Calls out shady practices like on-disc DLC, and day-one DLC

>calls out shady practices like on-disc DLC, and day-one DLC
>tough, but fair in his reviews
>Destroyed EA and Star Wars Battlefront multiple times over
>Destroyed Capcom and SF5, and Marvel Infinite
>Speaks with honesty, not a corporate shill

He's pretty much the only reviewer I trust anymore
does Sup Forums approve?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying anything AngryJoe produces is good.

That's laughable at best.

What was his name again?

>He liked Suicide Squad

la creatura de siete pesos

Jose molesto

What's his name Sup Forums?

Only when it comes to games. He went from demolishing The Last Jedi to suddenly saying "It wasn't that bad"

Suicide Squad is pleb filter

Daily reminder.

insufferable ignacio

he's the prototype of the dumb murrican gamer

Maybe I'll report you, how's that sound?

Id like him more if he did not shoehorn those awful "comedy" skits into things.

Eceleb Jim

>Waits for people to establish an opinion about a game then copies it so everyone likes him
>Frames it as controversial so people think he's le based anti-corporation guy
>Childish as shit, has temper tantrums all the fucking time that make his friends uncomfortable
>The "Angry" part of him is ironic because he isn't even angry as a character anymore, he's just an impatient baby when things don't always go his way
>Claims to be smart and informed and against corporate shit
>Does absolutely fuck all with his time, shits out a review now and again and then whines about having to work
>Uses his shitty "sits in front of a camera idly chatting for 10 minutes" as an excuse for "my workload has increased so I don't have time to do as many reviews"
>Just sits and collects Twitchbucks instead, and then posts his streams on youtube to get ad revenue for them again
>Superman Fanboy, claims to just be a diehard fan but insists that everyone else is always wrong about Superman and gets infinitely asshurt anytime Supes isn't portrayed in anything but a perfect light
>Gets fucked by shitty developer tactics on youtube
>Keeps trying despite getting the same result
>Sees himself as a champion against shitty developer practices
>Almost Jontron-tier of "where is the content, faggot"
>Constantly whines and complains about how hard his job is and how much work he has to put into the channel
>Unless he is literally lying about some other full time job that he has, he is just sitting in his house playing vidya eating junk food instead of making content
>Other Joe is funnier and more pleasant to watch

He's a fag

7 peso padrae

t. Other Joe

disgruntled diego

Objective truth:
He has shit tastes but has his heart set in the right place when it comes to industry bullshit and does try to get across informed and sincere opinions in his reviews.

Before you reply to this post, observe my image.

so he’s /ourguy/?

>that image
Looks like we're dealing with a badass here

wait, we can post about youtubers now?

Apoplectic Alejandro

honestly he's fat and ugly and fat/ugly/skinny/baldies/manlets/etc aren't worth talking to.

Raimundo Raivoso

El ogro...

Irado Ian

>Destroyed EA and Star Wars Battlefront multiple times over
Haha YES!!Le brave gamer DESTROYS evil EA(t ass)!!

>Speaks with honesty, not a corporate shill
Because they don't pay him to shill for them

What does Sup Forums think of Worth a Buy?

I don't trust any reviewer.

>I don't trust any reviewer.
over 100k subs


CleanPrinceGaming is the best vidya reviewer i know. That guy does his homework on games and game devs.

movie joe

The first video I ever saw of his was the review for that game where people pretend to be planes. It was very funny.

>got BTFO by dorito pope

Who the fuck hates Croshaw?

is a sjw fag

What the fuck is Chad doing in this pic?

>Talking shit about based CWC


bump for based ecelebs

Rational people with taste