Shadow of the Colossus

How is the remake?

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According to critics, great. According to Sup Forums, the worst thing since Hitler.

I'm not buying this game again for 40 bucks.
Maybe if it were 15.

I can't tell you because Amazon lost my package. At least it cost $0 now

Its absolute trash. The lighting and atmosphere is all wrong. Wander looks like he has downs. All the artistic merit is long gone.

Heh... Who wants to try ME...

plays way better than the PS2 version regardless of which PS4 you have, graphics are among the best on current-gen consoles

it has very nice graphics but the art style and atmosphere of the ps2 SotC is gone (i remember people asying that ps2 SotC it was like looking at a painting)
It's still incredibly frustrating to move Agro in the right direction, specially in bridges
no new content besides a last guardian easter egg and a sword
meh, if you haven't played it, now it's your chance

>Change Dormin's voice to be more evil, less mysterious, and more feminine
>Make a new and inferior Wander model who has short hair, smaller arms, a stupid face, and is fatter
>Make all of his animations worse(running, idle, riding, climbing, head tracking, you name it)
>Remove all of his facial animations outside of cutscenes
>Remove his hair physics
>Trade the very noticeable degradation of Wander as you progress(dirty, bloody clothes and face) for a very subtle replacement
>Add grass to areas there shouldn't have grass
>Change the sky to look realistic
>Colossus eyes now look like they're from Naruto and spin
>Change the Colossi's sound effects for the worse, example:
>Fuck with the game over screens
>All the shading on Wander and the Colossi is worse(meaning they usually don't blend with their environments)
>Tone down, if not remove, a lot of the dust, bloom, and fog effects which destroys the amazing atmosphere Ueda crafted(some areas are better but not many)
>Make the tendrils that spawn from a dead Colossus slow, fat, black wires instead of slim and fast noodles with green highlights(Ico reference)
>Remove shockwave effects when a Colossus falls down
>Dirge's sad death animation is out of frame in the remake
>Make the idol explosion effect more generic
>Replace the HUD(most agree it looks worse)
>Removed the song that plays when Wander touches Mono's face
>Create pre-order DLC
>Add collectable coins to the world that apparently do nothing
>Add a TLG easter egg that's out of place
>Forget to polish the game which leads to physics bugs like Wander falling through the world or glitching out in general
>They even made the baby look like a polished turd

I want to get this edition but i understand it's not available in the EU? WHYYYYYY

I loved it. Haven't played the original since it came out though, so I don't remember a lot. If you're not nitpicking about "oh x is different" you'll probably enjoy it as much as the original.

Agro has always been a pain to move

>implying hitler was bad

>change some post-processing effects and hues
>"All the artistic merit is long gone."
So SotC fans were gameplay-hating pseuds all along?

The gameplay is worse too since they fucked the animations and it's buggy as shit.

But no seriously, the art style is completely different. Aesthetic was ruined in favor of generic rendering.

Well, yeah. Without all the pleasing aesthetics it's pretty shitty, gameplay wise.

>change some post-processing effects and hues
>"All the artistic merit is long gone."
That's kinda how it works, yes.

>That's kinda how it works, yes.
Not for video games. Also, the left looks good.

what the hell is wrong with the left?

Never played the original but always wanted to. This remaster good?

power of the ps4 pro.

not really but go for it.

Get the PS3 collection so you can play Ico too. It's on PSnow if you don't have a PS3.

>original is bette-

i think the top two left shots look better mostly, thought they could use more fog

the last one, though, just looks bad. the lighting is flat and it lacks the atmosphere of the original.

>Reading comprehension

He looks like a gorilla now instead of a giant demon, what the hell?

The game looks horrible now, its almost unplayable now, no atmosphere at all. Pic related is from my play-through of the remake.
It really sucks that the makers specified to change most of the things Sup Forums hates though, they are now dead to me.

>talking about art style
>show a perfect example of the remake disregarding it

Here's another example of how shitty it is now.
See how ugly wanders face is? Not to mention how fat he is, whilst him also being shaded super-shitty.

Nice piss filter.

This actually looks really shitty. Is base PS4 900p?

>looks horrible now, its almost unplayable now, no atmosphere at all
Stupid hyperbole not helping your case. I agree that the tone of the remake is inferior, but come on.

And look at this humanoid colossus. Wtf where they thinking guys?
You can honestly look at this and go "Meh its kinda cool" ? Its 100% shit. They should have never listened to Uedas list of changes including the changed visuals. We know so much better than he(the creator of the game) does.

