What, in your opinion, are the best Isometric RPGs? I really want to get into one to take the stress away

What, in your opinion, are the best Isometric RPGs? I really want to get into one to take the stress away.

I liked:
Pillars of Eternity
Divinity: Original Sin

I'm interested in trying Divinity Original Sin 2 but i've heard it's not as good?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm interested in trying Divinity Original Sin 2 but i've heard it's not as good?
You heard well.
Go play Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, instead.

I've heard good things about Shadowrun: Hong Kong, i may give it a try

God tier:
>Fallout 2
>Baldurs Gate 2

Good tier:
>Fallout 1
>Baldurs Gate 1
>Pillars of Eternity

Decent tier:
>Wasteland 2

No. I agree with the rest.

What's wrong with Tyranny? Except for THAT one companion


The Age of Decadence is good but quite hard. Combat can heavily rely upon % chances and you'll get destroyed by most combat early on. It's possible to avoid it with a dialogue based character though. The setting is alright and has some deep lore/hidden stuff that's difficult to access which is a shame since it's probably the best part of the game.

It's set in a Romanesque empire after the apocalypse and everythings fucked

Age of Decadence has good choices and consequences, but it has an unfun combat system and is really ugly. Not a good recommendation for these kinds of threads, imo.

You're supposed to be evil, but you can't do anything as evil as Pillars of Eternity
You can't even kill whoever you want, unlike Pillars of Eternity
You're supposed to be Judge Dredd, but no one respects your authority and you're treated like a chore boy doing fetch quests for everyone
Stronghold is even more annoying and unnecessary than Pillars of Eternity
Combat is Pillars of Eternity except casualized to the extreme
Lantry is the only good character, everyone else sucks
Shit cliffhanger ending for a trilogy when there's not gonna be a second game, as if that isn't bad enough, they add in DLC with a dumb meaningless chapter about the beastmen
Speaking of the beastmen, fuck the beastmen, cringe fucks
Kills-In-Shadows might be the worst party member in the history of CRPGs
Game railroads you into going against Kyros. Yeah, they added a new path a year later. Too late, nigger.

>but it has an unfun combat system and is really ugly. Not a good recommendation for these kinds of threads, imo

Despite being ugly it's still an enjoyable game and if you really hate the combat you could always cheat and treat it as a Choose you own adventure game. It's worth playing without cheats though imo

Just picked this up, any tips for building a merchant or loremaster? The game seems very exacting in its skill requirements which seems like it makes blind playthroughs unfeasible

try torment tides of numenera or the original planetscape

>The game seems very exacting in its skill requirements which seems like it makes blind playthroughs unfeasible

Pretty much, Just remember that specialisation is the way to go rather than spreading yourself thin. Just boost you civil stats, i believe streetwise is used the most out of all social checks but i dont think ive ever done a merchant playthrough. Merchant is supposed to be the easiest social playthrough though and Assassin is by far the easiest combat (but it has a mix of social skills too). The steam community page has decent guides the last i checked.

I hope you're not OP. You could have gone for one of the Shadowruns and you went with that shit.

op here, shadowrun is boring

God damn it

>I'm interested in trying Divinity Original Sin 2 but i've heard it's not as good?
D:OS2 is still pretty good. It has a good-great act 1 and a great act 2. Act 3 is a tedious, underwhelming slog though, and act 4 is really bad. It's not as good as 1 and the balance is even more out of wack.

Like, if you start playing on the hardest difficulty with a generic balanced party you will think the game is really hard, but then once you understand how the game works you'll figure out how to easily cruise through the hardest difficulty with just one character.

It also has a huge issue with how the game is balanced around fighting enemies your own level (or ideally 1-3 levels above your own, to make it a little challenging), but coinciding with when the game turns bad at the end of act 2, once you complete act 2 you'll never be underleveled again so the rest of the game is really easy even with an un-optimized party.

I could go on for a really long time about the issues the game has but overall it's still a pretty good game if you like turn-based games, and I didn't regret the money I spent on it. It probably also has a lot of cool mods now though I haven't played it since launch so can't comment much on that.

