Switch has a third-party problem

All these new games getting announced, but almost none is also on Switch. Why is this happening to Nintendo again?

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Third-parties will always ignore Nintendo since their consoles are gimmicks that are also last gen in power.

> Switch has a third-party problem
Who cares? Gonna play kingdom come deliverance tomorrow on my beautiful pc.

The only bad things from your pic are no plans for South Park and Persona. :P

But yeah...
> Games in production were not considered for switch spec after the huge success (emphasis on succ) that the Wii U was, and now conversely would be very tough to cut.
Is somehow news?

There's a lot more games not coming out on the switch.

I don't think they would ignore money just for that. So it must mean there is another reason to this.

Remind me what third party games are being announced?

Of course they wouldn't bring it to the Switch, nobody with an IQ over 50 would actually buy this shit when BotW exists on the same console.

BoTW is almost a year old...

You're not exactly wrong. I fucking love One Piece, and but the majority of its games, but this new one looks like trash

Animal Crossing, Pokemon, 20 more millions this year. It'll be hard to ignore at this pace. Whether that's a good thing or a bad one... Remains to be seen, because for all intents and purposes EA didn't ignore the Wii but... ;P

I'll bide my time with SMTV and Octopath until then. Maybe Fire Emblem too...

>videogames have an expiry date
Maybe your flavor of the week shit, but good games are forever good, nigger

Such as?
>inb4 Red Ded

Why the fuck would anybody want a sequel after the GTAV microtransaction shit show?

I don't speak for everybody, but honestly keep that Blizzard, EA, Activision, and Ubisoft garbage off the console.

Nintendo console has difficulty with 3rd part support?

This and more new at 11 on Captain Obvious News.

>third party devs don't want to make games on nintendo systems unless they get handed a shitload of money
what else is new?

BoTW is barely a 50 hour game. Honestly gets boring and repetitive after 20 hours of finding Korok Seeds and finishing Shrines.

GTAV and RDR had decent SP aspects. Even if you ignore the microtransaction online part completely, you'll still get an excellent SP game that lasts for a fuck ton of hours. RDR2 will outsell all other games this year for good reason.

I’m at 175h, DLC included.

Enjoyed every minute

If you think this of BotW I can't fucking imagine what you think of World Seeker.

Ok I guess you're content with just playing BoTW for a whole generation have fun with that buddy

Third parties managed to ignore the wii, they will also manage to ignore the switch.

I bet you have played over a thousand hours of Skyrim too.

I'd rather have GTA IV, Chinatown Wars HD, or the 3D Trilogy on Switch than play through GTAV again.


I can barely keep up with switch releases. There’s too many good games


I don’t like Skyrim

Ok? RDR1 was still one of the best games last gen which is why people are excited for the sequel.

Switch owners while on commute
>get to play D44M, W2:TNC and other multiplats, not to mention 2 GOTYs, XBC2, Splatoon 2, ARMS, Pokken, Mario x Rabbids, Golf Story, Has Been Heroes, Thumbleseeds, etc.

PCKeks while on commute
>Stare blankly at the floor or outside the window.

Its fine, I just finished Xenoblade 2 and I have a large backlog of games to play across multiple consoles.

If you have a commute you're losing either way.
>tfw you'll never live with your wife and kids in the cramped loft of your own family business

Or maybe they just have normal phones to listen to music to and browse like everyone else that isn't an overgrown child obsessed with Nintendo toys?

BotW is the single game with most mechanics ever and every single one of them is polished and refined to death, if you get bored with that then you should fucking kill yourself. And it's 100+ hours easily not even counting DLC.

>muh normalfaggotry


this, everyone knows browsing reddit and listening to slipknot is a much better use of your time. Fuck video games.

It's not bad to be normal. Especially when the alternative is playing Mario BING BING videogames at age 28 on the subway.

This, but unironically.