>See how ugly wanders face is?
>Far off shot with head turned away from the camera

Barbus' beard looks like a tumor now.

And don't even get me started how goofy this guy now looks. Can't get any immersion at all anymore.
Fucking Ueda should have stopped when he was ahead.

>gaius is fat now with a huge head
>sky is completely different
>some sperg on Sup Forums slaps on blue filters, cranks up the contrast, and pretends it's improved
>ugly wander in the frame too

Honestly what where they thinking. So fucking ugly.

Do you know what's even worse? Those fucking filters they call something like "post-processing" and go on / off automatically! Its fucking gross.

Yeah, it was in Ueda's list of changes. Good thing you guys know more about the aesthetics/design right?

What's the point of them if they turn off?

I'm sure it was.

Ueda was barely involved, but I'm glad you're here to lie on his behalf because you played this game for the first time on a shitty version and feel the need to defend it.

By all means, though, source?

p-p-please buy it i dont want to lose my job

Ignore Sup Forums. It's as fantastic as the original. I initially thought there may be serious problems with it because Sup Forums hasn't shut up about how shitty it looks all week, but as usual it's a bunch of spergs losing their minds over nothing.

jesus christ

It has completely lost the feel of the original. Where the original I felt a sense of loneliness, loss, etherealness, a world in decay, a feeling of sad beauty, a longing of what was compared to what is, being lost in a dream unable to wake up, etc. The new one feels, almost soulless. It's a pristine presentation of the original that loses all the subtle touches that managed to evoke so many memorable feelings.

If this released on PC the amount of complaining would dwindle down to nothing. But as it is, perfect chance for the master race to jack off the emulated version and laugh at cherrypicked screenshots.

Fuck off retard.

>hehehe don't listen to them bro, just eat this shit up, shit's good for you bro, shit tastes real good
I bet you like The Force Awakens as well. Another soulless cashgrab.

Dude. Its even worse, they don't turn off; they actually switch when going from area to area! So when you're in the desert it looks like the first image I posted, when youre fighting gaius it looks another way. And they transition all sneaky-like.

The multiple interviews where he even talks about the eyes / fur etc. I know you are new since you don't know you can't post links on Sup Forums so I'm guessing you're some weird shill correct?

Yeah, That year old early build was so shit. I'm glad they can't patch games anymore so it wasn't fixed when it was released.

>reddit space

I'm gonna save this to shitpost Dark Souls remake.

First time player. I'm feeling a sense of loneliness and enjoying the dreamlike aesthetics. Now tell me why I'm wrong and the PS2 version was better.

The actual in-game filters in the graphic menu, they really had no idea of how to make a great artstyle

>looking shitty is a art style


It's not a remake just a remaster

>he fell for the redditspacing meme
Does this image upset you, projecting redditor?

Prove it, post a screenshot with you in front of a shrine jumping.

I think the worst thing is that they removed all copies of the original so a bunch of wanna-be designers can moan about how the version they grew up with is way better due to "muh-unquantifiable atmosphere" (which they are comparing to an 5 month old build) compared to a version Ueda describes as the version "much closer to my original vision".

Its really funny actually.

>Le epic leddit spacing
>What is markdown formatting used all across the web

ah excuse me, brain fart

haha so ebin

He didn't realize that the "reddit spacing" meme outs the user as underage.

what the fuck have they done to him

Good thing that never happened in the original.

>threads just spamming the same images over and over
This is the most obnoxiously wrong I've ever seen Sup Forums be.

I'm sure it has still a tiny bit of that, after all the game hasn't changed in terms of mechanics. I played both and the remake is far FAR from the atmosphere of the first one.

The new one almost feels like a UE fangame ("almost" because you can actually feel the production value), but it's up there in terms of missing the point of the original game.
They could've improved on the atmosphere somehow, but instead they just went the "let's put more details and better graphix everywhere" but all the details and graphics they put adds nothing to the game, it's quite the opposite.

That's probably the worst part actually. Now people will play the remake thinking it's just the same but improved, but in the end they will completely miss the experience of playing SotC for the first time.

Fuck you man. So what if we keep posting the same images from an old version that looks / plays nothing like the release version? I played this game as a kid once and almost completed it so.

The same locations look just as shit in motion as well. Why are you upset?

They fucked with the music mixing, removed a song, and butchered the noises the colossi make too so even when you're on a boss its far less impactful than the original.

