The music in this game is really bland compared to the originals

The music in this game is really bland compared to the originals.
Every "remixed" zone is just worse than in the originals
Game is mostly "remixed" zones
Therefore, Game is shit

Other urls found in this thread:


Original music is mostly fine, even if a bit samey, the remixes on the other hand are shit though

Without the picture I'd have sworn you were talking about Pokemon.

You’re wrong.

>The music in this game is really bland compared to the originals.
>Every "remixed" zone is just worse than in the originals
>Game is mostly "remixed" zones
Did you reply to the wrong bait?

Not really.

Yes, extremely.

it wasn't as amazingly fun as people claim

most peoples' ability to go through the level fast in something like sonic 3 is because they've already played each one a few times as a kid. ultimately the 2d sonic style of game needs more mechanics that will make it smoother. if anything this is what was completely solidified for me with sonic mania

>confirmation bias

Fun is literally subjective

Im gonna have to stop you right there

Why does Sup Forums TRY to be contrarian? Like they feel duty-bound to be as negative as possible?

Redditors see Sup Forums hate a game they like an interpret it as Sup Forums hating all vidya. It's a disease on the board.

This nigger right here


I love popular games and I'm glad Sup Forums has finally seen the light :^)

This is what, the 5th negative Mania thread this month alone? I'm convinced this is a modern-sonic autist spamming trying to be revisionist.

>I posted it again

how the fuck can you think this

>How dare you not suck Mania's cock despite being 70% rehashed shit

>most peoples' ability to go through the level fast in something like sonic 3 is because they've already played each one a few times as a kid
Literally what a Sonic game to be. Kill yourself underage.
> ultimately the 2d sonic style of game needs more mechanics that will make it smoother.
Kill yourself, Freedom Planet fag. You got the fucking drop dash, what else do you fucking need?

>How dare you not suck Forces's cock despite being 70% rehashed shit
ftfy, boostshitter.

Stay mad, faggot.

Forces and Mania are both shit for nu-sanic fags

Nah, as I got the better game, f a m.

>nu-sanic fags
A what?

Out of the 24 acts, only 7 (GHZ1, CP1, FB1, SS2, HC2, OC1 and LR1) are what I can consider rehashed. Metallic Madness for example is completely different and if you think otherwise than you either are either a blatant liar or you simply have not played the game. Not to mention the "rehashed" zones include new layouts, gimmicks and bosses.

You are fucking right I'm sucking the cock of this game.

I disagree. Sonic games are designed with the idea that you'll get hit, and showing even a little caution can prevent most collisions.

>I'm sucking cock
Yes you are faggot

>the fucking sax

Everyone with half a brain is gay for Mania.

Sonic was never good, and I say that unironically.

A lot of the returning zones' music just sounds like uninspired arranges that are content simply swapping the iconic YM2612 sounds for different synths. A couple other zones have more inventive stuff going on like Metallic Madness, and are better for it.

But as far as my opinion goes there's ONE track among those 'blander' ones that is 100% an improvement over the original.

Oil Ocean is one of my favorite zones and I'm glad they brought it back. loved that act 2 remix

Good stuff

These kind of statements don't mean much unless you explain why.

came here to post exactly this

Act 1 is better IMO.

I agree, user.

I finally figured out what that song reminds me of.

Posting the best song in the game

>Every "remixed" zone is just worse than in the originals
Thats objectively wrong though. Mania took subpar zones and made them spectacular.

Mania saved my children and cured cancer

>Game is mostly "remixed" zones
>Therefore, Game is shit
So you think Generations is shit, OP?

Uh Yeah

>Sup Forums
It's also butthurt Modernfags and /sthg/fags leaking from their containment board.

This is getting pathetic, OP. You can keep spamming these contrarian threads but you'll never sway the majorities opinion of Mania being a great game, since it is. Anyway, is anyone excited for the Project Plus announcement on March 16th?



>Furry Degenerate is a dumb nu-wojak poster

>user posts an image related to the topic of the thread.
>Autistically start shouting about yiffing.
>Tries to act above wojak posting.

Literally you.

>Classic game
>Posts a character that has nothing to do with the classic franchise
Fuck off furfaggots

It's cute that you think somehow this is an isolated problem.

Sup Forums is a disease.

You're splitting hairs.

Blaze is the best new character since Tails and Knuckles, you parroting faggot.

