuff is just useless and doesn't even look good. Which fucking adult wants a Bayonetta figure in his living room.

Europe wins once again

Limited edition with documentations like artbook and soundtrack plus a steelbook yeah that good.

But some shit with figures and stickers ? no thanks that for loosers and typically Nintendo have shitty limited edition with toys and craps if you are lucky they throw a selected ost.

At least the Japanese special edition comes with physical copy of the first game.
And they reprinted Bayonetta 2 art book.
This month is going to be amazing.

>bayo 1 still a download

whats even the point? a physical copy is the only thing i would actually pay extra for

Shit like this always makes me wonder if the "Nintendo doesn't sell in Eu" thing isn't just a meme. Why would they always get all the goodies if it sells less there?

Maybe Nintendo of europe just really wants to do things for its region, I highly doubt that some boss in Japan just randomly decides to favor their weakest market

Nintendogs would buy anything in US why bother doing some limited crap or fair prices ?

In europe Ninteniggers would still buy anything but they are fewer so they need to appeal to people who maybe would buy it if there is a limited edition.

>[game + console] special edition that doesn't have a uniquely colored Console and controllers

Why bother

>stickers and cards

No thanks

A shame it's like 100 bong to get an import and is never in stock

>Come on Nintendo of America, I thought we were past this.


>Yellow case for Detective Pikachu in Europe and Japan
>Plain white for America

>Yellow case for NSMB2 because coins in Japan
>White for America

>Concerts and fan events in Japan
>"Come to our single store in New York and have Reggie pretend he cares you exist"

>Pre-orders give you art books, magnets, keychains, posters, hats, coins, all kinds of swag in Japan and Europe
>America gets nothing whatsoever

Yeah. I had a feeling it would be out of stock soon after it was put on pre-order. What sucks more is that the scalpers are taking a advantage of the situation and selling it over priced. Here is hoping Amazon JP gets a restock on the release day and more people can buy it for the the price it was originally up for (70-80+ bucks).

Send them another Thank You Collage Nintenbros. Maybe this time they won't fuck you as hard in the ass.

i already preordered bayo1+2 on switch, cant want to play it with my wife and her african american boyfriend