post you're fightsticks Sup Forums
Post you're fightsticks Sup Forums
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is that a venom? i have one too. replaced with sanwas of course.
get owned nerds
What's going on with the analog stick there?
why would you use that? gamecube didn't even have any fighting games.
Have fun with those hand pains user.
Capcom vs SNK2 is on it and is compatible with the Wii version of Guilty Gear ^ Core and with Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Is this a mod or legitimately worn out?
Only have the one photo but it has served me well in the past couple weeks. Spending a few hours every day grinding out matches and combos in DBFZ.
0/10 bait
>under defeat
Good taste
I have always wondered how the build quality is on these. I kind of want a small stick, and have considered buying one of these for the shell and pcb.
Are there any sticks worth buying under $100?
Willing to mod with Sanwa parts if necessary.
The stick is pretty good but he buttons should get replaced. hey are too light and flimsy. Pretty good cheap stick if you replace the buttons.
if you're gonna go ahead and mod, put that money into your budget ad get a hori RAP4. the hayabusa buttons and stick is great, and youi might even find it for $100 used.
I have the SF4 TE. Oldie but a goodie. Should really customize it.
Forgot text
I still regret putting in the shit fighter 5 logo on there
Should have just left Cummy on there
It's what I get for having high hopes and believing in Capcom
are you guys not afraid of the input lag that arcade sticks generate?
Horrible art for a limited edition stick.
pictures don't do it justice, it looks great and the colors are fantastic
I like Nu-13
I really should clean it soon though.
I don't even play fighting games
>posts shmup stick
>calls it a fight stick
Are those kind of tops good?
i use them, yeah. K sticks are native bat top joysticks anyway. ball tops feels like shit on them. balltops feels like shit to me on any stick cause my hands are usually too big for them
>not pre-ordering a b0xx
Firefox /wavedash/shielddrop notches, tl;dr they make some tech easier
FInally one that doesn't suck
what's the context of the video again? was someone trying to sell modded gamecube controllers or what
I need a new stick, how moddable is the Drone? I know the stock parts are shit, but I have loads of Sanwa stuff laying around.
are you not afraid of looking ridiculous using an obvious facsimile of a unix timestamp filename that is 5 digits too long to have come from here?
They're okay, first mod should be to replace the buttons.
Pretty sure it has quick releases for the buttons and qanba's stick is pretty much shaped the same as Sanwa so that should be easy to replace.
I must admit, I am somewhat jelly of fightfags for getting to use those. I don't play fighting games but I've always liked the look of fight sticks and wanted to use one but there's no point spending the price they cost (since I'd want a good one) just for the sake of it without playing fighting games.
Probably going to make it into a Korean stick. Not sure if I should change the artwork. The Rock is pretty cool, but triple gay never drew a dime.
You can always use one for arcade games or shumps.
You can play plenty of different games with these. They're not just for fighting games.
why not just use a keyboard?
got to be a special snowflake my man.
I'm not good and invested enough in fighting games to warrant the price of a stick.
Not remotely the same.
Bat top > ball top
there is no reason why you can't set a keyboard to work like this
Think it's time to update this list.
>Think it's time to update this list.
yeah this shit is way out of date
Show me a keyboard where you can plink, double tap and slide as easily as sanwa buttons.
Those keys aren't flat and sensitive enough to slide your finger effortlessly like sanwa buttons. Try again.
maybe if your fingers are kielbasa they aren't
Actually that would help for more pressure since those keys aren't sensitive enough. Try again.
Hax, a former top player that broke his hands with GC controllers is creating a fightstick/hitbox equivalent for Melee. Some of the figureheads and tournament organizers are opposed to it.
>you're fightsticks, Sup Forums
I do not quite understand what you mean, friend and original poster. How can one be two things at the same time? I am a man, i have a "stick" of my own, yet i am not made of plastic nor was i ever used in tournaments. Perhaps you and i, friend and original poster, will live to the day we see men made of pure plastic, machines part man, but that is yet to come...
where's the lewds
i really want to see it uncensored can we make this happen like an imgur upload or something? plz bro
>lol I'm being pedantic and retarded on purpose
Post you're stick or get outta the thread
i'd like to see it uncensored too
brb gonna do some combo with my fighting stick
you're the best
Jesus christ.
labo stick
Still planning the case.
Got a hori ex2 for xbox 360 and a hori ps4 mini too.
Fucking nice.
tfw europoor
tfw nothing available besides cheap ass hori and overpriced razor panthera
of course he's a vegan
Hori ex2 are cute.
I have one like this. Is there a way to replace or swap the artwork?
Yeah, but you'll have to go to a printing store to get it printed and also cut it yourself. I'm sure there is a .psd template.
I really like the weight of this one. Prob one of my favorites
My stick doesnt register 1 and 9 inputs properly, how fix??
maybe the buttons aren't connected well?
That game is the greatest but a fight stick does nothing for it. You can't even change targets properly.
My nigga, your's has better buttons though I just left the default gray ones in.
Yet, I am an absolute fucking beginner who should just take his ass and start getting basics down in one fucking game already.
I was thinking of getting one for Killer Instinct but I've never owned a fighting stick before.
How do I get started? It'd need to be wireless.
Holy shit that's nice.
fight sticks aren't for you
I have a TES+ with the regular artwork on it. I'd love to put my boy Kumagawa on it though.
I just want to have more ease of input. I get that there will be some delay but it's in fractions of a second.
And how do I remove the current one? Do I have to open it up?
While it's true that you could, the hitbox is much more ergonomic and comfortable.
I played on keyboards for years until I decided to bite the bullet and buy a custom hitbox. Never going back.
I am fightsticks
>tfw you have a d tier stick
Don't ever purchase this stick.
only pro is that its dual modded THATS IT
heatgun/hair dryer the artwork for like 30 seconds and use a knife or whatever to get an opening and start peeling the stock artwork. It's probably best to take out the buttons and joystick out first.
Are the buttons solder to the pcb?