Call of Duty General

Can we all agree the franchise went to total shit after Black Ops 2?

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>God Tier
> A call of duty game

I can mostly agree with this but I couldn't stand playing regular FFA, Dom, or TDM after Barebones was released.

>BO3 not top tier
>IW in its own bottom tier

user, please.
For Multiplayer you're right on IW being at the bottom though

>god tier
UO, 2
>good tier
>decent tier
>trash tier
everything else

CoD 1-3 are excellent and you should consider playing them before dismissing them for more modern entries of the series.

I only enjoyed 2 and 4, Black Ops only had a cool story, 2's soundtrack and atmosphere with everyone screaming is something i'll never forget

>Zero mention of 1-3
CODkiddies are the worst humans.

W@W ended up being my favorite
>Pacific campaign was cool
>Slavshit campaign was alright but had some moments
>Good maps
>Zombies before it got retarded
Game really favored smgs too much though. I wrecked people with the tompson



>mw that low

Yes it sucks, get over it nostalgia dorks

IW actually has really good SP I don't get why brainlets shit on it so much.

Black Ops fucking sucked though, that was the point in which I dropped the entire series.
At least Modern Warfare 2 had a fun campaign to make up for the travesty that was the multiplayer, but black ops had nothing. That was the game that made me realize that call of duty was never going to good again and I was not wrong

MW2 > 4 > Black Ops > 2 > WaW > trash > rest

>not enjoying Zombies

Top pleb

United Offensive was the best one. Suck of cock console kids.

how could they get it so wrong bros?

the guy who wrote the movies that your reaction image is from wrote the story for Black Ops 1 and 2.

Wait what the fuck is that? Did they remake kino?

The CoD kids have grown up now have they? Feels like it just yesterday when saying you like black ops got you underage banned.

Put cod 2 in god tier, 1 and 3 on mid tier, and move 4 to top tier

I did enjoy zombies though, I enjoyed it when it was a fun minigame and not its own phenomenon.
I also enjoyed the custom maps people made for WaW zombies. Verruckt was the best map

Reminder that WaW was the best CoD after MW

exist for a reason or better yet just head off to reddit in the childhood during 2000s.

lol no Advanced Warfare deserves to be top tier at the very least. That one at least tried introducing skill-based movement into the game but shitters like OP couldn't git gud with the faster gameplay.

>tfw just realized I forgot to include MW3

It would have been Low Tier anyway

MW2 is the best in the series.

>comparing WW2 to World at War

Absolute heresy

>cuck ops above MW1
>cuck ops above MW2
>cuck ops above Black Ops 2
kek what a shit list

I'm going to assume you meant something other than Call of Duty 3. That game has no redeeming qualities.

Stop being underage just because mw1 was your first cod.

My first cod was cod 1 on pc and your list is absolute garbage.

>advanced warfare
>not in you tried tier

Actually tried to add movement options and verticallity to the game.
Sure is was ruined by the fact that it was the same delayed P2P connection but the effort was there.

Infinite Warfare single player was ok.

>This shit is better than that shit

>shit tier
its mid at best, hasnt been a game this good since blops1 that ive actually bothered to play more then 2 hours and actually attempt to hit prestige

>shit tier

How is it even possible to have taste this bad?

The best COD is medal of honor allied assault.

this is probably the first one of these dumb charts i agree with completely

the original black ops had the best multiplayer maps, shit made you feel like you really were in a living world

>dat missile launch map

They ""remastered"" all of the old zombies maps that didn't have celebrities in them. They clearly outsourced the development to interns or some shovelware studio because they not only look terrible but run terribly because whoever mapped them did absolutely no caulking. The only one of the maps that looks decent is origins because they just ported it instead of adding stupid fluff,

Hmm.. well maybe shit tier was a bit low. I should have put it in low tier with Cod Ghosts.

My main issue with AW was the absolutey terrible maps. The controls were okay, but my god those multiplayer maps were almost as bad as 2017's WW2.

>MW2 and CoD4 below WaW and BLOPS1
Shit taste.


This is the correct ranking

Maps had too much vertical shit going on. Their design was almost as bad as WW2. Black cocks, WaW, and 4 are all superior.

Forgot to add WAW with BO1 and MW3

The original PC are the best ones to this day. Then Modern Warfare 1 and the rest are crap.

