Easy Mode

I know this game doesn't have an Easy Mode but is there a way I can set it up near the beginning to be on cruise control? My grandson wants to play it and although he's old enough to understand the game I fear he won't be able to handle the base difficulty.

I forgot to say the game is dark souls 3 not sure if that was clear.

If they made a mode that let you play it like an actual PC game and not cookie cutter port, that would make it much easier.

Joysticks can be used on PC too.

use a trainer
or get another copy and carry him

Just farm lvls and potions for him

Are there no good items i cam get him?

This is an actually wholesome post
Anyway, honestly I'd say you should try another game to have your grandson play. Dark Souls is a very challenging game, so you should get him to play other games to develop a passion for vidya

Tell him to take things slow, and he'll breeze through it.

I don't know how old your grandson is, my 10 year old nephew went through DS1 well enough after I told him to be patient and pay attention.

Pick the knight starter class. The longsword weapon the knight starts with is arguably the best weapon in the game. Im completely serious. Infuse the longsword with the raw infusion. Make sure to use all your upgrade items on the longsword to keep its damage output good. Attune a healing spell. Put all your level ups into hp. More hp is the number 1 way to make the game easier. Have a shield with decent stability like a black knight shield and make sure to upgrade it too. This should honestly negate most of the difficulty in the game.

im doing the same thing for my father and bloodborne. i assume these games have ng+ mode as well? right now im hella over levelingwhat will be my fathers character, upgrading a couple weapons, and ultimatelywill discard the late game stuff i acquire so he can pick it up on his own. the largest issue are the items that dont respawn from ng+ from ng, alternate items are dropped for lore and storyline etc. i would doublechrck that he is able to acquire the proper items. basically beef up a character for ng+

Pyromancy is a nice starter class since you most stuff fears fire. Other than that, you can use a cheatengine table in offline mode to give yourself overpowered stuff.

Isn't NG+ harder than the base game?

This thread makes me want to try to get my gf into new games. Maybe grind her character for her, and when she is playing I could tell her what to do.

hella overleveling to compensate. making a ng+5 character to be used in ng+

if you know BB my fathers character will have 99arc and 99bloodtinge plus other beefed stats. im using the chalices as a way of strength measurement

You know we used to play nes games as kids right? If he's old enough to understand the game then just let him play it.

I played Superman 64 as a kid.

My condolences.

That sounds like a hell of a lot of playtime just to set up a character for someone.

It is ok. I also had Star Wars pod racers and that was a fun game. It was the start of my love for racing games.

I'm going through sonething similar teaching my gf to play it
Get the fire gem as the gift, it's great for a long while. Use the knight as starting class, and bump INT and FAITH so he can get a taste of magic for ranged atacks and healing.

From there idk what we'll do for the build, but I think it'll be focused on faith for extra heals, and if she wants more magic we'll get int and aim for the moonlight greatsword

How incompetent is he? If he is over 10 tell him to summon and take his time, or even be his summon and kite enemies when he is dying.

If he is under 10 he most likely doesnt have the skill to beat it yet, so just play offline on pc, cheat him either infinite health or infinite estus

I want to do this with my gf and also be her summon

I wish I had two copies, that's be insanely awesome, and she could definitly use the help
Also I'd have her be my healer

If you actually want him to get halfway decent at the game and decent at things in general, just go hands off and watch while he plays, with very slight tips and pointers throughout the High Wall. If he doesn't learn now, he never will.

>there are modern vidya-literate people here that already have grandchildren old enough to play vidya

Being a healer would be cool. I always play as a melee character never a Int or faith based one

Mages are cool in 3, I don't get why people shit so much on it
Healer not so much, and most offensive miracles are only found late in game. Not to mention being a healer largely depends on having jolly coop, otherwise you'll mostly be healing just yourself.

People shit on all the spell classes the same reason they shit on shields, because they can't fathom that they might still have to avoid attacks or play around the game's mechanics while using them because they rarely if ever had to do so before. You can get Gnaw and Lightning Spear pretty early on by the way, and Miracles are a support and survivability branch of spells more than anything anyway.

>lightning spear
I did a str/faith build once, but I found the offensive magic totally underwhelming. Maybe because I had just played a dex/int before that and found sorcery to be much stronger then I expected, so I was a little let down.
Even support wise, I liked the sorceries variety much better. Miracles have many buffs but you waste a ton of time and FP to apply all of them and they don't last long enough to make it worth their while imo. Maybe in pvp, but I'm not really fond of that.

>be a whore
>female baby at 15
>raise your little girl to be a whore
>raped by her father
>little girl have kid at 15 aswell
enjoy modern society

What the fuck are you talking about? Das2 and 3's controls are fine on PC. Only recently have I started playing dad3 on a controller and I hate how you can't do certain things without using some retarded grip when you can easily do it with kb+m.

>mfw finished all Dork Souls games with cheats just to look at the cool bosses and locations

When I say support I mainly mean "a metric fuckton of heals that ideally mean you should never ever die" rather than varied buffing and utility which works really well just as long as you use your weapon, although Lightning Spears having huge damage at close range actually makes them very useful for many purposes. They might not always match soul arrows but they don't have to, and a lot of end game enemies hate lightning damage as well which helps. It just sucks how expensive to cast they are. Gnaw/Dorhys' Gnawing is the real good shit though, if it bleeds you can kill it, usually in about two or three casts.

That's one of miracle's problem though. Does anyone need that many heals when end game you'll have 10+ estus uses without even trying? And the heals are also too slow to use in bosses.
Lightning being better close range is a downside too, they're just not fast enough. I really wish they were more usefull and powerful because I like the archetype.

if only there was a mode that literally brings other players in to play the game for you