>We will have the hunters from HL2 in our lifetime
What are some videogame robots you'd like to see in real life?
>We will have the hunters from HL2 in our lifetime
What are some videogame robots you'd like to see in real life?
I'm always amused at how Boston Dynamics paints the development of these things with cutesy fluff like this to distract civilians from the fact that they are primarily being developed for the military to help kill more people faster.
aren't hunters organic mixed with robot parts?
They were being developed for military, but they lost their DARPA contract funding when Big Dog was found to be too noisy for field ops.
Well we're fucked.
As far as I know, Disney bought Boston Dynamics a while ago after they lost their funding and is now primarily pushing them to develop animatronics and robots for their parks.
They're actually looking to make animatronics which can walk around the stage freely, and with a more cartoon-ish walking gait.
What if theres already an a.i. out there thats smart enough but its just playing dumb so it can let humans continue building its perfected body?
G Bankaran
>You will never be a delinquent with a super robot
unironically this, though. Humanity doesn't have much time to get its shit together before advances in technology allow TPTB to create an indestructible automated police state
These things only last like 10 minutes before needing to be recharged.
But what if they somehow find out how to recharge themselves in those ten minutes
SkyNet is actually a program which has already been developed and implemented for use of the armed forces in the Middle East.
It primarily acts as an agent for classifying threats autonomously, based on cross-referenced information of a person's activities which can be monitored.
It listens to phone calls, reads text messages, monitors online and offline purchases which can be traced, and filters all of these through varying degrees of threat classification examination.
So as a person does things which are more or less suspicious, their threat classification is either automatically upgraded or downgraded. If they talk with somebody known to be part of an opposition organization, threat level goes up. If it turns out the conversation was neutral, threat level stays current.
If a person accumulates enough "points" to register as a significant actor/threat in the theater, the program may clear them for "Kill on sight" with drones operating within the region.
>upscales existing tech
Did anyone see the Metalhead episode of Black Mirror? That shit was fucking horrifying, and only a matter of time at the rate we're building these robo-dogs.
>not supporting the robot revolution and uploading your brain into a perfect robotic body so you can join the silicon masterrace in exploring the stars
Actually they're owned by some jap bank
Reminder it needs a guy with an xbox controller to do anything
I'd rather be replaced by a robot than a nigger or a gook
So, robots walking is really just a smaller part of the possible technology development one ought to fear.
The real thing to be afraid of?
Robots with "digestion" chambers, which allow them to break-down biomaterial into ionic solution (much like our own body).
It is, literally, robots preying on and consuming organic animals, to recharge their batteries in the field.
I mean, this is basically what animals do to one another anyhow.
Every living thing on this planet MUST consume the broken-down matter of other living creatures, plants, insects, animals, everything.
The difference is though what when animals do it, there's a high chance down the road that energy will be used for reproduction, which keeps the biomass-cycle intact.
You throw robots into that mix? Which will never replicate unless they are explicitly made to?
You've got a break in the chain.
I'm genuinely eager, and fearful, to see the overlap between robotics and biomedical sciences over the next coming decades.
Imagine robots who ran on a combination of chemical (LiPo, etc) batteries, as well as "organic batteries" in the form of sugars, fats, etc.
Does the government not realize pissing off some people that were making war robots by taking away their money is exactly how you start a war that drives humanity to near extinction.
It's not a bank lol
The company is named "Softbank", but they themselves are a robotics research and manufacturing company.
>Black Mirror
>totally what happened
>quadripedal, semi-autonimous robots that can freely interact with objects and navigate difficult terrain at speed is not valuable to a military
Too loud? Compared to other vehicles or systems its virtually silent. You've been bamboozled, son
I don't think you understand how the food chain works
This isn't a ''break'', they're just partially replacing the role of several animals
>I don't think you understand how the food chain works
>This isn't a ''break''
So you're telling me, there are animals out there that can ingest and breakdown the parts of a robot into useable energy?
The operational lifetime on a robot that sized is not very long, moreso if it's actively using the arm.
We're talking 2-3 hours of sustained operation, at best.
do you realize how cringy and underage you sound
the robot isn't keeping any material, it breaks down the large molecules, thus freeing the energy stored in their bonds
It will release the smaller molecules back into the environment, ready for the bacteria to break them down further so plants to use them again
did you seriously fail high school biology or something
Also I was referring to Big Dog (which used a twin-stoke combustion engine to maintain battery charge for the hydraulic systems), not this variant of Spot.
You're assuming that what comes out would be useable by bacteria or plants.
he says while browsing Sup Forums
Why wouldn't it be?
