Remember what it felt like to go on a journey?

Remember what it felt like to go on a journey?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah my first playthru of WoW.

Good fucking times.

Pic unrelated

I have played this game since 2007 and will continue to do so until I literally die

What the heck happened to Henesy!? So how is the game these days? Are there still a buttload of cash shop items with a 30 day time limit? Is the game actually fun still?

Is that one of the regular worlds?
If so, how is it in comparison to Reboot? Does it have any real advantage over it?
Reboot to me pretty much feels like single player game, which I really hate
So even if the official servers have a decent talking population that'd be good enough for me to play on one

>What the heck happened to Henesy!?
"visual updates"
>So how is the game these days?
Broken, flashy, big numbers, grindy, less pay2win than 2012 was
>Are there still a buttload of cash shop items with a 30 day time limit?
They're all still around, but nobody buys them. Permanent cash items are available and they're probably a massive chunk of Nexon's revenue
>Is the game actually fun still?
To a point, sure. Communities is much more closed than it used to be, you have to join a guild for any semblance of player interaction

It's Reboot, sorry. But Bera has a population similar to or larger than Reboot, so that's your best bet


Every single Maplestory thread until you like it:

Remember when some dumb faggot made a Maplestory nostalgia thread twice a week for years and you eventually became numb to all of it because of how many failed attempts there were at getting a group together on a pre-BB server?

I fucking hate you people.

Is the wondroid event the exact same as the one before? If so there's no problem if I skip it in reboot right?

God i miss this game so fucking much. I log on at least once a year but its not the same

god damn it
maplelegends Sup Forums guild when

>tfw seeing a mage with a pan lid

I think Maplestory is the only game I've seen besides WoW where I know people who are still playing ever since 2007-8. It's amazing how some people never get sick of the game, or always come back after short breaks.

user I'm afraid I don't. I can recall the events of old but its so far removed from me now that it all feels like someone else's memory. I'm lost.

>tfw no other story arc as good as Black Heaven

Never. HP washing shit, nobody will ever care.

Post more art and webms.

play maplelegends and you'll get the experience
107 priest and its been fun



Phantom is objectively the best hero

my old guild

>Mesoranger gear
That was probably the best time for post-BB MS. Wore that set till like 170.


Remember Applesuits?

>get on 5
>move to 5 dude
>srry was afk
>omg f7

Maple music game is still strong

>playing Jett
i'm so sorry

>wearing the clip down on your network cable from smuggling pq pieces out

>Moonbeam will never remember Eunwol
Wtf bros

>Game actually has an alright story
>Shit quests

I liked the lack of quests cause I felt like I was just a traveler doing whatever the fuck I wanted killing shit and obtaining items through my own power while meeting others along the way.

I haven't played since 2007, and it's going to stay that way. Too many good memories i don't want to ruin

I wish you guys would let those memories rest in peace instead of prodding the nostalgia every week for (you)s

Nah, suck it.

Still waiting for that text dump so I can read the story and find out if they ever manage to seal the Black Mage again.

I would go and play myself, but I dont feel like grinding every class to 100 or wherever their main storyline ends.

>caring about the black mage story
You are the literal definition of retarded.

There's already plenty of story explanations on blog's like Orangemushroom. Spoiler alert: we're going to face the Black Mage during the next major expansion (assuming Nexon doesn't pull anymore asspulls) since he's now litterally a Super Saiyan Transcendent 2.

How are you only 206?

Im trying to replicate the feel of this game's travel in a singleplayer format game I'm developing ( which is basically current game's format since nobody fuckin uses the ships anymore ), what sort of features ya'll would like to see?

Minigames?Random travellers? Random ship attacks?

Nobody cares about your shitty game.

Ouch, edgy.

There's a Maplestory game on the DS that handles it pretty succinctly based off of a singleplayer version of the MMO's travel, there's a defined path between each town + taxis to take you to each town if you cough up a small fee. DS game randomizes some portals for story reasons though so you'll be moved along to whereever in the world the plot wants you to be at the time.

Don't remind me, I have to rely on private servers to get my pre-BB fix anymore. Modern Maple is fucking dying and Nexon's helping kill it with shit like getting rid of the Free Market in favor of an auction-house setup.

When will the next Sup Forums guild be started in any form of Maplestory?

