Explain his plan in 25 words or less

Explain his plan in 25 words or less.

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kill english cuz butthurt

las plagas

kill all anglo


retarded shit like every other MGS lore. It's like Kojishit has some personal hatred against scriptwriters

Have a strong arm, feel out my man metal snack, he just jump hard. Get followed up. Explosioned

End proxy wars and western hegemony by extending MAD principle to the entire world.

Lust for revenge

Destroy languages FOR REVENGE

I didn't get to speak Hungarian as a kid so NO MORE ENGLISH

Well this is awkward

reminder that brainless game journos have made and will make this game go down as good and cover up the fact that is was an absolute failure of the highest order with no redeeming qualities

He was abducting africans and using their bodies to cultivate a version of an ancient parasite that would kill all speakers of the english language.

check my 25 words, exact change bitch

but why

i hate the english language zero parasites world language REEEE ALLOW ME LARGE LEADER

Have people connect through the pain they feel when they lose their language, sell nukes he can operate with metallic archea

pleb filter

Because Zero fucked him over after his super-black ops in Tselinoyarsk during Snake Eater. Zero wanted XOF (the secret FOX counter-group that Kojima made u- I mean Zero also lead during MGS3 that you never saw for reasons) erased after the Boss died, and Skull Face didn't like that at all, and since he was RAISED IN A SMALL VILLAGE and had his family killed and body mutilated as a boy, genocide was the only answer

Otacon: Snake, have you ever seen the broadway musical "Hamilton"?

eradicate english language (zero's method of control/HumanINT) sell nukes whoever/locals with Sahelanthropus as marketing, keep control of nukes with archaea


Brainlet BTFO

Kill English to get revenge on Zero for trying to force a language on others.
Spread DYI nukes across the world that only he can activate so he controls the economy.
Use Sahelanthropus to scare people into buying said nukes.

Scare people with spooky robot
kill english language with parasites

ooooOOH here she comes

watch out boy, she'll chew u up

>Failed grade 1 maths

getting caught and crashing this plane, with no survivors

>1 hour and 36 minutes



Game was fun as fuck to play and almost everyone who got it put over 100 hours into it.


25 words or less

Remove english separating world into cliques. Scare world with Sahelanthropus. Sell tainted nukes, he controls. If used, detonate nukes releasing plague. World peace through fear?

Yeah but after having 100 hours of fun everyone realized that they were actually having fake fun and they got pissed off

No such as thing as fake fun, you idiot.

English bad.
I'm liberal.
We should speak African.
Whiteys can't talk shit now.
Das right.
Even got their women.
Keep that bitch Quiet.
Africa rulez.

Whats your opinion on V?

sans linguaga franca las plagas jajajaja

If you ask me, Skull Face and Colonel Volgin should've been combined to create a new character, called Colonel Volgin.

get a load of this guy

when was this

next you'll say fun is a buzzword
fuck off retard


>fake fun

Two words;

I've put at least 300 hours into it spread across two files since it came out in 2015.

I thought it was fun. The story was disappointing (dialogue really suffered without Hayter; it makes you realize how crucial he was to the character), it didn't feel the same as past games and it just wasn't what I wanted. I put so many hours wanting to get what I was looking for out of it but never did. It really was like a Phantom Pain in that way and I think that's what Kojima was going for. He made a mediocre game on purpose and presented it in a way that created the illusion of a great one. MGSV is kind of neat because of that; the dissonance in the game is excused because of his and the franchise's reputation and it speaks a lot about how the games industry operates.

After playing for so long I realized the addictiveness of it comes from the small rewards you constantly get for doing every little thing, and because your initial impression of these rewards at the start of the game seems so big and novel, it hooks you from the beginning to try and expand your base as much as you can.

Honestly though all of the missions and side ops blend together and I probably won't play it again for a very long time. Also it has the worst MGO.

It is

>dialogue really suffered without Hayter
>it didn't feel the same as past games
That was the intention, you can see with DS, PT and MGSV that Kojima is changing his style.

I gave my life
Not for honor but for you

Not at all my dude, that's just you and your neurosis. Most people played this game for exactly as long as it was still fun and they all got 100+ hours out of it.

FUCK do I hope we hear more about this at E3.

I mean Kojima isn't involved and it's a Front Mission spinoff but it very clearly sweats and sings MGS proper; Taking out mechs with assault rifles is going to be very very fun, if it's as satisfying as it was fighting Sahelanthropiss

Did they seriously just put a mech in the Ground Zeroes map and call it a new game?

scare english speakers
sell them nukes
all nukes are actually still controlled by him
world leader

That's not the ground zeroes map. it's not even the same developer.


wow life has y'all sour

>Game gets boring after you've 100% the game and spent 501395012 hours in it
Did you really expect to have fun forever by playing a game religiously?

Preserving cultures by giving fake (kinda) nukes to everyone. Also weaken english.

p.t. first trailer

>fake fun
so these are the retards that hate MGSV
just admit you hate it only to be a contrarian