Was it really that bad?
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No. i thought it was great may not be the best game every but's it's really fun, plus dante is a bit of a hotty
It's a 7/10 game. I didn't take the story too seriously like all the fanboys did because Dante was never a great character to begin with. To me the story was so bad it's good. The bosses definitely could've been better mechanically speaking, even though they did look cool.
Also it never bored me unlike 4, which got me to stop playing before I even got the chance to play as Dante. The fact that I would've had to play the game in reverse if I kept going convinced me to never touch it again.
It's my 2nd favourite dmc game
As its own thing it isn't that bad. It's just that it's a shit Devil May Cry game.
and the 1st is?
>not bad game but bad ___ game
No, but it's incredibly redundant.
It has cool ideas, but an incredibly hard time justifiying being a DMC game. The game literally ends with "Hahaha see guys? He BECAME Dante!" Which begs the question, what was the point of this reboot in the first place?
As a DMC fan I would have prefered to see the methhead version, at least that was really different.
This: Also the story/characters were kinda shit. Wasn't terrible as far as gameplay was concerned, but basically it was worse than previous DmC games.
Definitive Edition is definitely my favourite in the series. It fixes all of the gameplay flaws while keeping the tone and aesthetic that are leagues about the pre-reboot games.
Yes it was. Me and a friend played it through because it seemed so cringy. Now, it is not the worst game ever, but even if we disregard the incredibly juvenile and tryhard main character, the gameplay is lacking. The best tactic is to just get the axe and spam the ground slam attack, it will annihilate everything except blue enemies. It would be like the second weapon in Quake 2 was the best one in the game, bad design. Also, later levels often felt empty.
The old DMC world was way cooler because it was set in a demonic fantasy world and not some kind of contemporary society with pretentious social commentary.
I can handle the more realistic and western style, but the way they try to make the game very "now" is just fucking cringeworthy, even for DMC standards.
I love the artstyle, but the story wasn't going anywhere and donte was awful. Edgy in a bad way
It was also 30fps on PS3/360 back then right? who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
>The best tactic is to just get the axe and spam the ground slam attack, it will annihilate everything except blue enemies.
The most OP tactic in the game is actually the Angel Shuriken ones. This weapon has a "buy in" move that makes Donte throw them out and pull every enemy close to him. This move is fucking ridiculous because it makes crowd control a joke and you can basically deadlock every enemy on screen and built SSS meter instantly.
t. Tameem
the main problem is not even the quality of an actual game (which is "decent" maybe even "good" considering overall amoeba-level pool of western developers) but the marketing which unironically and unapologetically shits on people who previously supported the series, calling them fags and shit.
The press joining on avalanche of shit flinging at potential buyers didn't help.
But strangely, apparently people DON'T like to be insulted and called human waste for not buying a game. Who knew.
just look at the fucking cover. It speaks by itself.
>than previous DmC games.
>DmC games
Don't. Do. That.
I'm your prom date, you ugly sack of shit.
The living cave of DMC1 and the cold, marble hell of 3 were still some of the coolest ideas.
>while keeping the tone and aesthetic that are leagues about the pre-reboot games
Yes, the social commentary about how consumism brainwashes us, and CONTROLLING THE WORLD THROUGH DEBT is better than DMC's mythos.
I'm got into the series in a very weird way, I actually played DmC first and I thought it was alright. The protagonist is edgy but it's a hack and slash game, who fucking cares. People who pretend to care about writing in a hack and slash game are idiots. I got the HD collection and I just finished DMC1. I see the appeal of the original Dante but honestly he seems really overrated and just as corny, albeit in a different way. For the pretentious people who want to bring up writing, at the very least in DmC the protag gets some character development whereas old Dante is just one-dimensional anime man. Every one-liner in DMC1 made me cringe just as hard DmC.
I do think that old Dante has a way better design and has a better antagonist. The space battle with Mundus was cool but really easy. Then he just shows up in the sewer again for a 10 second battle? I thought that was anticlimatic and cheesy but the pacing of that game was all over the place. Dante only met Trish hours ago and all of a sudden the game pretends that they are intimate lovers. I know she's supposed to remind him of his mom but still, makes no fucking sense. Trish was also acting like she's known Dante for years which is even more nonsensical. This just shows that writing in hack and slash games don't matter,only the hacking and slashing matters. And DmC does it better than DMC1. I haven't played DMC3 yet though, apparently that's the best game of the series.
Did you really feel the need to post that? Did you feel realised or clever for doing It?
average action game that share the name of one of the best ones in the franchise. naming it after devil may cry is a blessing and a curse.
I love DMC1 but 3 really is ages ahead in terms of writing.
as someone who replayed devil may cry 1, yeah it's really dated but at least uncle dante isn't edgy
No, but it wasn't great either.
Even with DMC4's shortcomings (lack of content, half-finished game) the gameplay felt much more fun and interesting. DmC was a better package but the gameplay was very dumbed down.
I like the recurring theme of demons liking to dress up like angels and make the underworld look like heaven. Even though there's seemingly no divinity in DMC, adds a nice flair to the world of the games.
Naturally this was removed in DmC because the concept was deemed too japanese so Dante had to be half-angel.
It sucks on it's own too. Even Enslaved was better.
DmC is better than DMC1 gameplay wise. I would even say it's better than DMC2 too. 3 is still the pinnacle of the genre but let's be real.
Nothing can be worse than DMC2
have you actually replayed the first devil may cry? shit is fucking trash, DmC easily shits on it when it comes to combat.
Agreed. Going from DmC to DMC1 was painful. I mean yeah, no more edgy Dante but it's a downgrade in the stuff that actually matters.
Idk, the enemies, level design, aesthetic and atmosphere were top tier.
Kinda, yeah. The only thing I cared about it was the OC being made, and telling tamtam to go to bed.
