Why is the megaman 2 considered the best megaman game?
Why is the megaman 2 considered the best megaman game?
because it's the easiest
it's the one most people played first. 3 and 4 are my favourites of the first 6
it has an easy mode. 3 is actually the best
It was a monumental improvement over 1, wasn't rushed and buggy like 3, and had good music unlike 4. After 3 most people stopped caring about the series and after 4 almost everyone was gone.
It's easy if you're a cuck and use item 2 to skip all of the platforming. I bet you defend the cape in smw too, huh?
Because it's the Dark souls of Mega man games
>wasn't rushed and buggy
Literally the only NES MM that reliably screenzips
Nostalgiafags. On the other hand, 3 is considered the best on Sup Forums because of contrarianfags. I've played all 10 classic games and I have to say that for the NES, 4 is definitely the best. I could even write an essay about why 4 is the best, but I'll give a few points to make it shorter.
4 has the best weapons, everything has a purpose.
>Toad Man's weapon is a screen nuke
>Drill Man and Dust Man have simple but effective weapons and are good substitutes to your buster
>Dive Man's weapon homes in on enemies, so it's guaranteed to be good
>Ring Man's weapon pierces
>Pharaoh Man's weapon is what Heat Man's weapon should've been and can even be held above your head like a spirit bomb, shit's epic
>Bright Man's weapon stops time, allows you to use your buster, and doesn't drain in one go. What Flash Man's weapon should've been.
>Skull Man's weapon is a good shield, at the very least better than Leaf Shield
4 is also on a much higher level graphically when compared to the first 3 games, and the level design is just as polished as ever, except with 4 you never get a BS level that makes you want to give up entirely. With 2 you get the boss that can only be hurt with Crash Bomb, and with 3 you get the Doc Wily stages.
The Metal Blades are so stupid strong a nerfed version of them was used in MM3 and still the best weapon in the game.
Because of pic related intro
Because everyone in the internet says so.
I like 6 a lot. They had some interesting character designs and some crazy levels, like Centaur Man's with the upside-down water
If you're referring to the Heat Man stage then I have a piece advice for you
But the title theme alone of Mega Man 3 is easily superior.
The soundtrack and people find metal blades fun are the only reasons. The robot master levels are so easy and the wily stages are so badly designed.
>good music UNLIKE 4
Well check out the shit taste and on you
the name is megaman but you can call me rock
'cause I'll be rockin' yo shit up and down the block
>easy difficulty
>memorable music (title theme and wily stage 2)
>forces you to care about ammo economy once you get metal blade
You missed your "doesn't" in there.
The amount of money people pay for these games on ebay left reality long ago. It's just retarded
i wouldn't say the best but certainly some of the best music ever.
Same reason 4-6 are all labeled as bad, when only 5 is actually bad.
on easy yeah, but it's harder to maintain in hard mode which you should be playing anyway
weapon and boss design is still clean and straightforward since they weren't yet desperately trying to come up with new shit and having to recycle sameguns with less coherence
and MM2 is one of the more consistent in terms of weapons and boss weaknesses having logical relationships, compared to the constant asspulls of the other games
it has the cleanest tile art and best soundtrack
it has a simple, lightweight game story without the cinematic melodrama of the later entries
and yes, because it is fairer than MM1. not because of easy mode but because of the password checkpoint system
>password checkpoints
this, completely forgot
I can easily do the heatman platforming you goon
I think was too dependent on doing the stages in the proper order which is just backtracking/trial and error. 2 lessened that a bit. I might be wrong, I haven't played them for a while, and my favorite is X anyway.
It has the best music and is the most significant improvement over its predecessor of any of the games, giving it the largest "wow" factor for players at the time.
>It's easy if you're a cuck and use item 2 to skip all of the platforming
You sayin it like it isn't easy eitherway
Ignoring the WE reset glitch; Metal Blades can be shot over 100 times. The Quick Boomerang over 200. That's almost double the combined WE total of other games' suites of weapons. They have far more uses than any other weapon outside of the Screw Crusher in MMIII/10. Even using all the W cans in MM7 will get you weapons that can't fire as much.
So I'm confused where conservation is a problem that isn't worse in the rest of the series.
>only over owned Mega Man 6 as a kid
>played it many times, loved it
>come to Sup Forums years later
>learn it was shit
Having now played through all of the classic Mega Mans and making a strong an effort to ignore my 6 nostalgia, I still don't understand why this place directs as much hate at 6 as it does. I feel like Mega Man 5 was clearly the weakest game in terms of level design and fun power ups. 6 might not have been as difficult as some of the other games but it still some great levels, bosses, and music.
Oh I see, I don't think any of the MM games are overly challenging aside from 1
You just fell for a meme, 6 is the 2nd best NES Mega Man. Only 4 is better than it.
Best music, most memorable bosses.
4 was where the Mega Man formula was perfected. The only other games to approach that level of perfection are 8 and 9.
Okay I'll take this bait. How is 8 in any way representative of the Mega Man formula? It is combatively different
8 is perfect as its own thing, not in application of the formula. Sorry for the confusion!
I really hope 11 doesn't have any of those stupid boss weakness stunlock patterns that plagued the franchise from the SNES onward.
I hope 11 has fun and good weapons, I know many people only use weapons for boss weaknesses but I most enjoy Mega Man when its weapons are genuinely useful and the game rewards for you for knowing how to utilize your arsenal. I hated 5 because the weapons were garbage, your charge shot was superior to anything you could get.
6 is good. The rush suits are cool.
>he didn't know how to aim the power stone
lmaoing at your life
Same, my favourite is 3. Although i think 1 is better than 2
>implying that learning to use power stone is worth it when you can just charge and wipe out everything in front of you
I bet you think Top Spin is underrated and that it isn't hot garbage that you wouldn't know how to use on your first playthrough
>first playthrough
MM games aren't meant to be beat on the first playthrough. MM-X and Zero games can be beat first playthrough, but not the originals.
Fuck the long ass passwords of the X series.
because nostalgia the best one is clearly 6
If you don't play through the game; how is the session a "playthrough"?
It's the one most people played back in the NES days and it's the game that made Mega Man a legendary name. It's pretty much just lauded as the best simply through the general gaming public's recognition, just like games like OoT and FF7.
It was also the best selling of them. Y'know that could help it being recalled.