>monster attack
>you evade it
>get tremored by it and cant love
>monster does his aoe ohko and kills you
would you call this artificial difficulty?
>monster attack
>you evade it
>get tremored by it and cant love
>monster does his aoe ohko and kills you
would you call this artificial difficulty?
Other urls found in this thread:
There are items to remove the tremor effect though
>get tremored by it and cant love
I know that feel user
>get tremored by it and cant love
>can't handle hit-confirm into level-1 combo
C'mon bud
what game?
>cant love
>can't love
It's for the best...
>get tremored by it and cant love
are you ok user?
You poor bastard
>>get tremored by it and cant love
>get tremored by it and cant love
op, i...
I remember when Sup Forums couldn't love.
>can't love
I call it get good faggot
Whos Olev
What did she mean by this?
>tfw no teostra boypussy
>can't love
Not when you've got infinitely expendable items and buffs to negate that.
>cant love
Poor user
Just beat the final boss, this game is a full 10/10.
Only quest failed on the final boss once. No idea why anyone needs thinks they need earplugs, that's a meme, after the roar just avoid the next attack. Same thing with tremors. Would not call the game easy but it's not that hard if you just pay attention to the monster movesets. Overall there's very little reason to rage out or blame artificial difficulty. Some weapons don't match up very against certain monsters but that's about it.
Game is designed for multiplayer, stop trying to solo stuff. You're just whacking your head against a health sponge. Theres no point
>have GF when 15
>family hates her for no reason
>family nearly disowns me and says i am incapable of love
>29 now and single
>"why don't you have a GF user"
>get tremored and can't love
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
>tfw finally getting Nerg claws
>cant love
Now I have to avoid every tremor because I still want to be loved.
>want to love someone
>just can't bring myself to
She didn't deserve the pain
>hunting nergigante solo
>all is going well
>all of a sudden "Quest difficulty has been changed"
>insect glaive user appears
>carts straight away
>it's happening again
>quest failed
Every time.
>>you evade it
>>get tremored by it and cant love
Story of my life man...
>Blacksteel II gunlance is two rarities higher than Dragonbone II
>has same attack, less elemental and sharpness
Am I missing something here?
I have doubts user.
1. Why on earth if this has happened before would you not just change player count to 1
2. I play IG and only use aerial attacks on flying enemies and Nergi is easy
3. You're an hbg user aren't you
GS user.
Ahh, Guts wannabe. Better, but not much
>Can't love
You did that one purpose, you cheeky little shit
nah guts swings his sword as if it's made out of polystyrene while MH GS actually has weight.
yes yes yes
when's Capcom gonna add pvp and invasions to this game
>can't love
user, I...
>get tremored by it and cant love
How does this even happen if you don't approve the other player or fire off an SOS?
>tfw doing really long arena optional quest
>one of the monsters tail is severed
>switch axe nigger keeps hitting me so i cant get it
>gg ;)
>cant love
Where's Mr. Krabs, robot!?
kinda, arguably you can grind for a while to get the armor/gems to stop it from happening
but if you wanna talk about artificial difficulty in MH:
1. Timer in solo multi hunts
2. only SnS can use item without sheathing
>start quest
>immediately SOS for co-op fun
>everyone thinks you're a filthy casual
>monster has way more health and is wildly unpredictable
>start quest
>go solo
>people think you're hardcore
>monster has way less health, is entirely predictable
>get into a groove and never cart
This is my first MH game, so I don't know if this permeates the entire series, but co-op is way harder than solo in World. I always SOS both for fun and a higher challenge. I've only ever triple carted solo to Nergigante once on my first attempt. Every other failure has been in co-op.
>playing online
Fuck that. Single player only.
>tfw don'twant to love because I don't want to be hurt
>fall in love anyway knowing I'll get hurt
why the fuck do I do this to myself
>only SnS can use item without sheathing
That's not artificial difficulty, that's the SnS gimmick. That's like saying it's artificial difficulty that Swaxe and CB are the only transforming weapons. Well, not quite, but the SnS is played with that ability in mind, the norm should not change because one weapon has a specific ability.
Was it worth it?
that's not the point i'm making fag
the fact that other weapons can't use items is bs and has no reason to be like that other than adding artificial difficulty
Can I put and listen to podcasts on my PS4 while playing? I never knew how much I missed watching/listening to other shit on the side once I hit the HR grind in MH and now it's even worse because it feels like the monsters have no health.
I'd say so, even if I felt deep despair for a while afterwards, it's a useful life experience
Wouldn't want to go through it again though
It isn't artificial difficulty, it's a fucking mechanic. The game is designed around you needing to find or create an opening to use items. The ability to spam items willy-nilly trivializes the game to an incredible extent when combined with certain weapons. Creating a reasonable set of circumstances to challenge the player is not artificial difficulty.
>the fact that other weapons can't use items is bs
You are retarded. The reason SnS can use items is because their weapon is one handed and the shield is strapped to the arm when withdrawn, not held.
