That fucking booth for Microsoft at this year's E3

>That fucking booth for Microsoft at this year's E3.

They really aren't even trying anymore are they?

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West hall

>Square Enix is the biggest
Are KH3 and FF7 remake that big for them?

they dont have anything to prove. you cucks will spend millions on their console whether they have a booth or not.

soyboys never got to marry aerith irl. you can bet theyll buy the remake :)

FFVII is going to be their biggest game since FFVII.

Their western studios and DQXI are likely getting a push too.

They are notorious for spending huge amounts of money on marketing.

>Sony still needs a massive booth for their failed VR and the same games they showed last year
Looks like another year of Nintendomination.

>4 months until E3

Ace Combat news has to come some time before E3, r-right Bamco?

>Animal Crossing Switch
>Metroid 4
>5ma5h Bro5 5witch (with new amiibo)
>Huge expansion pack for Odyssey
>New colours for Switch consoles

Where the fuck is Nintendo?

They had like 1/3 of total floor space last year. They aren't even on this map.


Check the second post.

My memory is going on me. Is this the first E3 Nintendo has been to since Iwata died? I feel the past few years they just did directs during E3.

Keep in mind they also own Eidos and Crystal Dynamics.

It's not Microsoft. It's E3.

E3 Insider Here. I've been attending this show for various companies for the past 21 years.

Yes, 21 years. (Sorry for the Reddit Spacing.)

Basically, E3 is on its last legs. Last year the show was just a money making scam. Small exhibitors got fleeced thinking their products would get big exposure. Instead they lost tens of thousands of dollars. They stood around all day while their booths were empty.

The ESA decided to sell E3 passes to the public. Of course there wasn't really any good content at the show. It was all a gigantic scam. Most of the money raised from selling passes, a whopping $2.5 Million dollars, went to paying the huge salaries of ESA executives like Dan Hewitt.

Folks, E3 is dead. Whatever is left of it is a complete and total scam.

On a completely different subject, I could tell you stories of the old E3. Of decadent, booze and drug fueled after parts. Of sexual harassment and sexual assault of booth babes. Of arrests, vandalism, fights and other nonsense that went on during the old Pre-2009 shows.

>Show used to have hundreds of exhibitors and an extra hall.
>Now it's down to less than 12
E3 is truly over.

>e3 matters
hah. not even normies take it seriously, it's sustained by the industry hyping itself.

>its only ok when sony does it
kekity kek

I want to believe that Sony will finally show some fucking new games. Also they're not allowed to show the PS5 for at least 3 more years, anytime before that and I am never buying a Sony product again.

Tell us something we didn't know years ago, nerd.

These kinds of shows are irrelevant when publishers can just do a stream on Twitch or post a video on YouTube. E3 only exists for the cringe now.

Nah, they've been to E3. They just don't do live presentations.

E3 is a gigantic money making scam for the ESA. Here's how it works.

The ESA books the floor space in the LACC. They then turn around and rent that floor space to the exhibitors for a HUUUUGE mark up.

For example. Nintendo pays 8 MILLION DOLLARS for their booth. Sony pays roughly 12.

Those tiny booths that you see in the upper right hand corner of South Hall? Well those people pay $10.000 at minimum. If you want to hand anything out on the show floor or in the lobby, you'll pay anywhere between $10k to $25k.

And where does all the money go? The executives of the ESA are all making six and seven figure salaries.

>For example. Nintendo pays 8 MILLION DOLLARS for their booth. Sony pays roughly 12.
Wouldn't this money be better spent on developing new games? e3 sucks.

Companies are pulling out left and right

Riiiiiiidge racerrrrrrrr
(Exclusive to nintendo switch)

It's called advertising, you imbecile. It's expensive because it works, hence shit like Super Bowl airtime being exorbitant yet still highly desirable.

>It's expensive because it works,
Actually it really doesn't. That's the thing. E3 exhibitors reached the point of diminished returns years ago, and the companies involved are pissed.

E3 no longer generates the hype or the press coverage it used to. In fact, for almost the past decade the show has been met with hate and ridicule from it's target audience.

>Comparing E3 to the Super Bowl.
Now you're the laughable imbecile. You've never even been to this show. I'm going to point and laugh now.

Are arcade racing games popular on nintendo switch?

Super Bowl is slowly losing its grip as well, though not as drastically as E3.

