
Isn't SPD is the same stat as DEX ?

post more best girl
Soifon also acceptable


You mean AGI you faggot.

It depends on how you define dexterity.
To me DEX is how coordinated you are with your hands. So if you had a high DEX stat, you should be able to roll a coin through your knuckles super fast in both of your hands.

CON > all

moving around fast but doing 0 damage

>br*wn skin

Not really, DnD just combined the two and people just go along with it. DEX is more hand eye coordination and SPD or AGI are more like full body coordination and general quickness. Its really stupid in DnD too cause you have stuff like piano players are also able to do backflips for some reason.

If you're gonna go around doing 0 damage, you'd better be able to survive literally everything

>Real life physics

>Anime Physics

>Vidya Physics

Name 20 (twenty) games that have a SPD stat.

Bleach filler made up most of the content, while the conclusion to the main story was entirely manga. Bleach really was a horribly written series.

That summon knight gba game. I remember maxing speed

SPD is how many squares you can move in a turn based tactical game. AGI is dodginess, DEX is accuracy.


>not max STR

Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Red
Pokemom Blue
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemom Ruby
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Sapphire
Pokemon Platinum
Pokemon Pearl
Pokemom Diamond
Pokemon Black
Pokemon White
Pokemon Black 2
Pokemon White 2
Pokemon X
Pokemon Y
Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Moon

>SPD is how many squares you can move in a turn based tactical game.
Actually that's MOVE, SPD is how quickly your turn comes up.



>opponent neutral jumps
>get bodied

All SPD for joke or trolling character.