I’m a big Zelda fan and I know mechanics on their own can only keep the game fun for so long. Content beyond minor bland shit (most of BotW) is important to keep the player going.

>BotW is the single game with most mechanics ever
you must really be new if you've never heard of Dorf Fort

Because the hardware is liquid dog shit. It would have been embarassing launching with PS3 and 360 on the market, let alone PS4 and Xbone.

There is no reason to even look at the Switch because 9.5 times out of 10, it isn't going to be be capable of running whatever games you are putting out, without EXTREME compromises, just to reach sub par performance while looking, sounding, and playing like shit. At that point, why even bother?

So no, Switch doesn't have a third party problem. Switch is just Switch and Switch is shit.

It's even weirder because Ganbarion is basically a Nintendo dev. Or was.


>refusing to play on the most critically acclaimed games of all time because of a mental illness.

Have fun with FIFA faggot!

You’re in the wrong place to be preaching about the positives of being a normalfag. I’m not even that guy nor do I care about playing while commuting.

Literally you

I hope nintendo gets the message that weak hardware only worked for the Wii because it appealed to the casual market that literally bought the game for wii sports. With the relative success the switch has compared to the wii u, I doubt they'll change

Kek, even the Vita outperforms it

>implying FIFA games are bad
Must suck not having any friends eh?

Staring at the floor is the same thing they do in games anyway

>without EXTREME compromises
Yet NuDoom runs and plays fine. It's also pretty neat how many layers of effects they DIDN'T remove from the game.

If a publisher/dev really wants a game on the shit hardware then they'll do it.

Switch hasn't gotten certain ports because those games were too far into development to start a Switch port. Or the company failed to enter the market like Capcom who even admitted they didn't support the switch because they didn't expect it to sell so well. The same can be said about EA who even admitted FIFA was a piece of shit gimped version.

>the hardware is liquid dog shit.
The Switch is smallee than your harddrive. Its pretty impressive for a tiny little system you can put in your pocket. Having 10/10 games is a good plus point too. Stay mad faggot, I'm sure the Switch will stop being the best selling console of all time on the back of your salty tears soon.


FIFA is on Switch. Nobody bought it. Nintenbros are too busy playing 10/10 genre-defining masterpieces.

>Yet NuDoom runs and plays fine
Blatant lies

Why does every game need to come to the tablet and played on the go? I never saw people complaining about AAA games not coming to the 3ds.

>FIFA is on Switch. Nobody bought it.
Which is why nobody else is bothering to make games for the BING BING machine. Nintendo fanboys are infamous for only buying Nintendo.

>Laptops don't exist

Cmon user, I bought Doom on switch out of curiosity as well, but it runs at under 30fps and runs lower than PCs lowest settings

That's a shit game though. In this case Switchccks aren't losing anything.

To be fair, overweight adults do look really dumb playing Mario on the subway. Just a hint.

Let me guess, you haven't actually played the game.

Shitposters who haven't even touched the game or hardware they're complaining about should have their Sup Forums dollars take away.

It runs like shit on PS4 compared to a PC too. Whats your point? Unless your point is a $1000 gaming rig vs a $300 portable system. Cry more faggot, switch owners got a superb DOOM port which fits in their pockets.

>Nintendo fanboys are infamous for only buying Nintendo
You mean anyone who owns a switch? Why would I buy a third party game on the switch when it has a superior version for the PC or PS4? Don't say "ON THE GO".

Nice strawman, faggot. Read my posts again. Your argument is dependant on normal = good and it falls flat here because no one gives a fuck about what the average person thinks.

>boasting about having friends on Sup Forums
Who are you trying to impress?

What? Doom runs 60 fps on everything EXCEPT Switch, where it runs at cinematic 20 fps.

Played it on PC. Tell me why I should play it again in 20 fps?

I'll get the sequel if they also port the original to fucking PC already.

>Nintendo fanboys are infamous for only buying Nintendo.
I wonder why? Is it because Nintendo make the best video games in the world? Is that why you're mad? Because you don't own a Nintendo?