>inb4 why can't lance/gl use items then
Because you're fucking retarded.
not sure how you can even defend this
and yeah i was gonna bring up the fre ehand shit on some weapons, being fucking retarded is not a valid answer tho, try again
>The game is designed around you needing to find or create an opening to use items
yeah guess what, everyone already has to deal with that once they use items by standing still
>Creating a reasonable set of circumstances
except they are not if they force you to waste time in both sheathing, using item, unsheathing
i'd take it if you could use items with a extended time needed but c'mon
Guy was in the same lobby.
just to strengthen my point further
every weapon except DB can be one handed in some way, so sayin SnS is the only one with the free hand is bs
In older monster hunter games, when you soloed online content, the monster was still scaled for multiplayer. I imagine that mindset has still sort of unconsciously pervaded.
It's because SnS doesn't have high deeps compared to other weapons that's why they added cool moves like a mounting/aerial attack combo. I use it in previous gens as more of a support/status weapon because it's fast to inflict status and its ability to use potions when unsheathed.
>every weapon except DB can be one handed in some way
Sure, and a big ass man sord and a long boi sord longer than your characters' height can totally be held with one hand. Curse you, Capcom! Why didn't you make dual wielding Great Swords possible??!?!
what is the best lance in the game? also any general lance tips
The time commitment for items is a punishment. Stop getting hit, you don't have to heal. stop hitting hard points, and you won't have to sharpen as much. want to cheese monster with traps? gotta spend time setting that up. It's there to encourage you to actually git gud (rather than just git gud enough).
diablos or nerg
this applies to pretty much every weapon except gunlance and horn
though i use bazel because blast is the most fun and i won't let anyone tell me otherwise
>get tremored by it and cant love
but it's all i'm holding out for
the coolest looking lance is blue prominence
Do you get Nergi investigations after beating the elder dragons for the first time? Id like to farm him solo cause im tired of sos fights failing 9 times out of 10.
Also which Diablos weapons are worth using? Im always kind of scared off by the -30 affinity they seem to have. But i have to imagine its useful for some weapons.
>monster zooms around like a goddamn retard
>get hit and stunned for 5+ seconds
>monster immediately hits you with lightening attack dealing 3/4ths if your health
This faggot is worse than B-52
-30 affinity is approximately 7.5% less DPS (25% of 30%) so just do the math
plus, ignoring crit boost, bonus affinity (like, say, from weakness exploit) on a high raw, less affinity weapon is stronger than on an already high affinity but low raw weapon.
Why do people hate HBG so much?
>cant love
>get tremored by it and cant love
>SnS doesn't have high deeps compared to other weapons
that might be true in older games
but it was great on it's own in 4U and Gen with the coatings
>Sure, and a big ass man sord and a long boi sord longer than your characters' height can totally be held with one hand.
stop being stupid user
if you are using an item you can just grab any big weapon with one hand and let the opposite edge touch the floor
>It's there to encourage you to actually git gud (rather than just git gud enough)
that's artificial difficulty user
setting up traps is the only one that would need both hands and as so it should be the only one that has to deal with sheathing
She turns out to be a girl in the ending, right?
Ahh ok. So if i wanted to use one it would be better to use just flat attack deco/charms over it? My thought was you would try to cancel out the negative affinity. Of course im obviously a noob at the game.
Post your hunters
>can't love
I hate how much better the male hunter armors look to me I would be down to be a grill but MAN I would just hate to keep looking at these armors that are so much lessor imo :/
> :/
Unironically fuck off, please
I agree that certain sets like Legiana and Teostra look way better on males but some sets like Odogaron's look really good on females
>everyone is fighting the monster
>two people cart, not a worry
>get knocked down by the monster
>the monster gets up into the air getting ready to do a 720 kickflip into a tailwhip right onto my face
>mfw my guy is stunned
I mean I was wearing the vitality mantle so I took like 1 damage but that shit is scary
I don’t have world yet. Can’t you button mash your way out of tremor and stun? Tremor was never much more than an annoyance.
>get tremored by it and cant love
>get tremored by it and cant love
Fuck man that hit hard.
>get tremored by it and cant love
>Artificial difficulty
Carted to him once the first time. Had no real trouble otherwise 1 bad situation that was all. He doesn't have any body gimmicks that annoy me and supernova gives you a giant window to punish as he lands.
Kushala was much worse as a DBS user and Nergy was harder the Teostra. Vaal/Xeno are garbage boss fights.
Does everyone hate IE online? Id consider myself fairly good with the CB and solod the game with it ezpz. But for the grind I just wanna have fun with IE
>Can't love.
That armor alone makes me want to make a female hunter. I also wish there was more armor like the Baan set for them.
What? Maybe in shitty games/the new shit CGI anime. Guts slashes in the manga are clearly big wind up 1 swings outside of Berserk armor taking over.
>can't love
1. Retards still use slicing ammo like crazy and don't focus on one area and instead fire everywhere they see so well I attack the tail or undercarriage with my DBS they knock me away all day
2. Ranged weapons are for shitters who want to avoid learning truly timing on most bosses.
3. Fucking slicing ammo fuck you.
I don't see why people play ranged in this game. Tried it and its really boring. Sure there is some stamina management to it. But its just so boring. You have to be semi close at best and most monsters don't feel built for it.
Git gud
>walking through the ancient forest