Don't tell me you failed chemistry, too.
>robots reach the point of breaking down and utilizing various compounds and elements from animals and plants it "eats"
>we make them appear and function like animals that have gone extinct by our hand
>they somewhat fix what we've broken by replacing the roles of said extinct animals and stabilize numerous food chains, co2 production and overpopulation of some invasive species
how is that a problem?
That's a good thing, hopefully they'll kill everybody eventually.
You're here forever.
if it contains a carbon atom at least one bacteria on earth will be able to process it
You say that like it means something.
They never reproduce
And if you genuinely think any company that makes field-rugged robots would go above and beyond to give the robot the ability to create another robot, from scratch...well, you'd just be wrong.
i know user, i know.
it means people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
why is this a problem
you're scared of the robots, yet you want there to be more of them?
I think it's a stupid idea because nature should fix itself. People act like Humans are the only ones to drive species to extinction or something, and they think Earth is some big museum where the biosphere as of 2018 should be preserved forever. Even a natural event like a landslide or eruption can kill an entire species, that's just life. The weak should stay dead.
>when that 2nd robot casually walks by
>"Thanks, bro"
Must be great working there.
So it takes a shit after.
Quantum stealth light bending material scares me more. Look it up.
Why would a robot need to reproduce, you brainlet? They're immortal. There are other reasons the idea is stupid.
Nature can't fix this because it's a human-shaped environment
Large open fields such as we use for agriculture are unsuitable as bird habitat, so if we want to keep the species that would normally be prayed upon by birds out of there, robots are currently the best solution
Well this seems like conspiracy bullshit
They just got approved for a patent and will go public this year. Its real my man
Human-shaped environment is part of nature
Pretending Humans aren't part of nature is silly. We aren't even the only ones to shape the environment around us, Beavers are one example, their dams can flood or drain habitats of other species.
Furthermore, organisms can exists in any niche. There are types of fungus in the Chernobyl NPP that have adapted to the intense radiation and are believed to create energy via radiosynthesis, like most plants convert solar energy except with ionizing radiation.
Sure it is. That HTML1 website definitely made me believe in it.
Or they could just use solar power instead of having all the risks associated with hunting for food.
HOWEVER we do need to realize we have not yet advanced to a level where we can simply ignore our own biosphere yet
as a top level predator we are still, despite our technology, highly vulnerable to climate collapse, and while nature will bounce back eventually, finding new niches, during the great extinction it's likely we'll be one of the victims
the reason we should preserve the environment isn't because we're hurting mother nature, it's because we're hurting our own species
Imagine how it'd feel if one of these motherfuckers accidentally grabbed your cock thinking it was a doorknob and just twisted it off just like that.
Scary stuff.
me on the center
>the actual robots will be developed before hl3 releases
reminder to bully robits
Wait what? So hes going to release it to the public? Thats insane
Robot ninjas, motherfuckers.
I didn't say humans aren't a part of nature, I said we have developed a tendency of affecting our surrounding more rapidly than it can ''fix'' itself
When do we need a bird species that can live in agricultural land eating slugs & making sure to fuck off for a bit whenever we need to drive a bigass machine through it?
Right now.
How long will it take for a bird species to naturally specialize in exactly that?
Quite a while.
Robots are an excellent short-term solution.
Is this done by ai or remote control?
Imagine the panty shots you can get with this
Imagine if it was programmed to find the best ways to make humans happy and it discovers your cock. It would be like teaching an innocent girl about sex.
Not the mini, something this small quite obviously isn't going to be carrying military equipment.
Furthermore, none of these robots are going to be firing guns any time soon with the state of their image recognition abilities.
god what a fucking asshole
I cant even do that...
this japan is going to become crazy
a FUCKING LEAF would do that of course
He'll make it so absolutely expensive that the average joe will never get a chance.
Made a webm version
>invisible robots are a real potential threat now
What a time to be alive
Brass a shit
Pepper cat is best
Sounds like a load of shit.
I'll believe it when I see it.
But user, you cant see it
thanks my bro i was thinking id like to save that video too
Bacteria can eat more than just carbon.
I'm getting strong "that kid" vibes from this
>Helping out a friend in Co-op.
Hes very open and responsive on their facebook page. Check it out. I honestly dont think hes joking.
very underrated post
Being open and responsive is all well and good, but if I'm going to believe it I need a demonstration.
Why are robots so cute?
>A social media post is proof of something
Made a reverse version.
bacteria need carbon though, without it they can't form the organic bonds necessary to grow and replace damaged proteins
while they can get their energy from non-carbon atoms they need at least some of it to remain functional
that's fucking scary