She killed millions...
She killed millions
to save trillions...
>Implying magic is real
Say it in red.
"She" only killed like 20 people
Those 20 people were innocent.
The wrongest post on Sup Forums
Besides Kinzo, how innocent we talking?
I'd argue that Rudolf and Kyrie aren't innocent.
She killed lolis
To save one autistic red head
So is Umineko worth reading or is it all just a meme?
>this exists
This timeline is fucking bonkers
>Sit through eight fucking episodes for a bad ripoff of Kohaku's story
I'd feel more annoyed if it weren't for what happened to BT.
Just watch the anime.
it's the greatest practical joke you can ever play on someone
I was losing it at how none of them even know what Umineko is.
>This must be based on something
>worth reading
With love
>a meme
Without love
Its my personal favorite VN, but its long as fuck.
She technically killed 20 people millions of times, but that's still wrong
I'm actually pretty amazed that they managed to figure out the dynamic between super meters and tagging during that. And like, most base mechanics.
it's the greatest work of the 21st century
Why is she so cute?
because she is literally made of cotton candy
dude tiny bombs lmao
It isn't real
It must come naturally then.
Every thread until we reach the Golden Land.
I only finished the first part but holy shit that image is hilarious
Perfect for eating.
>hohoho, Battula-san, you are now in my game
>we are in a superposition of reality in which magic both does and does not exist
>if you can prove that the events that took place could have happened without magic then it will not exist and everything will go ba-
"The mere fact that we're in a superposition and not just a world of magic necessitates that all the events that took place must be possible without magic. I win"
>well shit
>ywn have a threesome with bernkastel and rika
>Not Bernkastel and Lambdadelta
Enjoy user the ride only gets crazier from here.
It's too bad Battler's a retard
Is all of umineko in english?
Is all of umineko on PC with PS3 graphics?
God damn.
Why are you like this?
>not wanting the original sprites
>PS3 graphics
why tho? Original looks the best and is the memeiest
It looks like shit
Ryukishi admits it looks like shit
I forget how did killing Battlers family save Battler again?
i think they're charming
Nostalgia goggles.
but i only read it for the first time last year
>Battler becomes the game master
>still jobs
Is this normal to have an irrestible desire to shill Umineko at each provided opportunity? I finished it half a year ago and now all I wish is for everyone to experience it.
>not wanting Eva's pure sex voice
I dunno, I saw the anime first, so I got used to cleaner designs etc. Plus it is widescreen compatible etc. if I decide to be a fucking pleb, hit the game into big picture and play it on my TV.
Also I been watching the PS3 umineko theme material for years.
My question was also more in lines "Is it out somewhere" - last time I checked PC had partial patches for PS3 graphics, and they just disappeared probably because of legalities so I was wondering has some hero brought them back.
Meanwhile; I let in something for you anons:
I was an autist who got some PS3 themes from store originally, including two of the Japanese PS3 Umineko themes (One with beatrice, one with.... The loli) - I even extended my autism to rip the themes. So I should have unprotected PS3 theme files that can be installed on any system from just a thumbstick.
Not only that but my main goal was to rip the images in the themes. I wanted to use them as PC wallpaper but nobody else before me had actually gone to the lengths to rip them, so when I could, I did it myself.
uploaded them even on sankaku channel or something.
so, as an appreciation for you anons; here you go:
Also checking if I have the theme files in some fucking mediafire upload or some shit if anyone actually wants them.
>not having both at the same time
its pretty ez to just apply the original sprites again
Did nothing wrong
Fuggin saved, thank you user. I would love if you uploaded the PS3 themes, would use on mine.
Will the next episode be about searching the umi for Beatrice?
*Did nothing because she doesn't exist
It's a trainwreck like Higurashi, great in the first half and falls apart in the second.
Worth the ride but don't expect too much.
I have been doing that for 5 years
Pretty sure I have gotten at least around 10 random anons to read the VN
Makes me happy, but knowing I will never convince anyone I know IRL to read Umineko and share his reactions with me feels terrible
technically didn't kill anyone.
