What is Sup Forums's genuine opinion on the Wreck-it Ralph movie?
I thought it was pretty okay for the most part, especially in comparison to literally every other vidya-based movie in existence.
What is Sup Forums's genuine opinion on the Wreck-it Ralph movie?
I thought it was pretty okay for the most part, especially in comparison to literally every other vidya-based movie in existence.
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It was very good.
Settling on Sugar Rush as the main setting for the last half of the movie - a kart racer that is barely vidya and more of an excuse for food puns that - screamed of an accessibility decision rather than a plot one, because the movie can't be TOO video gamey for normal audiences
A movie set in a video game environment isn't video games, you fucking shit
Why was Zangief there, he's a good guy.
The last movie he was in he was part of Shadaloo.
I liked it, but this isn't a Sup Forums topic.
more Sup Forums than half the threads currently on Sup Forums. don't you have some wojak thread to post in?
The Japanese movie poster is an accurate depiction of the entire movie.
>featuring Dante from Devil May Cry
I heard it was because the director hated fighting Zangief.
sexy little girls
>not bad
>Had enough world building to actually support a full-fledged game
>Disney: "Hey, we're totally making a Sugar Rush video game"
>Tons of fans do a bunch of headcanon about mechanics and levels
>It turns out to be embarassingly shitty, even for a browser game
This, of all movies, deserved a fucking video game tie-in and we never got it.
>Wreck-it-Ralph is still the best video game based movie
>it really doesn't focus all that much about video games at all, and it focuses even less about it in the upcoming sequel
>we will never get a genuinely great video game based movie
what a strange world we live in
I didn't see King Candy being Turbo at all so that actually took me off-guard. Other than that, in retrospective is an ok movie held back by spending 75% of it in Sugar Rush. I can't feel sympathy for Vanellope when she acts like a little cunt the entire time, her voice is grating and she steals the whole movie with her boring plot just to end it that she was a princess all the time. Very original, Disney.
Ralph's conclusion didn't satisfy me, the citizens never during the movie aknowledge that they always treated him like trash for doing his job then still have the nerve to blame him for the game's shut down, yet at the end all is fine and dandy. It had a lot of flaws and almost no videogame references past the missing objects box.
Yeah, the majority of the movie takes place in Sugar Rush and a good portion is dedicated to Vanellope's story.
Still I thought the movie was overall pretty good, and I like how it stresses the importance of antagonists in stories and junk.
>her voice is grating
Subjective, I think Silverman's pretty hot and I love her voice.
>Sarah Silverman can blink
>good video games movie hides its power level
Holy shit I thought I saw an Ugandan Knuckles behind Ralph’s right
lmao you should do an edit for the lulz
I feel the opposite, the movie needed an original setting to ground the whole place in. The video-based cameos work exactly as they did in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, they're there for world building and to establish the setting. But the cameos themselves can't be anything more than that, otherwise you have the problem of it either the plot becoming too cluttered or it becoming (insert video game character here): the fanfiction. If you want to see the result of both just look at Ready Player One.
he is russian, and thus automatically bad
honestly i really think this was the reason
Because he was a bitch to fight in the original SFII. I guess he just sees himself as a heel wrestler.
Arcade racing has existed for longer than you.
You made me look twice, I thought it was an edit after I saw your post, you silly memer.
I hated it, the humor totally fell flat and it just turned into 'Sarah Silverman makes shitty protagonist: the movie'
It had the coolest ending credits I've seen in a movie.
>everyone knows they're in a video game
>Felix always fixes everything
>nice landers still treat Ralph poorly and like he's doing actual damage
The premise doesnt work on a fundamental level
Yes, now you understand the point of the movie. They were a cunt to him for no real reason, just because he plays the bad guy. He's actually needed for their game to stay around.
That's because it wasn't an adaptation of an existing game by a bunch of hack writers who never played it cared for the game.
I love it.