I just want super mario maker for switch

>E3 no longer generates the hype or the press coverage it used to.
Yeah, the E3 experience hasnt been good console politics wise since the launch of the psp
Yes, BOTW and the wii wise are popular for E3 but i miss the 299 speech.

>though not as drastically as E3.
The ESA was actually considering pulling the plug on the show after last year, but they have a contract with LACC that extends to this year, and they would have paid fines if they broke it like they did in 2007.

It's very, very likely that E3 2018 will be the last show.

I was there for the launch of the PSP. It was a funny show. The DS was also launching at the same time. People came out of the PSP exhibit and then went into the DS exhibit and vandalized the demo machines on display. I mean real, hardcore vandalism. Breaking screens, scratching screens, ripping off the stylus, etc.

Where were you all when Microsoft lost for a 5th time in a row?

>that blatantly false leakchoc full of games

I cant believe there were people believing that shit.

Even this kind of console wars shit won't generate hype for a dying show that nobody cares about.

People literally remember memes about the show more than they remember the games.

DMC5 and REmake 2 bois.

its impossible for me to feel excited about this shit

>he still believes in the DMC5 meme

I'm excited about E3 every year just because of the fuck ups and drinking games
Good games are sometimes a byproduct

DmC 2

I was at the show last year and there were a bunch of small booths in north east corner of South Hall. At least a dozen or so. These people paid big bucks to exhibit at the show and yet no one was visiting their booths. These tiny exhibitors just sat there looking sad and frustrated. By the end of the second day a few of them just packed up their shit and went home. They didn't even bother to show up for day 3.

There really hasn't been any of that over the past few years. And the press conferences have all been barren and terrible.


Microsoft didnt get invited to the big boys room

That's actually the smallest hall. Kinda weird.

>Only 8 exhibitors in West Hall
Fucking wow. DOA.

>The DS was also launching at the same time. People came out of the PSP exhibit and then went into the DS exhibit and vandalized the demo machines on display.
>people resorting to hardcore vandalism to sabotage the DS success
>still sold 154 million
Sony really had no chance against nintendos home turf.

>tfw the one time I went to E3 was in 2001 and it was fucking amazing
>stupidly didn't get shit aside from a Conker condom which ended up getting shredded in the wash

Pre 2006 show were amazing. Back when they still had Kentia Hall.

The thing that calls itself "E3" now isn't even the same show.

This i want to see
Whats the bet we will see Bayonetta 3 footage?

Why should Microsoft care? Video games aren't their primary business and they're only active in video games to further their PC-related interests.

I thought M $ hosts it's own event in its own venue?

None of these companies care. They're just going through the motions. Last year Sony had a booth that was mostly theaters where you could watch developer demos. In the middle of their booth was a giant display for Battlefront 2. It was all really low effort.

No, that's EA, one of the many companies to pull out of E3.

why is it always Nintendicksuckers who start shit first, act passive-aggressive and are usually the uppity cunts in the room?

Nintendo decked out their booth in Odyssey gear whos gonna get the E3 nintendo bump?
Call me crazy but Bayonetta or metroid prime might get the booth treatnent.

Nintendo went out of their way last year. It was pretty fucking sweet actually. Square did alright to. Everyone else sucked dick. Capcom was just a fucking video and you had to wait in line to watch it.

Also the problem is that Microsoft has been working on ideas for their own reveal path.

This year they have a ton of shit ready to show off but want to keep all of its major gameplay stuff at the Xbox fan fest.

E3 might be open to the public again but it still isnt consumer friendly.

>why is it always Nintendicksuckers who start shit first, act passive-aggressive and are usually the uppity cunts in the room?
>upset over a E3 meme
Whats the new excuse sony?
Wait till PSX
Wait till Gamescom?
Wait till pax?
Wait till PGW
Wait till VGA?
Wait till TGW?
Where are the new games sony?

I doubt we’ll even see Metroid or Bayo this year, I’ve got a feeling that they really don’t have a lot to show right now, and that stuff like Pokémon, Metroid, NMH, and Bayonetta is all gonna be 2019 material. They might have one or two cool games to show off but so far 2018 for the Switch has been underwhelming.

>implying sonybros don’t do the same shit
Fuck off, and same to the guy starting up that shit.

are you ok? not that I would care, it's a rhetorical question.