Real OP here, He's not wrong

what about act 5 ?

I haven't been keeping up with Deadfire news but I think it will release soon
Are there any screens of the character models and character creator? The first game's CC left something to be desired. Portraits were great tho

Fuck Numenera and its developers especially.

Models here:

how good is it?
I've heard it's unbalanced and combat sucks, but I care more for writing, worldbuilding and such
think I'll enjoy it based on that? I loved Planescape

Hong Kong was GREAT. All the characters were fantastic. Very well written. It was a really nice surprise, because I thought shadowrun retruns was complete garbage.

I think I'm literally the only person on Sup Forums who has played it, but I think Neverwinter Nights 2 is fucking great. The companions are fantastic, the campaign and expansions are really fun, the class system is complex and interesting, and the music is godlike.


You will enjoy it

ToN is barely a game. And the devs are garbage people who couldn't deliver half of what they promised many times the money the asked for in 5 times the time or however fucking long it took them to finally complete it.
Anybody who defends or recommends that shit should be punched in the groin. Or I dunno maybe the shoulder. The groin is a little harsh. Point is, it should be met with condemnation.

Play soulbringer instead its much better than this broken piece of shillts

Is dragonfall good ?
Ive played it and i like it too but i prefer the first one

For me it was the most well written post-goldenage crpg, very true to its roots regarding lore and exceptionally well written characters.

I haven't played dragonfall yet. My friend said it wasn't as good as hong kong, but still good.

I played a cracked version and thought it wasnt that bad so i dont care for kickstarter and goals bs

There are 2 main reasons. First: game tries to be Planescape: Torment, but fails miserably (there are 2 good quests and 1.5 interesting companions in the entire game, goddamn it). Second: developers are lying cunts (kickstarter promises still undelivered). Other flaws are bland music, inconsistent writing and pretty much non-existing crunch.

I agree. However I haven't played Pillars of Eternity yet

Numenera had great world building but shit-tier character development, mostly uninteresting and useless party members and the combat was meh at best. The voice acting was beyond shitty as well. Crying shame because the setting is fantastic.

Dragonfall for more fighting, HK for more speaking.

Has anyone here played neoscavenger ? Is it good ?

I can't get warm with PoE, the combat kills any enjoyment for me. I also like cyberpunk/sci-fi/post-apoc settings a lot more than high fantasy/sword and sorcery.

D:OS2 is probably a worse game overall, but it is more fun, in a casual way. Plus it's more of the same, so if you liked OS but want a new campaign, it's worth playing.

Pillars is by far the best modern-era CRPG, owing in particular to its combat system (post white march that is).

This chap has some good suggestions:
In adding to what he says:

Torment Tides of Numenera is big disappointment to most, but it has some amusing parts, and, owing to its total lack of difficult combat, is quite relaxing. Pirate it but certainly don't buy it.

In terms of old games Planescape Torment is a must, even if its combat is largely dogshit.

Arcanum is also a must, it's rather unique and a lot of fun. If you build a bad character combat can be punishing.

Icewind Dale 1 and 2 have solid combat and not much story. They really do have the best combat of the infinity engine games though.

Temple of Elemental Evil comes closest to having a DnD ruleset, and is a good underlying game; you need to use the circle of eight modpack with it, but it's worth playing. It has no notable story etc., but the game itself is gold.

Moving away from infinity engine games and towards CRPGs in general, NWN has some good unofficial campaigns, and there are still some servers going. NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer is a good game.

It's great and really comfy.
Not really an RPG tho. Try the demo

I read some complaints about the 'soul eater' mechanic in MotB, without spoiling anything are the people complaining retards or not?
from what I can tell it's like an addiction, the more you use it the more you crave

>God tier
nostalgia tier is more like it

how new

I started playing it yesterday. The game is broken on Windows 10 and needs a bunch of fixes to function without massive slowdown.

The soul eater mechanic is great and only scrubs hated it. Actually, Pillars was missing something like that to better show the player's watcher curse.

it's good for about 4 hours until you figure out the game then it sucks

Egh, I suppose the gimmick has aged poorly, but it's not substantial enough to really detract from the game. It is one of the few mechanics in RPGs that doesn't have an upside, and, especially in the era of modern games, I see why that can annoy people. That said, whilst not devouring isn't the easy path it's more than possible, and it doesn't hurt your toon's stats that much.