Fish colossus (seventh) was my favorite so far.

its definetly the go to version if you have never played the game before. sotc was always meant to be a visually stunning game and lets be honest while one can still appreciate the original it wouldnt really awe a first time player that much these days

I'm sure you're right, I definitely disagree with them changing the look of NPCs to such an extent going from a nearly eyeless more memorable guy to a generic old man

oh fuck off

no game "awes" anyone nowadays. what made SotC special was its unique atmosphere, and while I don't agree that the remake removed it, it certainly diminished it/missed the point of it.

I kinda disagree. The original is still impressive.

You're wrong because Ueda's team put a lot of work into setting up the atmosphere. From animations to pioneering rendering techniques to sounds and music design and then to the visual aesthetic. They put in a TON of work to make the game feel unique, inspired, polished, and consistent with the rest of the game.

The remake doesn't respect what they did and because Bluepoint are quite literally amateur game developers, you don't even get a seal of polish. It can look good but the world feels sterile just like most tech demos do. If you never played the original maybe you'll always prefer the remake, but it really isn't the same game.

Also I really wonder where you felt the "dreamlike" atmosphere since the new game doesn't even have the same bloom effects. Not to mention the music and sound design straight up being worse.

why couldnt they just include the original as a bonus, then it would be the "definitive" edition for sure

The particle effects are literally better in the PS2 version and the bloom accentuates them. I totally think the original has more "stunning" visuals especially with the cinematic presentation of the boss fights. The remake looks so generic in comparison, for most of the fights.
The only thing the remake really improved upon are textures.

PS3 > PCSX2 > PS2 > PS4
Is it safe to say this is the definitive SOTC power ranking?

PS3 is worse than PCSX2.

>but in the end they will completely miss the experience of playing SotC for the first time.
no they wont you hyperbolic faggot

Yes they will.

no they wont you hyperbolic faggot

In what ways?

If the original never existed and the remake was the first SOTC game, I bet you would love it.

>they messed up with the MC's face
>the atmosphere is different. It's a lot warmer and cleaner than the foggy, gritty, desaturated world the original has
>Several effects are either unnecessarily added or look worse (smoke appearing from wounds, dark string missing their glowing outlines)
Other than that, it's pretty good. I'd always suggest playing the original if you have that opportunity, but if not then this is the next best thing.

Are the filters only for photo mode or can they be applied in game?

The biggest visual flaw is that the Forbidden Land was supposed to look like a bleak, dying world with an eerie supernatural presence everywhere. The remaster makes the place look lush and alive, and instead of eerie it just looks peaceful. The entire portrayal of the land is ruined, and an enormous chunk of the atmosphere is gone with it.

>or can they be applied in game
Yes, in the options menu.

This, why couldn't they do it like odinsphere?

every way

What a great argument.

I'm looking at most of these webms and comparison vids in this thread and if they weren't side by side it wouldn't diminish or hinder either experience. You have to have almost photographic memory or be constantly looking at one or the other to feel that the experience was "ruined" in any way.

I'm probably not even going to buy the remake but this seems like a stupid thing to be mad about.

agreed. just a bunch of sperglords trying to act patrician by saying the "atmosphere" ruined.

I've only played the remake and I definitely agree the NPCs got hit with the generic stick. The Reminisce filter seems to get to the original foglike look they're jerking over, but I can see their point that having only one consistent visual option helps the game's mood out rather than having to change it yourself.

>you can't post links on Sup Forums
Are YOU new?
You're not making a good case when someone asks you to back your shit up and all you can do is lie or refuse to.

Post at least one interview of the list of changes Ueda wanted.

>every single day
>the same image comparisons, webms, and copypasta over and over again screaming into the void venting their helplessness

I only made them because I actually remember what the original looked like. Just because you are a brainlet doesn't mean everyone else is. And I don't think anyone is mad, just disappointed that the remake sucks.

None of the filters work to restore the aesthetic, and it's more than just color that is different.

The NPCs are a tiny focus of the game, and the hair detail of the remake improves the colossus' aesthetics ten fold. The NPCs were conventional humans in the original to begin with so outside of changing their fashion (which doesn't look to be the case) I'm not seeing the issue.

Wander in the comparison Webm that was linked here looked more detailed in the remake than the heavy bloom effect provided in the original. I guess some will view bloom as an art style but it was just as much a technical limitation at the time and the message is conveyed all the same.