Any games with unsolved mysteries?
I know there are some quests in Tibia still unsolved.
Any games with unsolved mysteries?
I know there are some quests in Tibia still unsolved.
World of Warcraft has the ongoing mystery of why anyone still plays it
The secret world but that's because funcom is staffed entirely by inebriated orangutans so the game will never be finished.
Myst series of games....unsolved mysteries is like the whole plot of the games.
That one ominous secret in Mega Man 9 that Capcom once mentioned but was never found.
Final Fantasy XI has a boss that for the last decade or however long the game has been up, nobody has ever figured out the "proper" way to beat, because whenever anyone beats it Square declares that way as incorrect and promptly patches it out.
Absolute Virtue, I believe.
SSBM has mechanics still not fully understood by the autists that play it
There were a few 3D Sonic projects for the Saturn we know next to nothing about.
You mean that one boss that took 12 hours or so to kill? Wasn't that some sort of joke or impassable barrier to keep players under the illusion that they still have a long way to go.
After 16 years? Sounds unlikely
R* said there's a Big Secret in San Andreas. Nobody ever found fuckall, though, and the consensus was that it was either the Hot Coffee cut content or they were just fucking with us.