So I'd probably say people that moan about it are wimps that think gameplay should revolve around necessarily empowering the player, and choices around specialisations therein, and hence that mechanics that set constraints without upsides are inherently bad. I think the mechanic could've been done better, and similar things have probably been done better since, but that's the way with standing on shoulders.

there are many isometric games, people will keep giving you the same names over and over like parrots, but there are many more

It's actually been broken since Vista, but it can be made playable. Frankly it was broken at release. Good game though.

Did you play the Caldecott Caper?


Very high quality user made campaign, check it out

This guy nails it actually, when I spoke about downsides and constraints in my post, that's exactly what Pillars lacked. If speccing into, or even using, your very OP watcher abilities had a cost it would've been much more interesting. That cost could be exp, that cost could be something more fundamental and sinister, but the idea of having only a choice of upsides goes against the decision structure of CRPGs.

>D:OS2 is probably a worse game overall
>Torment Tides of Numenera is big disappointment to most
>Arcanum is also a must
Nostalgia is strong in this one. First two games are at least decent whereas Arcanum is broken piece of shit with no redeeming qualities

Will do, thanks!

Consensus is usally that Dragonfall is better than Hong Kong. This thread is really skewed with people not having played it, for some reason.

Man HBS really redeemed themselves with Dragonfall and Hong Kong. Leaps and bounds better than SRR

Shadowrun has some good mods Shadowrun unlimited for Dragonfall was pretty ambitious and fun.

If you don't put Sacred and Divine Divinity on your list, you clearly don't know your games.

Yeah, I wonder why Returns was so crappy? I REALLY hated it, I can't overstate how shitty and disappointing I thought it was. Someone convinced me to try Hong Kong though and it blew me away, not exaggerating

>I'm interested in trying Divinity Original Sin 2 but i've heard it's not as good?

Excuse me, what? It's better than the first game in every way. It's one of the best damn sequels I've ever played.

Returns was their first attempt, so it was significantly worse than Dongerfall and Hong Kong

Too much dev time went to creating the foundations. It was necessary

It's great until it stops being a murder mystery and turns into a plot about ghost bugs or some shit

Arcanum is broken, no doubt, but it's tremendously characterful.

ToN, on the other hand, is a half arsed successor to Planescape, with mostly shitty writing, and abominable combat. Bugs and all I'd put Arcanum above it.

I also think user here: sums up why OS2 is worse than OS1. I do also say it's more fun, and I think it is, not least for the far better multiplayer implementation, and the variety of races. In any case, I don't think either have stellar gameplay.

Yeah, Returns was awful. The expandalones were a gigantic leap in quality, it's actually impressive.

I don't get the hate towards Numenera. I thought it was a great throwback to Planescape, and the fact the game offered so many options to avoid combat was great. My only complaint was that it was way too short, but aside from that I had a absolute blast playing it.

It's horrible and explains why very well

Just play a different genre while waiting for Pillars 2. It'll be the greatest isometric crpg in history, so no point in playing any other crpg while waiting.

>explains why very well

No, the cunt doesn't. He just says the game is shit and the writing is terrible, and then proceeds to bash the game's combat on two points; the difference in gear strength and the armor system. The game is far from "legitimately shit".

GoG version works fine on W7.

It's a good game, just play a mage to avoid trouble with the combat then focus on the dialogue and story.

It really isn't, though. Not saying that DF isn't a good game, HK just improved on it in every single aspect.

His criticisms are all valid and you have no proper counter to them.

soulbringer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > arcanum

Everytime these games are brought up, most people say that DF is better.

>improved on it in every single aspect.
How so? It's pretty much the same thing gameplay wise.

Arcanum isn't obscure enough for you anymore?

OS2 is better than OS and Pillars

>I'm interested in trying Divinity Original Sin 2 but i've heard it's not as good?

