>enjoy Rainbow Six: Siege
>game really gets the heart pumping at times and can be stressful
>Have heart problems and I have to avoid things like that so I had to give up on playing it
Anyone else has medical conditions that prevents you from playing/enjoying games?
Enjoy Rainbow Six: Siege
im deaf so i don't really get a full experience when playing single player games
i tried playing multiplayer games but i just got repeatedly reported for ignoring voice chat callouts
that sounds rough user, what operators do you prefer to play?
Bandit/smoke and thermite/montagne
play casual shit or things that don’t really require sound
flying around 50mph and stomping while blasting eurobeat in titanfall 2 was fun as fuck
I've picked up the wonderful habit of chewing my lips when playing a stressful game.
I'd like to try siege but I feel it would just be weeks of me getting stomped since the game is all about map knowledge even though i'm good at shooters, and I don't know if I can suffer that much heartache
I still enjoy playing it casually, don't have much map knowledge.
>enjoy rainbow six siege
>but ubisoft's ridiculous pricing policy means I'm practically an F2P player despite paying 60 dollars for the game not long after it came out
seriously there's no excuse for frost and buck to still be as expensive as they were on launch
they cut down alot of maps in the rotation in favor of new players so they dont get intimidated by the many maps much to the annoyance of veterans who get sick of playing the same maps.
Yeah, year 1 ops should be slashed to like 5000 renown each by now. It's getting ridiculous for new players.
Fucking get my game running at constant 60fps ubisoft.
i have autism and cant play anything else than minecraft and weebgames
>tfw fear of heights so bad that i cant play games like Dying Light/ Mirrors edge without almost physically vomiting
I have tremors, so I'm basically shit at every multiplayer fps unless my sensitivity is way low and even then I suck. My reflexes are great though.
I had that. doc recommended me to increase magnesium in my diet and take supplements on days I don't take in as much. Tremors are still there but they are way less now.
This. It takes soooo long to grind out 25k renown it's honestly just worth it to shill out the $5 for the best dlc operators.
I already take magnesium every day. The thing is they get worse when I'm excited or nervous so I spaz out in siege when I'm the last one standing or in Titanfall when I'm on a roll
>tfw only 21 and got discharged of the army because I had a semi-heart attack when playing ranked SC2
I didn't stop playing
what the fuck is a semi heart attack?
stay chill and don't take the game too serious
and stay casual
I love Siege. I got another Jackal ace tonight.
What kind of problems do you have? I've been having weird heart pulses. I used to think it was stress, but I got rid of some things that were stressing me out but they can back. It just feels like my heart pumping really hard for no real reason.
heart stopped working and got back to normal in a matter of seconds, i dropped on the floor and was paralyzed, army doctor said it was almost a heart attack
Isn't that cardiac arrest?
well I don't trust army docs anyways, they're shady as fuck and don't do shit all day
my fear manifest into something really cool. If I fall in video games it feels as if I am falling in real life, I get a feeling like if I don't look away I would go unconscious from the rush. It's fun to play around with but kind of scary, what if I go over the edge and it makes me retarded or turn into terry davis?
>yfw 10 alive left in PUBG and you hear a gunshot
bradycardia where my heart rate is always around 50 when sitting/resting and drops to 44 at night, low bloodpressure and heart palpitations often where my heart just does a extra beat real fast and flutters. I've passed out a bunch of times because of it.
Do you play VR?
Sounds llike stress. did you try and cutout alcohol, caffiene, sugar and spicy foods? Do you smoke?
Rainbow Six Seige Is being annoying recently
It keeps kicking me out whenever I search for games with friends
I can search for games by myself just fine
Every other game is fine, but Seige specifically hates me
No smoking no drinking. I quit my job managing fast food and got a cozier, better paying job. Dropped a gf that definitely wasn't helping. I don't drink soda but I have a sweet tooth. Might drink coffee once a week. I commonly don't touch spicy food.
The worst palpitation I've had was playing Dark Souls 2. I wasn't in combat or any real danger.
You should try it. Falling in VR really fucks me up meanwhile normally it doesn't do a thing.
Well palpitations are really common and generally not a thing to worry about. It's mostly stress related but even without stress can be common. It's only when you experience other symptoms with it like dizziness when you get up from a resting position where your heart starts to pump harder or/and just feel weak and tired when you should go and see a doc.
I have this condition that makes me die if Im lame as fuck so I cant play csgo
I have Marfans syndrome so if my heart goes to hard my aortic valve can split and I could bleed out instantly. I honestly don't care, I still play all games I workout, I go running. People that play safe on permadeath mode are pussies.
>be blind
>go driving anyway
The heart palpitations are only like two years old. Ive been getting dizzy after standing up for 3+ years.
>Enjoy fps
>But have dyspaxia, so my motor skills are actually retarded
I used to lose feeling in my limbs when playing high adrenaline games, but I've been playing them for so long I just don't get that rush anymore.
Shit talking on voip and being good enough to shitpost is the only thing that gets me going these days.
To add on, I don't feel my heart any harder, but I feel very weak and I almost always have to sit back down.
Still nothing really to worry about yet but it would be smart to visit a doc with those symptoms and get it checked out to be sure.
>inherently competitive and need to win
>drive myself fucking insane playing fighting games (which I'm not good at) or FPSs with a lot of tension
Quit DOTA, CS:GO, and R6S in that order. Just got back into CS:GO because its easy not to take it seriously after all these years. But now DBFZ is tearing my asshole apart because I keep losing and I just get so dedicated to trying to win at all I never have any fun.
There are non competitive modes you can use to get to know the game better without being a complete shitter; play terrorist hunt and be cautious and your teammates will generally take care of business, selfish as that sounds.
The drones also offer you an opportunity to explore maps without risking yourself. It’s really worth learning user, fab game
>playing action game
>something explodes and creates an EEEEEEE shound
>man, that EEEEE sound has been going on for ages now
>remember that I have tinnitus
I'll keep it in mind. Thank you, user.
>love competitive shooters
>best friend gets motion sickness and headaches from them
He powered through a few gems like Portal and Mirror’s edge but we can’t play the games I like with each other
Turning off motion blur and increasing FOV works for me.
>be color blind
>game doesnt have a colorblind option
This is the worst with some multiplayer games that have friendly fire enabled.
>search for a game with a friend in a lobby
>get put into a game
>just casually talking to each other not really paying attention to the game
>Find out 1 minute in the game we got put into different matches
What the fuck ubisoft? this happened to me a bunch of times
are u me
I'd be dizzy too after standing up for so long.
user I had a heart attack and can't play siege anymore either.
I also play Dirty Bomb wich has unlockable characters too, you dont have to grind that much to get them, probably twice less and its a fucking FREE game
,I'm deaf in my right ear so a lot of people in games like siege think I'm a fucking retard because I spin in circles when I'm trying to hear stuff.