The only thing about E3 that produces hype for me is seeing how big of a shitshow it's going to be
Last year's was pretty funny, especially pic related

Wait til e3 2019

Go ahead faggot we are waiting

Even the Wii U gamepad is made out of paper

Only thing im watching at this years e3 is CDPRs announcement.

I honestly cant think of much sony will have again this year
At best they pay other publisher to announce their multiplats on Sony conference, similar to what MS did last year.

2077 will be like Vice city, a game based on the aesthetics of 2 generations before its release.

>that huge stall for bethesda
tes vi confirmed

Who the fuck even watches E3 anymore?
Everyone does their own press releases + livestream whenever on their terms, all they have to do to draw up hype is to announce it.

the fuck does XSeed need a booth for

same reason they show up at anime expo weeks later
for publicity

To Xpread the Seed

wooow can't wait.

Inb4 gwent

>I’ve got a feeling that they really don’t have a lot to show right now
You do understand that Nintendo E3 have games coming in the future right?
>E3 spotlight 2017
>the game is an Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chonicles 2 released in 2017
>kirby star alies march 2018
>nintendo glad over switch sales
>pokemon switch message from Ishihara of Pokemon company
(Pokken was in a pokemon direct)
>metroid prime 4 now in development
>yoshi 2018
>Fire emblem warriors released in 2017
(Announced at Switch presentation)
>Zelda Dlc 1 and champion amiibo released in 2017
>Nintendo versus
>mario plus rabbids kingdom battle
(Announced at Ubisoft E3 press conference)
>rocket league port released in 2017
>jump up superstar trailer Super mario Odyssey released 2017
Full analysis shows 4 new game announcments

did you even finish reading his post
>and that stuff like Pokémon, Metroid, NMH, and Bayonetta is all gonna be 2019 material

>sony might as well announce PS5 then
This gen sucked hardcore
At least my switch restored my faith in gaming.

>who watches e3?
No one. Anons stop talking about it after the first day. It just isn’t a draw any more. Nobody really cares. I’d rather have more Nintendo Directs.

>NMH is basically a AAA indie game (by real game standards its AA)
And Missed SMTV
(Announced in switch presentation)
Metroid fire emblem and pokemon should come out this year, its nintendos intentions in order to sell 20 million this FY2019

>who watches e3?
Bots, millions of bots

>Metroid fire emblem and pokemon should come out this year
Fire Emblem yes, Pokémon might happen too because Gamefreak loves to rush out games, but I really doubt Metroid is coming out any time soon. They didn’t have ANYTHING to show at E3 last year.

E3 hasn't even been relevant since 2003. Most companies are starting to figure this out since they lost a bunch of earnings due to last 5 years of abysmal shows.

>Be Nintendo
>Pay 8 million bucks to show at E3
>The press trashes everything you show no matter what
>Fanboys declare that you “lost”
I just can’t see why they would bother. Seems like a huge waste of cash.

We know that Metroid prime 4 alleged developer was in fact Bandai namco tokyo/singapore
Courtesy of Doctre.
However we dont have a gauge of how far they are in development but its clear that mp4 was in development for 2-3 years based on metroid hints by reggie.
What i expect
DKC 3 made by Retro
Pikmin 4
As for the big 3
Fire Emblem
Pokemon always announced in a pokemon direct
Metroid Prime 4 footage at least


wow you're so fucking cool you contrarian faggot

tell us more about how all video games suck nowadays

Let me guess, Zelda game cube announcement

they get more prescience with their Directs, all they have to do is just have Reggie show up with one upcoming game. they don't even need a booth.

The last good E3 was 1999, with the reveal of the Dreamcast.

Source: ASS

Seems like total bullshit.

can everyone stop being fucking retarded

e3 was worth hype up until 6th-7th generation, everything after that is dogshit non-demo trailer fests

All creative industries are currently in their death throes.

They are predictions
Im not a leakfag (too many false leaks in /vp/ already)
But they are educated guesses
>DK3 by retro
Retro has been the DK devs and its fitting to end this trilogy for a new dev team.
Estimated release date 2019
>pikmin 4
my prediction is that its a 2019 project filler
Alongside Bayo 3 and SMTV and a possible smash/animal crossing game likely.

e3 hasn’t been good in almost a decade. fuck off.

>Fake leaks and speculation bullshit.
Another reason to hate this show.

i think well be getting something star fox related as well. a tease perhaps or a fixed version of Zero