>falls apart in the second half
How can you possibly be more wrong
unprotected p3t files for Beatrice and the other girl - I am a huge fan as you can see.
get a FAT32 thumbdrive
Make (root)/PS3/THEME/ folders on the USB drive
Theme *.p3t files go to /PS3/THEME/*.p3t
Stick the drive to your PS3. Go to themes menu where you can choose a theme. There is INSTALL option at the very top of the list. Use that.
As added bonus because I am just too lazy to repackage and reupload there is a Magica Madoka Mami theme. It's shit, just screenshots of the anime as BG's and nice icons.
Fun fact. Even dynamic themes are installable. Ripped few neptunia ones out.
Higurashi stayed focused a lot better than Umineko though.
stop being such a goat faggot
I'm thinking episode 9 might end up being that Ange wants to write her own game. Maybe Kyrie will even be the detective.
Umineko is better than Danganronpa
>user who has not even read the VN has umineko pics that many umineko fans who have read the VN years ago have never seen
Thanks user, your the best.
Justify the scooby doo shit. Go on.
That's not exactly hard.
Friendly reminder that this faggot ruined the lives of numerous people because he couldn't keep his dick lust for Kinzo in place.
While everyone else is playing checkers this motherfucker is playing 4D chess in order to ensure that a massacre happens just so he can see Kinzo again.
>Justify the scooby doo shit. Go on.
All the important questions had been answered in the second to last episoide, but there needed to be one more to fill the blanks and deliver the proper happy ending. And when there was no more room for mysteries, or horror basically only way to prevent the end be just huge info dumb and pile of exposition was to add some action. In a form of some scooby doo shit.
You've been rused by Battler's ruse cruise, user.
I want to FUCK Erika!
To fuck her cousins....
except Maria. Why didn't she anyway?
I used to use leftover PSN points from Japan imports on themes. I also did like Umineko anime, even understanding that it left out stuff and left the story half way done.
Keeping track of the imgurs is hard since I did not use my account to upload the galleries. Good thing that I use a shit browser that has cloud based bookmarks.
Neptunia fucks took my rips immediately and shared them around but this is honestly first time I see Umineko thread around to post this so, take it, spread it like wild fire.
I have some torrents to find...
>Maria only met with Beatrice when they were alone
>Beatrice used magic to make Maria happy
Some of the older sprites are way more expressive
PS3 Bernkastel is a fucking tragedy
Here, in case you want them
>tfw no Ange gf
fpbp as usual.
>not praising HIS name from a fucking QUADRILLION.
Absolutely boss user, thanks.
>only way to prevent the end be just huge info dumb and pile of exposition was to add some action
Execution is the key. It was a mess, regardless.
To tell you a secret, I'm a dirty secondary and just read the manga. And while I can't speak with any kind of certainty, I would assume that having those action scenes presented in visual manner worked better than same thing through VN narration.
I want to FUCK this girl right in her pussy
haha epic meme dude >girl >pussy xDD
>Woolie finds another meter that no one noticed as the screen is fading to black
>some guy makes an extremely detailed faq with info on the game, how to play different characters, and a bit of umineko trivia
To be fair, it was just another signifier for a thing they had already figured out.
Erika is better
Just curious do the backgrounds change or something?
PS3 themes and themes alone have a changing background option.
This means any time the main XMB is loaded it loads a random image from the set; So every time you boot the console, open a game and close a game, or whatever else causing the XMB to be reloaded, the background changes.
Also every time you choose the theme again, if you want to.
Very rudimentary, a lot of PS3 themes are just this pseudo changing backgrounds and icons. Not that I have anything against that.
Glad I could help
>erika wallpaper
I'm gonna...I'm gonna fuckin'...
Do we even have sex reassignment surgery in 90s?
Oh damn thats really neat, thanks user! Already put it on my PS3.