Oh boy, OP is at it again

t. furfag
Kill yourself

press garden was the best new zone

they actually made green hill tolerable to listen to. Only version that might be worse than the original is hydrocity, but thats because he barely did shit with it

I fucking love these remixes

Face it. Sonic is old, decrepit, and has been off his meds for a long time now. Time to put the dog down and let the next generation take over

Stay mad, fag.


I love Freedom Planet and I'm absolutely hyped for the sequel but you're a tremendous tool and clearly don't know what you're talking about, not to mention that you're so retarded that you can't even save images properly.


Mania is actually CD 2 in disguise.

>Only version that might be worse than the original is hydrocity, but thats because he barely did shit with it
Can't mess with perfection.
But you can graze it.

>The music in this game is really bland compared to the originals.

I'm actually surprised to find that the game's lead developer is a dude. The game comes across as incredibly girly. I would have sworn it was a female led team. I wouldn't be surprised if the lead guy is either incredibly flamboyantly gay, or considering transitioning.

>Take perfection (SCD-JP tracks)
>make it even better
Yeah nah fuck you

Its a bunch of deviant artists and weeaboos what did you expect. Damn good game though

Fuck off with your shit taste

>and weeaboos
but the game has a very strong chinese theme and even some chinks on the dev team

>Its a bunch of deviant artists and weeaboos what did you expect.

I bet you think the US SCD soundtrack is better, fucking filth

>frooty loops tier shit is better than the based JP soundtrack
Fucking kill yourself you subhuman retard

they actually do have some skullgirl animators working on the sequel

You two retards are arguing the same point

I do motherfucker
I was pissed when I heard Mania wouldnt have any remixed Spencer Nilsen tracks
Guess Sega didnt care about the Americans that actually mad their series popular in the first place
Come at me fucker

>Merrican sonic design
>Not godawful and jarring as fuck when compared to in game sprites.

>change redbook tracks because 'Muh americans can't appreciate fine art'
>keep the past themes
Yeah nah.

I'm arguing that Mania improved on the JP tracks, he thinks otherwise.

They have vegeta's voice actor apparently. The game os going to rock, especially in the OST department because I think its horrendously under rated

im sure he could have done something to at least make it a little different

It's Sega shills trying to damage control and make Forces seem like less of a complete failure

they also have that cunt who plays Ruby Rose from RWBY
which is concerning

>dissing the design that fucking made Sonic popular in the US

The games made him popular in the US
Western media that shamelessly cashed in on the games was always grotesque and only appreciated by autists.

Stardust Speedway 2, Chemical Plant 2, Lava Reef 2 and Oil Ocean 1 are really good, though.

I thought he was comparing JP to US, not JP to Mania, so my bad.
I agree that the JP tracks are hard to beat though, only Mania's Metallic Madness managed to impress me.
I'm a sucker for Generations' interpretation of SS Bad Future though.

Western Media made him out to be a fucking cocky badass with attitude, which was a good foil to Mario and got an audience in the process
I agree on all the american cartoons save for Boom being shit though

>Chads on damage control

Boom isn't american though

Fine, all the cartoons are shit save for Boom and the OVA

seeing all the brainlets get mad at Press GARDEN becoming a GARDEN at the second act was pretty funny.

It's half-American.
It's a French-American collaboration.

Sonic has always been the most popular in Europe, you mutt.

>Green Hill is better in Mania than in Sonic 1
>Chemical Plant is better in Mania than in Sonic 2
>Flying Battery is better in Mania than in Sonic 3K
>Stardust Speedway is better in Mania than in Sonic CD
>Hydrocity is shit either way
>Oil Ocean is better in Mania than in Sonic 2
>Metallic Madness is better in Mania than in Sonic CD

Lava Reef is the only remixed Zone that was better in the original.

>Every "remixed" zone is just worse than in the originals
The only remixed zone that's worse than its original incarnation is Hydrocity Zone. Literally every other returning zone is improved tenfold and I'm willing to argue that fact to the end of the Earth.

Firstly, I'd argue that there's nothing /inherently/ wrong with needing to play a level a few times to get fast at it - that is what the game is designed for, after all. With that being said, Sonic Mania has a much wider screen resolution than the classic Sonic games and it in my opinion telegraphs its level design much better than the original games, making it easier to sort of guess what's coming up without actually knowing for sure. This, plus the Drop Dash for instant speed, makes Sonic Mania much more fun on it's first two or three playthroughs than previous 2D Sonic's.