Assassins Creed Origins Crack
>100 days
The absolute state of piracy
Welcome to 2 weeks ago, I guess.
It served it's purpose keeping pirates from playing it inside the release window and more, case closed. the publisher won, buyers and pirates both btfo. I played with a friends account and am still disgusted by the several layers of drm raping my system as hard as they could.
Personally my backlog is 10 miles long I never notice these wait times and usually just add it to that back of the line.
Why did they waste their time on this, who asked for it?
Not that long in the grand scheme of things, nearly as long as it took for it to go on sale.
learn how to count.
>it served its purpose
But I just got the game for free?
No one.
But haven't they cracked it, Denuvo would have flaunt that AC: origins was uncrackable.
It's like in elementary schools where the retarded kid wants to challenge you to a stupid-fuck thing to do and you refuse because you have better to do and then he will go around saying that you lost and you're an idiot.
This. I'm a bit bothered by FighterZ but it's going to get cracked eventually too so whatever.
who cares about this shitty game anyway
>99 days
Denuvo got it job done you idiot, game was already on sale
>job is to stop piracy
>game gets cracked
What did he mean by this?
Job is to stop release month piracy, where the game gets most sales anyway. And it did more than that.
>pirates would buy it instead of waiting
My sweet innocent child.
Pirated it
Played it for 15 minutes.
What a waste of time, the last asscreed was black flag and even that got boring as fuck a few hours in.
Well that's what happened, Origins had the best first month sales compared to previous ass creeds
And that is not down to Denuvo.
Welcome to like a week or 2 ago user.
The game's shit btw.
cry more pirates
no denuvo=no buy
It's fun. Combat system is tons better than any of the previous asscreed games. Don't let the beginning put you off, it gets good a few hours in once you get to Alexandria and are given the hidden blade.
Worth a pirate famalam.
Who cares? Not me. Not him, . It's a shitty yearly game, no one has given any fucks about since 2011.
They skipped a year for this one though.
>implying anyone wants to play this shitty ubisoft game
i wouldnt play it even if it was free
The combat is shit I don't know why everyone says its an improvement
It feels weightless since its based on numbers now I preferred the smoothness of the previous games
>if I don't like that means everyone else feels the same!
How dumb do you have to be to think like this?
>playing ass creed
>playing ubishit
Dude that was like a week ago, step the fuck up,
Go back to your weebtrash instead of shitposting here if you're so bothered with people liking this game.
>weebshit and ass creed are the only two types of video games
please get better taste
Holy mother of fuck is this game some boring shit.
If this is what Ass Creed fags consider improved then I'm glad I've never touched the series.
Reminder that this fucking masterpiece is still uncrackable. Never ever, piratecucks.
The problem is that once it's cracked, they can't pull the same DRM scheme again. Whatever games use the same thing are done.
Is the game fun? That's the only question, or is all the DLC out.
40,000 for a triple A normie single player action game is a huge flop. dragon ball fighterz got more sales and its a fighting game, and fighting games always have low sales. looks like i was right, no one wants to play this piece of shit
If you can find fun in the ass creed games, then yes, it's the best one so far. If you're burned out on the same shit every game, then probably not.
If you liked some of the asscreed games like Brotherhood and Black Flag then yeah, sure.
If you hate the series however it won't be your cup of tea.
Are you me?
No, you stupid faggot.
How fucking retarded are you kid? You said nobody wants to play it yet over 4000 people were playing it at the time of that screenshot. Use your head and read what you type you fucking brainlet.
Thank you.
Combat is boring, AI is retarded, difficulty is a fucking joke (even on nightmare equal-leveled enemies still take upwards of 4 hits to kill you and are piss fucking easy to parry/counter), stealth is still the same boring, shitty garbage seen in every AAA game with "stealth" (including stealth grass that the retarded AI can't see you in).
It's just all around crap.
If you like AAA games you'll probably enjoy it though.
When does the combat stop being shit?
Can't believe I fell for the memes and pirated this garbage.
