Will bullshots ever end up being illegal?
Will bullshots ever end up being illegal?
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No, because any footage released and recorded before the release of the game doesn't represent the final product. Legally there's nothing wrong except if they're dumb enough to say "THIS IS WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU GIVE US MONEY"
well what about NMS's Sean Murray literally lying to everyone prior to release about online and such things
devs lie all the time about their games, Todd is another example
There was literally a case settled in a court about whether or not it was false advertising.
they were cleared even when the creator openly sold his game as being multiplayer when it wasn't
Don't believe the hype
People need to understand like this faggot. Bullshots are graphics related. Not Mechanics or features.
>using a term coined by bald and piglike
*images shown does not represent final product
It was going to be if it was given more time as you can clearly see with Atlas Rises.
This is the main issue with it is devs will literally put "ALPHA FOOTAGE NOT FINAL" on trailers all the way up until release. I remember they actually did that with dragon age inquisition.
>bald and piglike
Are they still active?
Yeah? You're just gonna ignore the twitter post where Sean basically says ''wow I can't believe 2 players already found each other :)'' when 2 guys were on the same exact place and couldn't interract with each other. He sure didn't look like he was bullshitting everyone
i simply just dont trust any marketing materials (especially e3 shit) video games use before the game is actually out. after a game is released i'll check out the community hub and browse user submitted shots to see what what a game really looks like.
Yes because the game wasn't finished yet because of Sony but go ahead and keep being fucking retarded.
Probably not, there's plenty of movie trailers that have scenes that aren't even in the movie and no one really cares about that.
>b-b-b-ut it's Sony's fault!
if you can't tell that fuckface wasn't straight up lying about everything you're retarded and beyond recuperation
like ?
Star Wars Rogue One is notable for this - here's an article about how 17 scenes in the trailers never made it into the movie
>Atlas Rises
Everything the game was said to have is there plus some all it needed was another year again keep being angry over nothing.
Funny how all the big titles that everyone is tired of are the only ones doing this.
What court case?
All I can find is independent organization from the UK looking at trailers. They didn't go into multiplayer issue at all.
That's because big name titles are appealing to the lowest common denominator of the gaming community, and those people don't really care about bullshots. They just see a good looking trailer and want to buy the game because of it
thus boiling down the whole thing to : casuals are feeding the cancer
Probably not but honestly you gotta be a fucking retard to keep falling for them anyway.
that's not a reasonable argument for them to exist
I'm not justifying them they are a scummy practice I just don't know how people can keep falling for this crap especially when it's by a company like Ubisoft.
He never guaranteed anything. It was all just empty talk and evasive answers.
If it said on the store page "Multiplayer", that'd be different. But some guy just talking and bullshitting isn't official marketing.