What are some games that most players just don't "get"?
What are some games that most players just don't "get"?
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and most VR games in general
No one got that.
Last girl I tried dating was just using me to buy their game; I'm really vulnerable right now... but you're kind of too pretty to pass up, so, I hope it's not too good to be true, but... do you wanna go on a date with me?
Fucking americans.
Bioshock Infinite. A casual player will miss the bigger picture of the game's story.
Kojima made a deliberate piece of shit where Snake is an old fuck and every answer is contrived and disappointing and fans still loved it.
What's the context of picture?
>deus ex
new players playing with GDX or whatever it's called
see brutal doom and it's audience
>every old game in the hands of normies ever
they cannot go without a 'graphics overhaul' or whatever.
good amount of people use complete
Dorf Fort
And if most of Sup Forums is enough, BotW and The Witness.
What is this? People have to be told not to get up and leave because of a pause in sound?
Ah, the kinogamer. Let's not kid ourselves, Infinite was too convoluted for even you.
A casual player won't even get past the bells puzzle.
I don't think anyone on Sup Forums actually knows. They just saw pictures of the signs and started screaming about Americans.
we make the good movies boy
General audiences are generally retarded
Yes. That's literally it.
For the star wars one, it's an american movie theater that kept getting complaints that the moive got "greally quiet" during the part mentioned, because apparently the views have never heard of a movie doing that before.
Tired of people saying something to them. That's the main reason people usually put signs up.
Never underestimate the ability of stupid people.
I think this is more telling that movie theaters are shit at running their audio and everyone is now trigger happy.
I imagine that they didn't want people to complain or ask for a refund thinking they missed something.
God of War. The combat inputs are not hard, but that's not the point. The point is keeping the flow of brutality going, like a single player adventure Mortal Kombat, wihout tqking damage, without being interrupted. Let the epic orchestral music sway over you and keep killing enemies in the most brutal ways possible.
It's no DMC, it doesn't have a style system, but the game is more fun if you also play on harder difficulties and keep using all moves, to make it as stylish as possible.
Rabi Ribi. Many people don't get to play it for the waifubait it contains despite being a great game.
>What is this?
obviously covering their ass as customers might think it is the cinemas fault.
The new transformers and dunkirk both have fucked audio, wtf are these faggy directors doing
The issue isn't Nolan.
yes most people are that stupid
oh so it's another Sup Forums episode
i think everybody gets god of war user, square square triangle all the way trough the game, hit QTE button prompts, try to build combos for more xp. it isn't hard at all
The issue is not the directors, in the case of OP and
normies minds transcend all nationality
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bioshock Infinite. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Booker’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bioshock Infinite truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Elizabeth's existential catchphrase "constants and variables,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ken Levine’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Bioshock Infinite tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Illbleed (iLL bleed)
You actually need a high IQ to figure out how to play this game.
Most people who bought or rented this game would have played it for an hour, have absolutely no clue how to play the game, then quit.
>boy, why am I not having fun with this game by playing it on normal and only using square square triangle!?
DMC also lets you use just the Triangle Triangle delay Triangle combo in most of its games for great damage, doesn't mean it should be played that way.
I dare you to tell me any GoW games are easy on Very Hard or above.
I watch Game Informer Super Replay of this game and it looked so bad, sell me on it
Sup Forumsirgins always show how dumb they are in every the witness thread
>american theaters
There are actual intelligent people out there who haven't gotten laid
Only a dunce would manage to find even the tiniest iota of difficulty in GoW.
sonic the hedgehog series by sega
some of the platforming really tests your patience.
Extremely unique survival horror game, one of the strangest games ever made. The actual gameplay is fun (for the first playthrough) if you understand what you're dloing.
The primitive early 3D graphics are pleasing, and fitting for such a game.
It's even better if you like drugs dude weed lmao
idk, I think I have completed them all on hard and none was hard at all. While there are many combos, and I don't just use square square triangle, but that combo is the most effective combo in the entire game and you can play from start to finish nearly only ever doing that combo.
last time I played the game I stopped using the circle combos as they would jump kratos up, make the combo go slower and take me out of the battle for a few secs
the bigger picture is basically that ken levine is fucking stupid and QM rely maks hem tink
Link to the scene?
I've never actually seen interstellar. What is wrong with the music in it to cause this?
I've watched the movie and it sounded nice. The soundtrack is pretty good.
There is literally nothing wrong with it.
I've only seen it in Imax and while it's very quiet, there's definitely audio during that scene. Regular theaters just have shit audio equipment
>happens in one theater
>must happen in every theater
Fucking foreigners
this. Even the developers themselves don't get it.
Again, many games allow themselves to be easily finished with just one combo that is more effective than others, Even DMC3, with its triangle triangle delay triangle combo. Izuna Drop is an infamous move in Ninja Gaiden Black, II and Razor's Edge because it's also extremely effective in 99% of situations. Are they easy games because of that? Should you be playing it like this instead of changing combos to look good and have fun, whether the game has a stylish system or not?
This. I pirated it out of curiosity, but the game was so good that i ended up buying the extras version. Last last boss was hard as fucking nails, too.
One opinion is that Hans Zimmer fell asleep on his keyboard. The soundtrack is the most emotional that I have listened to in living memory and had me in fits for some time.
Learn to ignore Mexicans. It's made my life so much better. They complain about America all day but then want to live here and reap all the benefits so they can sneak back to NachoLand and live it with the Cartel.
Dialogue is very quiet compared to the rest of the audio, the soundtrack is fucking amazing though.
Thx couldn't find it
God Hand its fucking great but 90% of the players never understood how to play it, including all the gamer "journalists"
This is the scene I hate the most from that fucking movie, it makes 80% of the fucking movie worthless.
some of the chalenge modes are really annoying. especially in ghost of sparta
I'm gonna plat them all before 4 comes out, just 1 more playthrough each
>the sound cut is in sync with the hyperspace jump
jesus christ, if it seemed random then I could see how it seems like a mistake. But this is obviously in sync with the visuals. Next time they make a shot like this everyone who complains should be taken to the back and get gassed
Pretty lame, I've seen the "complete sudden silence" thing made a lot better before
>, including all the gamer "journalists"
you mean literally just one, and even even the rest of the IGN staff basically called him a retard when they put God Hand in their "Top 100" lists.
This meme really needs to stop.
It's Americans :^)
BTW this is not Sup Forums