>a hacker finally remembered to buy this """game""" and crack it
neat, time to continue ignoring ass creed
performance is still shit though i assume?
You bet your ass.
Ubishit "optimization"
>the absolute state of denuvo employee
Yup. You need a GTX1080 to hit 60 fps on highest settings and the game rapes your CPU in crowded areas.
>cracked 3 layers of drm
>thinks denuvo is the problem that took 99 days
state of irdeno buyout
>Hitting 90%+ usage on an i7 4790 in Siwa
>GPU usage hovering around 80%
>40-45 FPS at 1440p
Wew, glad I pirated this shit.
ACO CPY edition screenshots
-still rapes CPU good (4c/8t) around 90-100% at all times
-ubisoft is still cancer when it comes to drm
-they have no intention to fix stutters in foreseeable future
either way here we go
I wish I was young again.
That's miserable, I thought only jap devs pulled this shit.
Kek, no, Ubisoft is notorious for making games that run like shit, even on consoles.
The only people that still buy their shit are dumbfuck normies, battered housewife types, and literal retards.
Fucking disgraceful capitalist whore.
Oh great, time for Sup Forums to be filled with Asscreed shitpositng.
It was cracked like 2 weeks ago you dumb Amerimutt.
Cool, I can finally give it a try.
learn to count first virgin
>he doesn't know what a repack is
As someone with decent internet, even 55 GB is too much for this trash.
literally not even worth the hard drive space
PC best quality
thanks pizza eaters
Good game trapped in shit game, as usual
Where's the "good game" part?
All I see is good graphics and shit everything else.
Also, video games need to either stop using child actors or get child actors that can actually fucking act.
Fitgirl repack is only 25GB. Is that still too much for your third world internet?
It's too much for a shitty game regardless.
Wouldn't even waste the time required to pirate it.
A lot of really nicely recreated locations, great atmosphere. If the world was 50% smaller the locations wouldn't even feel recycled. It's like they have everything ready for a good game to step into the scene. But instead it's a shit game
How do you know it is shit if you have not even played it?
not playing this history revisionism trash.
egyptians were WHITE
>A lot of really nicely recreated locations, great atmosphere.
Hmm, notice how none of that is related to the gameplay.
And the actual design of the locations is generally pretty shit.
The problem is that the actual "game" part of the game is fucking trash, all the pretty fluff in the world is nice, but it's not what makes a good game a good game.
In fact, a lot of shit games have great atmosphere and "realized" locations.
Look at Deadly Premonition.
How do you know shit taste bad if you haven't tasted it?
I'm not that other user, I've already pirated it, and I regret it.
The game is just as garbage as all the other AC games, and as it turns out (obviously) most of the people talking about how much it's changed were just shills.
Looking around at pretty locations and feeling comfy in comfy little places is also a part of the game user. Just because I'm not killing things doesn't mean I'm not enjoying myself.
>willingly installing malwares, botnets and viruses on your machine
Don't be so retarded, get a better analogy.
>not that other user
then fuck off, what has this discussion got to do with you and how you feel about the game?
>Looking around at pretty locations and feeling comfy in comfy little places is also a part of the game user.
Oh, you're one of those retards.
Carry on, I won't bother engaging.
Nah, it did change a lot, just not really for the better. New combat is retarded because everything 3 levels higher than you is invisible and everything 3 levels lower than you dies on sight. Not a lot of challenge, just a lot of grinding those levels in side quests
But I don't have windows 10?
I like how you have no argument but also act smug about it
>REEEEEEEEEE, how DARE you talk shit about my AAA flavor of the week garbage
Kill yourself.
The thing is, Syndicate also had a stupid level system like that, though I don't recall if any of the enemies were unkillable if they were too high a level.
I'd say it's a shame, but it's Ubisoft, and they haven't made a genuinely standout game in over a decade.
Shit smells bad, I'm not willing to try it.
Assassins creed looks bad, I'm not willing to try it.
Since you're the one trying to sell it, the job is on you to tell me why I should play it, not mine to tell you why I won't.