>this thread

>Doom runs 60 fps on everything EXCEPT Switch
DOOM on switch runs in my hands.Does your system do that? Have fun festering at your desk.

Well yeah, unlike PC fats and So(n)yboys, Nintenbros aren't so starved for games that they have to buy shit like FIFA

The Switch is outselling the Wii in the same timeframe mate.

>>Nintendo fanboys are infamous for only buying Nintendo.

Meanwhile indie devs keep talking about how their shovelware pixel shit games have sold more copies than steam or other platforms combined. FIFA bombed because it's a shit port. It's even on sale in Japanese shop at this very moment.

Its worse during multiplayer, but the single player only dropped once or twice for me.

Why should I tell you to play it again?

Fucking Nintendo has a third party problem. They shit out some of the best games of all time, but 100% of them star Mario, Link, or occasionally Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, or Kirby. In-between those releases, there's basically nothing, unless they decide to port games other consoles have had for years.

And selling less than 3DS.

You already to pirate this game?

>I hope nintendo gets the message that weak hardware only worked for the Wii because it appealed to the casual market that literally bought the game for wii sports.
Traditional consoles are DEAD my friend. Nintendo are ahead of the curve.

And by ignore you mean release tons of cheap crap to fund their bigger stuff elsewhere. Yup.

PC owners while on commute
>Driving, because adults can drive themselves where they need to go

I like how Dark Souls Remastered suddenly doesn’t count
I like how exclusives like Travis doesn’t count
I like how we are ignoring Wolfenstein and all the Indies
Nitpicking for a living must really drain your soul

>unless they decide to port games other consoles have had for years.
Yeah because Wolfenstein has been out for years right?

Please inform yourself before unleashing shitposts.

>Traditional consoles are DEAD
Isn't PS4 about to sell 80 million units this year?

>switch selling better than wii
>wii selling better than 3ds
>switch sells worse than 3ds

>owing a car in a city.

kek confrimed for still living with mommy and daddy

How do you figure? PS4 is still outselling the Switch. Even in Japan now.

Despite almost a month less on the worldwide market, 3DS sold more to Dec 31th than Switch did



Maybe Monster Hunter has something to do with it...

Because they use inferior internal hardware and a non-standard control scheme.

More to do with Nintendo Wii being a fad that didn't have any good long-term effects on consoles.


Maybe, and? The reason Switch was selling well was because Of Zelda and Mario. What's the difference?

>m-muh grafix
>m-muh 1000fps
No wonder so many games on PC are soulless and unfun. Because while Switch owners are looking at gameplay and busy choosing which GOTY to play, PCKeks are occupied with stuffing more GPUs into their PC and oggling at 8K graphics and 1000fps of Assassin Creeds rehash.

>Ignoring Dark Souls Remastered
>Ignoring Wolfenstein
>Ignoring Travis Strikes Again
>Ignoring Fe from EA
>Ignoring Indies Like Owlboy and Super Meat Boy Forever and a ton of others
>Ignoring Pillars Of Eternity 2 from obsidian
>Ignoring Payday 2
>Ignoring SNK Heroins
>Ignoring both Outlast games

Not having third parties your shaking your dick at doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any fuckos

And without holding MH hostage this gen, Nintendo will lose that crowd aswell to PS4.

>living in the city instead of the suburbs
What a peasant.

>can't even read a chart


>PCKeks are occupied with stuffing more GPUs into their PC and oggling at 8K graphics and 1000fps of Assassin Creeds rehash.
Nah PCKeks are obsessed with getting Nintendo games to run on shitty emulators. Oh the hilarity.

Property is cheaper in the suburbs poorfag.

If you don't have a PC, PS4 and Switch by now then you are beyond help.

I’d rather have more japanese exclusives than third parties on Switch. Reminder third parties was all PS4 had for 3 years, besides Bloodborne.