>dude nationalism is bad LMAO
Why does Sup Forums like this bluepilled game?
Dude nationalism is bad LMAO
Trump has been a laughably ineffective leader. His only actual accomplishment has been tax cuts. If he's the posterboy for nationalism, yeah, its pretty shit.
It's not about that, at all, you are just shitposting on Sup Forums.
Even in game, Raiden's acts are entirely justified by the credo that Armstrong spoke of.
>that's the message he took from the game
I'm fucking dying lmao
Armstrong isn't even a nationalist character, he's the embodiment of libertarianism taken to its most extreme. At WORST you could call him an anarcho-capitalist, but he goes on a tirade about how shitty America is. Like holy shit rofl how can you be this stupid?? xD
>Armstrong is a nationalist cause he loves his country
brainlet confirmed
Would Armstrong have been a good president?
It’s fun?...
Not at all.
He would have discarded the entire structure known as governance.
i played it because it was fun, not because of politics bullshit. go back to Sup Forums you leaking faggot
What are these cherrypicked reviews supposed to say?
The PS Mag was basically the only one that called it square (but I know you are going to herp durp about DmC).
This game really got me into Platinum-style action-games.
The bladewolf fight is an eye-opener.
>getting some message from shitty platinum game
Lmaoing at you
Atleast you can go play now some better hack'n'slash and beat'em'up games
>i got pumed out of a vagina on this soil!
>guess im this nationality now!
It kind of is actually yeah.
>dude nationalism is bad
The entire game is about private military corporations that have zero accountability and are performing heinous brain extracting surgeries on children and you somehow get an anti-nationalist message?
Imagine Armstrong just farting as hard as he can and launching himself in a fiery explosion into skyscrapers.
Memesoon of the Memes of Destruction
I cannot believe this came out 5 years ago
just like the good ol days of 9/11
nationalism is bad though, that's the real redpill
>nationalists are the same as right wing people
How dumb can you be
Nationalism is the exploitation of the poor and uneducated into thinking some billionaire with corporate interests has any intention into helping them, the small guy, when they are in fact the ones to receive the blunt impact of the cuts made by said nationalist leader, which only inspires more anger that rather than focusing on the guy fucking them in the ass, they continue to blame the only thing that could help them, socialism.
Imo if someones dumb enough to fall for it, fuck 'em. Enjoy being first against the wall.
Former Trump supporter here. It's fucking hilarious seeing him crash and burn.
But in all seriousness, we can't have that man have the nuclear codes
Armstrong believed in the law of the jungle. And living according to their own morals.
That's also why he said nobody had to fight and die for someone elses believes anymore if he got into power.
He basically intended to free every person from the bonds of society, so he wasn't really a nationalist.
And as he pointed out when he died, Raiden ended up doing exactly that. Raiden also lived according to his own rules.
I like how so many fags here don't know the concept of libertarianism.
Or how they call you fence sitter for not being in the same point of the political compass as two opposing sides.
>implying that nations have a right to exist
There's nothing inherently wrong with socialism, it's when you try to destroy culture and force people to racemix and into moral degradation that it becomes a problem.
You can just say he was ancap
>worshipping a human construct
Nationalism is dumb.
But what if the child consents?
And this is why your two-party system sucks. The only thing people could really do to avoid Hillary was vote Trump and the only way to avoid Trump was vote Hillary.
I like how you are pointing out how Armstrong was indeed representative of the worst aspects of libertarianism when taken to it's logical ends, and putting to post how it is indeed an inherent failure of ideology on par with Communism.
Ethnicity is a biological construct though.
>Sup Forums in charge of understanding anything
Theft is inherently wrong.
No great empires were built with that mindset
Almost, but anarcho-capitalists tend to recognize limitations.
He was more Nietzsche-ish.
Socialism, when constrained by nationalism, is basically a giant charity scheme, it's not theft if you're more than happy to help your countrymen.
A libertarian wouldn't steal children's brains and instigate a world war with giant mechs.
I never said it was good or that I support it. There are parts of libertarianism that I like, but as Raiden said, others are batshit insane
No, it's still theft. If someone was happy enough to give to charity willingly they wouldn't need a quota imposed on them.
>A libertarian wouldn't steal children's brains
Libertarianism leads to AnCap or Alt-Right, it's not a real ideology, it's just a step on the way.
>nationalism is bad
Armstrong literally says "fuck american pride"
>user is so addled by corporate propaganda
>that he considers taking a few billion dollars out of the trillions-dollars war machine that routinely destabilizes the world and putting it into something like healthcare instead
>is "theft"
Justified with a greater good mentality along with the standard "I do my thing" ideal of libertarianism.
No one could stop Armstrong, so why should he stop?