People like old Dante because even though he's a 2cool4school half-demon dude he is ultimately an optimistic and altruistic character. Donte is mostly just a punk.
And yes, I realize that him maturing over the course of DmC is supposed to be the point, the problem is just that DMC3 already told this story; and in a lot of ways it told it better.
>he is ultimately an optimistic and altruistic character.
I don't know, Uncle Dante not giving a fuck and dropping one liners in front of a dying Credo seemed pretty cold blooded to me.
I enjoyed this game. The gameplay was good. The story interested me because it was bad but it was bad in a weird way. It was like I was playing a SyFy original movie. It was terrible but it wasnt so bad its good. It was more like terrible, but I cant stop watching because Im sucked into this garbage fire and I dont feel like looking for anything else on tv.
The gameplay was solid DMC. I really enjoyed some of the bosses. Like the baby thats pregnant with its mom and the Bill O'Reily looking fuck that takes place in News graphics and shit, that was awesome.
>I don't know, Uncle Dante not giving a fuck and dropping one liners in front of a dying Credo seemed pretty cold blooded to me.
He had kind of brought it on himself. Everyone who went and got "blessed" by the Order knew they weren't squeaky clean and were experimenting on demons. They probably did some nasty shit.
It was great. It just decided to piss off one of the most annoying fanbases in the world, which was frankly stupid.
If they hadn't called it a Devil May Cry game, people could have agreed that it had good combat, an interesting concept for a story and a cunt as an MC.
Exactly. Nice to know you understand.
On its own it's an incredibly bland hack and slash like all of Ninja Theory's games with a hilariously bad story that tries too hard to be cool. If Tameem and journalists weren't such assholes about it the shitstorm would've been way smaller.
The autism of the DMC fanbase is what made Capcom go back and actually improve the game, along with making DMC4SE.
We need more autistic fanbases like DMC and Hitman fans. Complaining works.
Isn't that a monkey's paw kind of thing? Sure, complaints is what made them go back and take another look at what they can do better, but at the same time rampaging autism turned the fandom into something truly horrible that complaints about the stupidest things, creating potential of actually screwing up the series rather than fixing it.
I don't really care enough about fanbases for that to matter. I like a lot of things with awful fanbases, like Ninja Gaiden.
Kiss me, oh, you sexy animeposter, you.
The regular version, yes. Definitive version is actually fun, if a bit flawed.
I didn't know Hitman had that kind of fanbase.
Not quite as vocal as DMC fans, but they sure as fuck weren't silent about their thoughts on Absolution.
Looking at threads they seem to be starting to say that people that were with the series from the beginning liked Absolution and that only those starting with Blood Money hated it. Figures.
I mean, they're right in the sense that both Absolution and Codename 47 are bad games.
I wouldn't say C47 is bad, just rough and it aged very poorly.
for the most part, yes.
it wasn't so bad you couldn't get through it, but the downgrade in gameplay mechanics, the terrible story that was torn straight from a freshman's creative writing class, the journalism shitstorm, and the jabs/background with the devs made it a nightmare to play.
imagine a series you're fond of gets a new sequel, and the entire foundation of the game is based on the most popular youtube paradox video, instead of the actual series. that is what DmC is.
I wish I could get some sleep already.
>DmC is better than DMC1 gameplay wise
DMC1 birthed an entire sub-genre with brand new gameplay ideas and concept all by itself, some of which are still unsurpassed (Shadow enemy combat design, Nightmare boss game design)
DmC birthed useless memes and didn't have a single original idea in itself and even those were executed without any sense of craft or effort
yes. you're the retard here.
It's not hard to be better than DMC2. That was a game where you could literally stand next to certain bosses and mash the melee attack button, and win without getting hit once. Fucking Musou games are harder than that.
Eh, there was nothing really interesting out of Nightmare bosses in DMC1. They were more akin to a puzzle minigame mixed with a boss battle.
This said I completely agree that DMC1 was much more important to the genre than DmC is. It's just that people are too young to understand how DMC1 shifted the whole genre , and honestly DMC1 didn't age too well compared to other DMC games.
>DMC1 didn't age too well compared to other DMC games
I completely disagree. I started the series with 3 not too long after it got released and didn't play 1 until a few years ago. 1 is not my favorite in the series but I definitely thought it was much better than DmC. there is a lot more thought that went into the gameplay and individual weapon mechanics in 1 compared to what went into DmC. the combat is much slower than the other entries for sure, but there is also more deliberate mechanics to balance things out.
The DmC fiasco is a fucking case study in bad marketing.
They could probably have avoided half the outrage if they had announced DmC without any kind of trailer, and said it was going to be a spin-off by a western developers.
I honestly want to know who thought
>You know that game series you like? FUCK YOU, IT'S SHIT AND YOU'RE SHIT!
was ever going to be a good idea.
Edgy Tameem and Super Alex.
What happened to that producer guy?
Is he still at Capcom?
It was bad because of cutscenes mid-fight who the fuck does that
>I honestly want to know who thought
then head of Cuckpom who unironically thought that "western" everything is inherently superior to old and busted nihon shitty ways and thus you can sell a game just by meming "WESTERN! WESTERN! WESTERN!"
he himself created a shooter game thinking americans can only understand a game if there's a shooting involved
but after 2 failed games he understood it is still not WESTERN enough and he must also remove himself and gave Lost Planet 3 to western developers
truly the king of business decisions
You're both wrong though, the best tactic is to take Overdrive as soon as possible, then use Overdrive exclusively.
You'll SSS rank the entire game that way.
Only in the old vanilla version. They fixed most of the truly broken shit like Kablooey+Demon Dodge+DT in DmC:DE.
The original Dante was a fag, but this guy is extra and obnoxiously faggy.