Never, the oversaturation of these threads means there is no longer any momentum to them that would fill up a guild

I liked the Mapleroyals guild until it fell apart because everyone in it was chasing the hot new private server and lost all will to play when it was just as broken as the last (just in different ways) and they were retarded

Hopefully never so I can fucking move on already.

>that feel when you realize it's been 11 years since you first played MS, and over 10 since you "finally" hit 3rd job
>that feel when it doesn't feel that long ago, then realize you're not in your early teens anymore...and are in your mid twenties working full time in your own house
>that feel when you remember how much happier you were back then, full of wonder, motivation, and loads of good friends...not alone, bored, lazy and miserable

I want to die.

Why the fuck does someone keep making them anyway? Jesus christ.

Because people are desperate for attention

Once upon a time you could make a maplestory thread and have guild with 20 people in 30 minutes, but everyones been there now and these constant threads are just repeating the same shit and adding nothing of value.

High lvl boss fights suck in this game wtf

Example: Magnus
>three phases of bs
>if your not within his barrier (which gets shorter during phase shifts), you suffer continuous damage, healing strength reduced by like 80%
>potion cooldowns
>rng meteors that do 80%~100% damage
>gas attack that binds you for a solid 10 seconds
>Magnus himself has some ohko attacks/attack that push you away from his zone

Imagine if this shit was in a megaman game, people would rightfully call it shit

I realized when I tried MapleGlobal that this game will never be enjoyable again and that I need to put it to rest. The seams are so visible as an adult. The numbers go up. That's it.

What's sad is that that's one of the better fights because it at least encourages some movements.

Half of them are just DPS checks with damage reflect and a necessity for all cures.

I didn't hit third job in GMS until RED. In pre-BB MS I had fun exploring, making friends, and doing quests. Grinding outside of KPQ/LPQ rushing was too dull for me to ever get past the 50 range.

I tried MapleGlobal too but I actually enjoyed it. I genuinely like pre-BB Maple, shit rates and all, but the problem is the social aspect. PSes in general are dead as fuck, low rate classic servers are much worse, and when you CAN find people to play with they're usually spastics that grind every waking moment of the day and burn out after getting to an unreasonably high level in a week or two. I just want to chill in classic maps and hidden streets, listen to the music, and chat with people while doing some light grinding.

Yeah it was a struggle, especially before 4th job landed. Back then from about mid 50s to my 70s as a Ranger I was getting 20% (of a level) per hour...on 2x.

All the high end bosses have projectiles filling the screen. This Touhou shit would be fine if THEY DIDNT ADD THEM EVERYWHERE.

Imagine if every darksouls boss included projectiles spewing everywhere ON TOP OF the boss itself fighting you. This shit aint hard, it aint fun, it's just pure shit.

It feels too easy to burn out on Maple now, especially in Reboot. You just do your daily bosses and farm on a map with no one saying hi to you.

What happened for me:
>join pre-BB nostalgia server
>meet a few cool people
>have a good time in voice chat and KPQ
>they all stop playing because cool people don't play MapleStory regularly
>quit along with them
I'd like what you described once a week or something but no one interesting is interested. And there are just better games to be playing.

You are a delusional idiot for ever believing global would even come close to old MS.

Did you even read the rest of my post or did you just stop at "I tried MapleGlobal"? In terms of gameplay I got exactly what I hoped for and I never even implied that I expected the community for it to be the same as pre-BB GMS, so I don't know what you're on about.

I started playing this game again two months ago, used hacks for the first time and ran multiple bots, got an account with fifteen level 200s and two level 230's, an alt account for boss carrying.

I think back to all those times I played legitly and I have accomplished literally a thousand times more than I did in all my years playing this stupid game legitimately.

Fucking hilarious.