>Implying the tax cut is insignificant
>Implying the travel ban didn't happen
>Implying ISIS hasn't been reduced to a fucking joke
>Implying unemployment isn't at record lows
>Implying illegal immigration hasn't decreased significantly
>Implying he didn't pull out of TPP
>Implying he didn't pull out of the Paris Accord
>Implying the Keystone pipeline didn't get cleared
Neither someone alt-right or ancap would steal children's brains and instigate a world war with giant mechs in a middle eastern false flag attack.
>healthcare for demographic groups who have not and will never contribute to the system
but they have been destroyed
AnCap would do exactly that though.
>routinely destabilizes the world
Even with the multitude of proxy wars across the globe the last hundred years have been the longest and most stable period of peacetime in human history.
>user is so addled by corporate propaganda
>that he thinks a healthy, working populace doesn't contribute to the system
>unless their skin is white
Unless you're talking about rural whites, who don't contribute to the system yet get healthcare anyhow!
What? Armstrongs entire thing is that he is tired of the weak telling the strong what to do. He hates that society morphed into a situation where the weak were allowed to thrive. Armstrong would be completely fine with some left wing social justice warrior bullshit as long as the alpha's were behind the movement.
> corporations do not provide goods and services to people
> they don't consist of people that work for them
> they don't provide returns to people that invest in them
> corporations are bad
No, an ancap wouldn't. The whole idea is voluntarism.
>implying everything you said wouldn't have happened if any other conservative took office
Minorities are a net negative to taxes user.
>>Implying ISIS hasn't been reduced to a fucking joke
ok i agree with the rest, but trump really hasn't been much better than obeezer. most of it is due to the iraqi army and kurds
I voted for Trump but Russia is way more responsible for defeating ISIS. US policy was more concerned with removing Assad than defeating ISIS.
It wouldn't. Bush was happily going along with the status quo and every other Republican candidate since him has similarly been a Democrat in a red tie on most of those issues.
Ethnic minorities are a net negative on taxes. So are women, but we can't really live without women, so that's absolutely fine, but minorities need to go.
But that's exactly the problem. The US's involvement in arming such groups has benefited "moderate revolutionaries" for years.
>the ideology which classifies children as property you can do anything with
An ideology for pedophiles, drug addicts and warmongers.
What? The entire game is about warfare. Sundowner felt that the world benefits from near-constant war because it gives the legions of soldiers something to do, feeds the pockets of the rich who constantly pour even more money into mercenaries so they are not accountable for their actions, and suppresses nobodies who want to be killers for fear of what dangers they run into. Mistral had zero purpose until she was augmented and trained in killing, and found purpose in the actions of Desperado, most especially in that she could control things for once in her life. Monsoon felt that warfare taught him about the various flaws of humanity, as well as showed the entire world precisely what happens when man is at its worst, and that perpetuating brutal conflicts was the only way to show the rest of humanity that this is not something to be pursued, or they would wind up facing monsters like the rest of Desperado's cyborgs. Sam was initially out to destroy criminals and became a master swordsman as part of his pursuit of justice, but when he was brought in by Armstrong, he found that the only true virtues could be found through a victor in battle. Armstrong himself literally states that he wants to obliterate the national order that stifles growth (that could be pursued by an individual's personal might) in order to bring about a new order where warlords could wage war as they please and destroy the limp-wristed upper class who hide behind said old order. He literally only uses America as an engine because he also loves his home nation.
Is there any way to get the game running in 4k or higher than 60fps?
I wanna play this old ass game but Nvidia's DSR isn't working for me
Are you retarded? Even in the wildest child slavery strawmen the idea is that they were signed into slavery by their parents/guardians, which is retarded from the outset anyway but is still based in a voluntary transaction.
An ancap warmonger is the dumbest fucking idea you could ever express, because the entire point outside of Sup Forums image macros is that people deal with each other using non-aggression and mutual agreement.
Nationalism has been dogshit every time it was tried. Why give it another chance?
It are actually the ideologies that dont acknowledge nations and being in a nation of peers that have imperialist tendencies and keep ruining perfectly good nationalist countries.
>"contributing" is only measurable by yearly income tax
>this still somehow justifies defense budgets used for nothing other than bombing third-world shitholes instead of being used to the benefit of its own citizens
Hard to argue with people when they base their political beliefs around blocking white vagina's access to brown cock.
>We will never live in a timeline where Platinum didn't fucking butcher the soudtrack by dubbing a bunch of electronic, wubby garbage over all the boss themes 3 weeks before release for absolutely no reason
Red Sun in the game
In the Demo files
They did similar shit to all of them.
>people who think taxation that goes into social safety nets are theft
>people unironically believe this
My god, you guys have no idea why America was so powerful after the second world war. Its because everything was well funded you daft cunts.
>Being this spooked you start thinking other spooks are the same as your spooks
Wew, just wew.