Capcom about to get BTFO'd by a titty fighter

Capcom about to get BTFO'd by a titty fighter.

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why does athena-sama seem distressed

What are the chances of this game being good gameplay wise?

Controls are confirmed to be casualized. It will probably be pretty fun if you aren't taking it super seriously.

Capcom is not going to get BTFO by a shitty half assed fighting game made by talentless hacks with graphics from two generations ago.

something something capcbro on suicide watch

Leona's boobs!

The first red flag was that it is a waifu game, pandering to you know who.

Didn't they already do that to themselves?

Based on what they said about them having to be careful after people flipped out about the DLC roster in BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle and Dragon Ball Fighter Z, and considering that artwork with 14 silhouettes, I get the feeling half the roster is going to be DLC here as well, but they're being coy about it for the time being and/or they're planning to release a couple of them for free post-launch to make it seem less harsh.

As much as I'd love a game with a crossdressing Iori Yagami to do that, let's not kid ourselves even for shitposting.

You just described mvci perfectly.

They also said that they were releasing this game in full and not starting development on DLC until after launch. I'll take them at their word for now.
Outdoing nuCapcom is not hard. Even if this game is meh it will still probably outclass Shitfinite.

No, it's not, but expecting chinkNK to do it is even more laughable.

Sure, but I'm not expecting it to have more than those 14 characters at launch.

>a shitty half assed fighting game made by talentless hacks
>coming from someone defending SFV, let alone MvCI
the iron knee


I just want to see King embarrassed guys

Oh wait are you the same guy who accused the one guy they were arguing with of being an SNK shill?

Considering how many chars. KOF14 launched with, I'm willing to give SNK the benefit of a doubt on this one. Plus, there would be a major shitstorm if the game launched with only 14 characters and I'm hoping they are at least smart enough to realize that.

Not in this thread(or any other, that I can remember.)
I'm sure you don't care though, because you don't have any other argument to hand.

They've said they learned with BB tag fiasco with DLC:

Inb4 Eventhubs


31 active players

user making a thread about the game is okay but honestly thinking that any non big name game is going to be alive after a day or two is pure retardation


>implying SNK Titty Fightan Frenzy is going to overturn Capcom

DASHAN Ball FighterZ isn't overturning Capcom, this has zero chance.

>king in a skirt

the delusion is so cute
look at him guys he actually thinks that capcom is in a position to brag about anything


that's some good shit, mate

>right in the random

I knew I'd find that single once-a-month post that justifies me coming back to this shithole every fucking day.

I know the feel, bro.

MVCI was btfo of evo by a literally who crossover with literally who game

You can't fuck what is dead, it's not morally accepted

this artwork is cute

so they are going to fuse Dead or Alive fanbase with King of Fighters fanbase? It's a smart move.

I sure hope that Asia gets a physical PS4 version. Fucking NISA.


What are the chances of a guy joke character
Who would it be?

Miss X
Iori but beautiful

It would have been more understandable by unlocking through story and shit.

Kukri or Iori (Miss X)

How long until steam release bros? Surely SNK knows that steam is where all the titty games go now right bros?

It'll come with all DLC, just like every SNK game recently released, i would give a year

Miss X as the 29th character on the bottom of the heart
Kukri as a secret character, just as himself with a gold mine of comments

This lol

Why are all of them blushing, why are snk male characters looking like generic anime twinks in XIV, sprites and old shinkiro snk art were the best

Iroha when?

She had her own games so it will probably happen.

I wanna kiss Iroha Irohas

Everything has been fucking Capcom up.
>blazblue crossover for casuals
Soon titties will be added to the list.
If SFV and MVCI is all you have on the bench, I recommend you forfeit the season and come back in two years. Unless the anniversary pack gets traction, Capcom has fucking nothing. And the pack needs the other ones too. XMen vs SF, MvC 1+2, and Jojo.


Mian WHEN???

The only thing that can save Capcom fighting games now is CvS3

Never played an SNK game, but damn, all this midriff makes my dick happy.

MSA sluts have more chances.

>expecting jojo hftf

>xmen first
Jokes on you, I was already dreaming.



Daily reminder that this is a SPINOFF game, not the latest entry in the KoF series, so don't take this shit so seriously.
Bitching about
>muh waifufagging
>muh casualizing/autocombos
>muh items/party game
is like complaining the main DoA fighting games don't have a volleyball mechanic.
Seeing the gameplay looks like a crazier MvCI and is fun as fuck. Hotaru, Fio, Iroha, and Shermie when?

You've gotta be crazy if you think they wouldn't take advantage of all those pre-existing KOF14 assets.

>the red and blue girls from samurai shodown
They don't have a chance at this rate. Somebody save us.

Mian is really cute and I like her hat!!!

Thanks for the EVO spot

That girl on top looks cool, which fighting game does she come from?

Dead Fantasy, look it up on Youtube.

Something apparently more worthwhile than MVCI lmao

Why do you guys do this? we already lost.

oh God yes please!

How can Ryo refuse this?

we like bullying people on anonymous cartoon websites because we have no power in real life

It doesn't matter how sexy the game is if people don't like the gameplay.

Call it Dead or Alive syndrome.

He's Ryu-level retard

The most efficient way to do this is to put her in a frilly waitress/maid uniform, the opposite of the bartender/butler uniform she usually wears.

It deserves ALL the shit it gets
>Capcom even made an e-sport promotional video
>They sound so confident about making it to EVO and about how great the story mode was going to be
>Can't even make it to 1 (one) EVO

What if it's a bunny maid costume?

Bunny ears would be a given accessory, then you can have the best of both worlds.

>bunny maid costume with a very short skirt


i want to see sylvie in some lewd costumes
and then tied up by her wrists and hung up for angel to bully her

Athena is a lot spookier than I though.

You could put King in a beautiful dress and call it a day. Just to keep her classy.

>only TWO (2) fan art of King wearing anything remotely feminine
It's like Japan hates King or something.

No, everyone has to look uncomfortable or embarrassed to fit into the roster (impossible for stoic Leona but that's fine).

KoF XI already had her wearing something very femenine, even if it was just in the ending

The artbook from XIV had one image of her in other costume.

capcom obliterated KOF before and will do so again

All I need is King and Shermie

Nobody expects KoF to be in EVO anymore, but MvCI got kicked from the main event by TWO (2) anime fighters.

What if they made it capcom vs snk 3: Titty fighting fury

Maybe they'll use something similar to this?

They must KNOW that there are many people who wish to see King in a dress, no way they didn't do they research

I can work with this. I'm not even that big of a fan for King.

Now that's more like it.

I can actually work with this outfit.

>D and F

>everyone will have three (3) unlockable costumes
So no costume swaps between characters? Since they specifically mentioned unlockable, I'm guessing there's gonna be more as DLC?

Of course it'll, but not on aTeam Ninja level

Mai needs her MI2 coustume back but more lewder.