Just picked this up what am I in for Sup Forums?
Just picked this up what am I in for Sup Forums?
edgy teen weeb faggot shit. kys
>trying too hard to fit in: the post
The gameplay is fun OP but don't expect the story to make sense.
probably one of the worst stories in video game histroy
Is it at least better than FF XV?
Yes, all entries
thats like 300 hours of game with nonsensical story right there. shew wee OP. you've got a gawrsh darn lot of WHEN YOU WALK AWAY to get going
KH1 is good, KH2 is amazing, Re:CoM is okay, and BBS is mediocre
Haven't played 2.8 so I can't judge for them
1 & 2 are good but that's about it.
Two good games. Do yourself a favor and bail after kh2.
It's gonna be like getting into TV Tropes. You're either gonna try once and never touch it again or you're going to play them all, eagerly await KH3 all the while questioning not if, but when you lost your mind.
Don't forget the shitty combat and Disney lore
Bullshit but it's interesting
A charming, simple game, then a wild ride of terrible writing in every sequel. The gameplay sometimes improves for the better, but after KH1 you're adrift in a sea of utter bullshit.
The story is actually pretty simple in each one of the games. It's when you try to put it together that it starts to get clusterfucky. But each game is pretty straightforward
dissapointment, those games aged like shit tbqh
u forgot the pic homie
2 only feels aged with stuff like the Roxas tutorial, 1 feels like garbage the entire length of the game until you fight Sephiroth.
Why did you buy II.8 Final Chapter Chapter One Prologue HD Final Mix + Days?
It's just some fucking Ground Zeroes-tier bullshit overpriced demo.
I wish World of Final Fantasy became its own franchise like KH. It's better than anything KH put out since 2
1 is bad
2 is good
BBS is a bit less good but still good
Re:COM is whatever
3D is bad because of the shitty drop system and abilities being learned through dream eaters
It also has DDD remaster, so why wouldn't he get it if he wants the full package.
Darkness within darkness