I have got one more hour to preorder so I will get cool stuff
Should I? I thought I will ask you first you guys know video games.
I have got one more hour to preorder so I will get cool stuff
Should I? I thought I will ask you first you guys know video games.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you believe that the Moors lived in 15th century Bohemia?
If so then you have your answer.
>HURR a video game is not realistic (altough my only problem is that there eare black people) DURR
Fuck off Sup Forums
I killed several niggers tonight to celebrate the release of this game.
Don't you want to support /ourgame/?
now kiss
I was going to start this exact thread. What are the chances this will get pirated on day one/week, because that will include the "cool stuff" anyway. Also are mods going to be a thing? that'll be the only reason to buy it unless its really good
it comes without denuvo so you can pirate it. also mods will be allowed, some fags are already making a game of thrones mod
zero, you have to wait for week 3/4 when gog version will be released
How are they making mods for it already? In that case there should be mods to fix the combat sounds etc then right?
>Sub-Saharan Black
Why would you ever pre order a game? The bonuses you get normally aren't even that good.
i preordered because it was 20% off on greenman
they are making 3d models and preparing assets and shiet
This is the kind of diversity representation I want in my video games. When will Castle Wolfenstein feature our fellow negro nazis?
I will get some tiny stuff, also I live in a country where a physical copy is cheaper than the digital one.
Also downloading a game with my shitty internet is suffering.
so you think rewriting history in favor of political correctnes is good?
Are you retarded? The game will be cracked day 1
>muh accept spreading lies or you're a nazi
I just pre ordered a few hours ago because it's Euro jank and the lead dev keeps trolling retards on twitter.
However, after watchning that stream and seeing that review, I am starting to have second thoughts.
It looks like a historical first person medieval war game that happens to take place in an open world environment for convenience and nothing more. I am worried, the mods better be great.
Vavra can't afford Denuvo. Just pirate this shitlord's game.
t. delusional piratefag
>24 hours left
You're retarded. Why do idiots keep pre-ordering games, there is no limit on digital media.
>16 hours left
What a stupid reason to pre-order a game. You didn't even bother to watch any non scripted gameplay before?
Can't wait for the hordes of complaints of its shitty combat and garbage engine, but also endless circlejerk threads from Sup Forums because those faggots latch onto anything regardless of quality if its even slightly anti sjw.
So this game with no formidable drm is going to be uncrackable for weeks unlike every other game to be released as such just because
wew lad
Can't wait for this to bomb.
The scene will refuse to crack it in support of Vavra's political views.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
It looked really cool initially but seeing an actual person play the game for a few hours straight made me second guess but I can't see myself buying any other games any time soon so I guess I'll find out.
combat sounds are realistic. That's the point. If you want Hollywood style sounds then fk off
>Those feet
>That face
most of the sounds i've heard from game play sound like they are hitting wooden sticks together
>then fk off
You're allowed to swear here user
Every time someone says they're going to pirate it, I cash out a little more of my white ethnostate Bitcoin millions to preorder another copy.
A bunch of chinks give a fuck about niggers not being in a game /vpol/ is fucked
day 1 nigger, its no DRM other then steam which will get cracked within an hour, you dont even need to wait for a crack you can just run a steam emulator and it should work
> Does the developer being racist put you off Kingdom Come?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
sounds like the same deal as subnautica but in reverse
what is cute?
White people.
I wanted to preorder it too, but I will rather wait for the reviews.
I found one written review that said it's the kind of game you either get or you don't
hope journos give it a -3 racism score bonus
or better yet refuse to review it at all
wow brilliant
that only applies to 100% of products of any kind ever made by anyone
>steam emulator
>I have got one more hour to preorder so I will get cool stuff
you have 21 more hours
preorder dlc is not "cool stuff"
the word moor comes from the latin mauritius, meaning swarthy. swarthy comes from a proto indo-european root meaning black (found also in the german schwarz, or dutch swart)
gog version comes out at the end of the month
Mods just purged the other 2 threads
Here's a video review youtu.be
When does this game come out?
14 hours
The /fit/ version
February 27
Does /fit/ actually like that crap?
Would some Whey make more sense?
>console version
/fit/ is full of meatheads. Just look at onions and snakejuice threads.
>drinking that crap
Just no
is /fit/ a normalfag board?
You haven't seen the cucked by a lesbian greentext have you
They've got a countdown on their main site.
>similar to PC high-med details
>30fps locked
>console exclsuive content
>basically better than a 800$ PC
let the butthurt begins
Yeah, I can appreciate them being unapologetic about their intentions but that is no reason to buy a game.
I don't really care about race and politics, I just don't think the game looks very enjoyable for me.
>basically better than a 800$ PC
good meme
Not him but isn't a 500 bitcoin dollarotis gpu needed to match console graphics?
who else got the beautiful CE in the mail today? IM HYPE AF!
My dick is tingling
>tfw it is confirmed that gyorgy schwartz is literally nigger
yeah it's niche like mount&blade etc. you don't have to like anything user
>shoehorns his faggy gun political beliefs into the whole community after taking most peoples money
>exactly the same as just having a realistic game and not caving to people who want you to put political propaganda in your game
kys (((centrist))) cuck, my fucking god you spineless idiots are deluded
yeah no niggas and homos in my games NO BUY!
It's KINGdom Come: Deliverance. Not KANGdom Come: Deliverance.
We all know this janky game is gonna be garbage. Even the MC looks like a Soyboy with an undercut kek.
Steam drm can be cracked in minutes. You can probably do it yourself after watching a few youtube tutorials.
Backed this game on Kickstarter so I'm all ready to go. Feels fucking good man, tomorrow is pancake day here in Bongistan so I'm gonna play my new free (kind of) game and eat some dope ass American style thicc pancakes and do medieval shenanigans and so forth
wait for the stormweenies to buy this trash game and let us know if it's terrible or not. The lack of pre release reviews should make you wary
user $800 will barely buy you a gpu
yeah I'm gonna trust stormbro reviews that sounds reasonable
why is Sup Forums full of soyboy cucks?
FYI: The game does not launch in an hour and a half. Australia is currently ~12 hours away from launch date, which also means it is a late in the day Tuesday launch, usually around 6pm EST.
Friendly reminder that using a VPN to download the game earlier can and will result in an account termination
Part 3.A: "You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, Valve may terminate your access to your Account."
>complaining about jank on the board that has put thousands of hours into New Vegas
>wait for the stormweenies
Come on now, we both know they only care about people trying to get cheap games from east euro.
yeah, pure soyboy game
Stormweenies have the lowest IQ on Sup Forums, even for white peoploe
it comes out in like 13 hours dude, theres a countdown on their website
With the recent region currency changes they have 100x times more harsh with that rule.
Dumbasses ITT
Like fucking clockwork.
Never preorder. Always wait.
First impressions talk about a massive buugfest, first patch is a s big as the game with 23GB and apperently a second 5GB one is about to come too.
Preordering is a generally shit idea. I did it since I had the steambux to spare and I'll just refund it if it sucks. Cautiously optimistic about it though.
What preorder bonuses come with it anyway?