>dat absolute chaos on nuketown
>dat comfy havana map
>dat comfy jungle map
>dat berlin wall map where you intentially ran into the no mans zone just to see if you can make it out alive

Fucking amazing lad

>played 1/UO for hundreds of hours
>2 comes out
>clan plays it for a few days then goes back to 1
UO a best

Black Ops 1 was shit.
World at War was the worst CoD until Advanced and Ghosts
Black Ops 2 is the best CoD since 4
Infinite Warfare and Bo3 have the best zombies

>Elder God Tier: World at War
>God Tier: Black Ops, Modern Warfare 1 & 2
>Great Tier: 2, Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 3
>Good Tier: 3, Ghosts, Infinite Warfare, Black Ops 3
>WTF Tier: Advanced Warfare
>literally haven't played: 1, WWII

Nu-Sup Forums actually liking call of duty. That's it, I'm out. It has been a good 7 years.

>Black Ops 3
>shit tier
Look I understand you love your boots on the ground, but don’t shit on an actual well made game just because you’re not good at dealing with the futuristic gimmicks. I’d argue Black Ops 3 is one of the best CoD’s to date.

>MW3 so shit it's not even listed

>hurr I don't like call of dooty so other people shouldn't like it either hurr


Everyone else is wrong.

Black Ops 1 also had the best soundtrask


UO is the peak of the series, funnily enough, Gray Matter became Treyarch, no wonder they exceed nu-IW at everything

>BO2 not God Tier
>Ghosts isn't shit tier

bad list desu

How I know someone is an idiot:

>Their favorite entry is COD4

I've been replaying Black Ops II lately, and you know, I kinda like the multiple endings route, even though the strike force missions feel really under-utilized in the campaign. Gotta say, though, Menendez is actually a pretty imposing villain.

Now this is a quality list. Flip WWII and IW and you're golden.

my nigga

I feel like I'm the only one who liked mw3.

MW3 has an amazing survival co-op mode

I exclusively played barebones or gun game in Black Ops 1.

Fuuuuuck such a fun time

Infinite is definetly better than advanced

>faggots everywhere
heres the real ranking you tards

>Went to total shit after ... 2

4 is shit too, stop pretending to not be a contrarian

I still don't get why people overrate COD4 so much

I got it day one launch date for my PC

Guess what? Not very good.

>4 above 1
Fuck you

Can anyone even remotely agree with me?

>Playing a cod after WAW

What happened to this board?

ghosts belongs in its own tier of garbage

modern warfare 3 isnt there but belongs in shit tier. Advanced warfare and blops 3 go up one, modernware 2 is god tier, modern warfare 1 is top tier world at war stays

>Nothing but modern nu cods
>Any of them above shit tier
I wish I could kill you in real life. You and people like you have killed my favorite genre.

>Playing cod after 2
Hello digg

black ops was literally the game that made the series shit

cod4 and mw2 are the only salvageable games

>CoD4 and MW2 are the only salvageable games
>not mentioning earlier CoD's

are you fucking retarded?

4 at least has promod. What's your excuse for mw2?

Seems cod world at war consistently good for different anons, is this on ps4?
Also is cod wwii (latest) really bad? I don't care for multi player

I think he implied that the earlier games are already good so they don't need to be fixed/salvaged


if youre really asking that then theres no hope for you

WW2 campaign apparently brought back health packs and nonregen health, but from what I've read/seen it's still a cinematic nightmare
Waw is incredibly overrated, it's just not especially terrible in the same way that most cods post 2 are

i liked ghost, fuck you

CODWAW is not overrated if you're a PC gamer

So many faggots overrating COD4 ITT probably didn't play COD4 on PC, but 52 player servers were god fucking awful because of COD4's shitty small maps.

CODWAW fixed this problem with much bigger maps. The 52 player servers were fast and frenetic, but not cheese fest garbage like COD4 was. Shipment with 52 players was a nightmare

All games from the past are by default less cancer than the games that come later on

>buying call of duty after mw2

Nope, retard. It went to shit after black ops 1.

I'm not talking about MP, mostly just the SP.

cant believe i actually have to do this

MW3 was the beginning of the end, casualized the fuck out of an already casualized shooter and making every map tiny as fuck.

CODWAW made world war 2 bloody and real again. It's not overrated for that reason IMO

COD1 was fine for the era, but it was so bloodless and limp feeling compared to what I wanted which was Saving Private Ryan the video game

underage get out

>Codwaw was more cinematic
Exactly, it's overrated as fuck

That's not what I said. CODWAW has grit which was lacking in the first three COD games and somewhat lacking in COD4

>people unironically defending CoD

>Press F to meme

Grit, bloodyness, and realism are cinematic aspects of the game. They have nothing to do with level design, encounter design, controls, etc which are mediocre in waw but not as terrible as the rest of nucod

What do you mean by "lacking grit"?
It doesn't sound right when you're talking about a series revolving around war.