>Have an email conversation from someone I played with back in 2005
>Can easily search it because I still remember their name
>We were sharing screenshots of our adventures and shit together

Reminds me
>met someone through MS
>talked to her for years
>we get super close
>eventually she tells me she loves me, console her in voice about how we can't be together IRL because we're both underage kids living on opposite sides of the country
>we start talking less and less through high school
>now we're just friends on FB and don't talk at all
>she still plays Maple from time to time but has also gotten through college and gotten married and had a baby
>Still have some of our old chat logs and occasionally look back at them despite the pain because it's the closest I've ever come to love
Sorry for blogging.

sure is underaged in here

>yfw GMS launched 13 years ago

Not from me, but a classic from someone else who's posted in these threads:

>Used to play a game called Maplestory
>Meet some friends in a party quest
>Become close
>Send each other Myspace links
>One of them is a cute girl
>Start talking outside of maple
>She lives roughly two hours away
>Might as well be across the world though because 14 years old
>Ask her out through Myspace
>Says yes
>Get married in Maplestory
>Literally together in Maple 24/7
>On the phone with each other while on Maplestory because we were retarded and had no clue how to aim or voice chat
>Create a Maplestory music video together with screenshots of our avatars running around and "singing" the lyrics in various places
>She did all the editing
>The song was Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
>Five months later she tells me she wants to break up
>No explanation
>Takes down the music video we made
>Logs off of Maple and never comes back on
>Never reads nor responds to Myspace
>Ignores phone
>What the fuck
>Three weeks after she stopped coming on
>Get a call from her mother
>Asked me if I was the user who she talked about
>Say yes
>Thanks me and asks me if I can come over
>She had leukemia and died
>When she logged off, she was barely capable of doing even that
>She didn't want me to know she was sick because she loved the way I treated her normally and lovingly
>I tell her I can't
>Mother asks me why
>Tell her I don't have a car and I can't even drive yet
>She asks me how old I was
>Tell her I was 14
>She says I might be the wrong user then because the one she always spoke of was a college student who was 22
>Tell her that wasn't possible
>She goes quiet and thanks me again for making her daughter happy
>Hangs up
>mfw I think I made my late-ex's mother's last thoughts about her daughter be that she was a pedophile hunting kids online
I was fucked up for a little bit after hearing that
She was apparently 23 years old and not 16 like she said she was to me

That's too much.

It sure does, man

the /ss/ that coulda been...

>Implying I didn't play La tale instead

I remember back then being part of OnRPG
And that place was just the embodiment of that one "you will do this for the entire game" mspaint comic.

So you'd download the flavour of the month of your shit 56k connection, play it for 3 weeks and then everyone would be crowing about the next game and how it will be so much better.

I think MS, Conquer Online and 9Dragons are ones that stayed fairly core.

>played as a female solely because I liked the armor
>others assumed I was a girl
>went along with it
The fact that MapleStory even had a knock-off amazes me.

There was Ghost Online as well.

>the fucker who goes afk on 1 or 2 because it takes a while for them to have to move

I think the fondest memories anyone had with Latale was the OST.

>Remember what it felt like to go on a journey?
>to go on a journey
Been too long for me to remember.

neo tokyo when

we're still playing everquest. i've played since 01.

>disconnected one day for "hacking detected"
>lol false alarm, broken game, gonna play something else
>try log in a few days later
Words cannot describe my fucking rage. Lost my level 250.
>ticket a GM
>"You were using cheating to hack, this is bad so no unban"
Never fucking play GMS

Does anyone remember Period channel 1 being fucking packed? In like 2005 or so. My shitty old computer could barely load the screen lmao. I think that was before the Free Market was a thing.

NSMS with Sup Forums is the most fun I've ever had playing a PS. I miss it so much but half the group moved to Royals after a week because of the rates and the rest quit.

>The fact that MapleStory even had a knock-off amazes me.
Why? MS was huge for a while. It had tons of knockoffs and some even got sequels. Wonderking and Windslayer come to mind.

best mmo ever made

how does this make you feel?

Like im gonna puke from a shitty jumpquest

Hard as a rock ever since someone pointed out there's like one pixel of visible panties.

But for real I always liked jump quests. Shumi's were probably the easiest too.

reeeeee get back on jMS faggot

Jacked off to this when I was 12.

answer the question



lets recall: maplestory private servers are usually in gameplay wise faithful to the original
ragnarok private servers on the other hand
>muh job changer
>muh teleport to every level of every dunjeon
>pay2win up the ass, servers are hosted for 3 months where everyone does the same shit and server hops over and over again

hell, at least modern maplestory actually has bullet hell bosses that give you some sort of skill based result, nu-ragnarok is fucking terrible all around


Sure thing, cuck.

enjoy your novaRO :)

>PreRenewal private servers
Enjoy your NovaRO hell or classic server scams

Nautilus is the private server to look forward to.