It's fine. It's got it's faults but nowhere near the level of "IT'S SHIT, DON'T BUY!".

i prefer soulbringer

Me and my friend found a lot of content in Arx fairly challenging, although for kind of bullshit reasons.

is that photo from dos 1 or 2 ?

Tactician Mode in 1 was infinitely better and more well, though out.
I mean 2 is still great. Even if you think the combat is horseshit, the non-combat aspect of the game alone is enough to buy it (mandatory pause to listen as "gaming as my second job" tryhard faggots start screaming and typing angry replies about how I'm casual or some shit).


From a tired oldfag who started isometric rpgs playing baldurs gate 1 on 8 cds,
OS2 is one of the most enjoyable games I've played in years, by a long margin

>but i've heard it's not as good?
OS2 improves on every aspect of the OS1.


The story is cringe-worthy, the dialogue system is embarrassing and the characters are all retarded. Larian can't write to save their lives.

Why don't these games allow you to rotate the camera for some different camera angle views?

Because they're 2d and not 3d

for all D:OS players has any of you played the game with epic encounters or 6 man party mods ??? does it work with the newest version and does it break the game ???


Many many reasons. Firstly the extent of cut content; a whole city, of the same size as the first, was cut, a stronghold, crafting, two companions, a faction, a fair bit of the labyrinth, a number of other named areas, the epilogue. At least 1/3rd of the game was just cut.

Secondly, the combat system became turn based, which was never the brief. It was originally going to be real time with pause, then they said 'Hey, why don't we base this on the wasteland 2 stuff and make it real time with pause + turn based as an option?', then they just made it turn based to the ire of many.

Then you have the quality of the writing, which varies greatly, and is largely mediocre.

Lastly, you have the fairly limited decisions, even though there are many ways out of combat and the like, the game itself isn't particularly branching. Probably why they killed the epilogue which was supposed to explain the path you took in the context of all the many paths you didn't.

In addition you have the fact that they just stayed quiet about all of this. And that they deprioritised the game's development at numerous points, and admitted to spending the kickstarter funds for it on Wastland 2 (in some combined company pot as they put it), which, seeing as torment suffered so much, really pissed people off.

In all honesty I think they tried to cash in on the kickstarter boom, ran two campaigns in quick succession, and bit off more than they could chew. The result was two fairly shitty games.

Because you're not able to make it look as incredibly good as it does. Divinity: Original Sin lets you rotate and that's why their backgrounds look real generic and static.

>story is cringe-worthy, the dialogue system is embarrassing and the characters are all retarded

Oh wow, your subjective opinion has retroactively erased the 100 hours of happiness and joy that me and my friend experienced while playing this game and listening to every dialogue. Thank you so much, you've really helped me out today.

Can you also give an extensive post on why you disliked Wasteland 2? I liked that game.

>I played a shitty game and enjoyed it, haha, JOKE'S ON YOU!
Good for you, kid.
Wow, you and your friend have an incredible sense of humor, it's no wonder you enjoy garbage like Divinity.
wtf i love larianiggers now!

If I want to play the new Shadowrun games, do I have to play Returns as it is apparently utter shit to get the other ones or are they self-contained?

If you lower the camera for a more horizontal view, you'd just see a complete lack of skybox and a low draw distance. Assets are not made to look good from horizontal viewing angles anyways.

You can still rotate clock/counterclockwise and both games have a tactical view where you can look at everything from directly top-down.

Ok, user, I took time out of my day to read your post and I've got a few criticisms.

1 - You used a whole lot of words to say very little.
2 - Everything that you disliked stems not from poor gameplay or design choice, but your own personal expectations failing to be met.

While I do appreciate that you took the time out of your day to respond the user, I have to say that I disagree with almost everything you said. Not because you're factually incorrect, as you didn't offer any facts, but rather because your opinions are fucking shit.

if it isn't an ALLODS 2 lan party then i'm not interested


Adding races was a nice touch. Origin characters were also cool.
Combat was better, adding a height system, more abilities, bless/curse, ect..
Inventory (while still not good) improves over the first one.
More content a longer campaign
Better graphics
Got rid of the dumb rock paper scissors mechanic