Fuck this game's story.

Like, took itself waaaay too seriously. I only played AOD, but it was having fun with itself. I couldn't finish 5 due to cringe.

I don't mind that it took itself seriously but It just stops at the end and revives everyone. Instead of the main character having to actually develop, his waifu just comes back to life. He doesn't move on and it pisses me off thinking about it. I feel like I got cheated.

I just cleared the main story. What's next?

Soul Nomad is still the best NiS game

Grind and unlock the extra characters then beat Baal

I actually loved that Lieze came back and Seraphina got cucked out of Killia, and of course Christo real identity at the end made the ending totally worth it, never saw that coming

It had the potential to be good, but a combination of horrible cast chemistry, an awkward handling of "funny", and taking itself paradoxically too seriously, yet also not serious enough meant that it just fell apart.
Part of me still believes that there might be a tiny, 100-to-1 chance that the game's story was entirely deliberate, and an advanced level trolling of storytelling as a concept, but I know that's stupid.
When a character like Red Magnus is one of the strongest aspects of your cast and story, you know you fucked up.

I found that, if you have the chops to run with the lore of the series, you can actually come up with a much better story yourself if you install all of the DLC characters and imagine that the story actually consists of your favorite collection of characters figuring out who this daft cunt calling himself the Demon Emperor is.
My favorite rendition was "Zetta's Party Bus".

>rozaline and Valvatorez have transformation revenge abilities
I fucking love this shit

I loved those two as well.
Pure Flonne's only okay.

>I actually loved that Lieze came back and Seraphina got cucked out of Killia
I don't care about Seaphina "getting" with Killia or anything. Lieze coming back just cheapened the story and made it feel pointless. If it's a story about someone trying to get over their dead loved one then I want the story to be about that and not just have them come back at the end. Man, fuck this game's story.

Get best girl and proceed to wreck the Carnage World.

You should have known by now Disgeae never had a good story or ending since the original.

no steam no buy

>using Metallia when a sage does her job but better

I totally agree with you, it's the most anticlimactic thing ever. "oh, void wasn't really bad, and also lieze is back and totally not upset at him killing countless demons to steal their souls". To be honest, it's about what I was expecting (gotta have post game characters), but I'm still disappointed they went that way.

>Lieze coming back just cheapened the story and made it feel pointless.
It feels particularly unusual, because Disgaea usually handles that kind of story well.
Disgaea 1, one of the major, setting-building events was the death, and subsequent reincarnation of Laharl's mom.
Disgaea 2 had the deaths of Adell's parents, and Disgaea 3 had Mao's dad.
Disgaea 4 cheapened it a bit with Artina coming back, but actually dealt with that in-story. It actually did undermine a lot of what Valvatorez went through, though he handled it pretty well.
DD2, for all of its shortcomings, still developed Laharl's psyche a little bit by its continued referance to his mom, and the complex he developed over people dying for him.
Disgaea 4? Nope, everyone's back, nothing changed, we're all friends now, sorry about fucking the universe. Marjorita was at least handled believable, and even a bit interestingly, but Bloodis, Void, and especially Lize needed to stay dead.

>picking based on mechanics and not which girl you like most

But best girl has a good evility too

She really got the short end of the stick in the post game due to her actions being the focal point of their interactions. Bloodis just happens and Void gets a few mentions every now and then.
Every character introduced in DD2 was a mistake, especially

I want to fuck fem laharl

>Best Girl isn't in 5
It's not fair

It's best to have both, but Metallia's actually better. Extracts raise stats much faster than shards, and that's before even considering how much faster Metallia accumulates them compared to a Sage.
Then, in terms of actually using them as units, Metalia is far better than the Sage, which is only as good as any random given generic, and not even one of the "good" generics like the Skull or Valkyrie, let alone the Armor Knight.

A Sage's entire niche is grinding mastery ranks for generics and unique monsters, which, even then, the characters in a proper Prinny Squad exploration team are doing that faster, and can even be unique humanoids (Or Zetta, while also building those stored levels)

You ever think Hundred Knight fucked his own daughter?

A dog did

>anyone other than Metallia being best NIS girl
Only one that can compete on the same level as Desco.

Hundred Knight's relationship with Metallia is that of a servant and master, in the purest way possible.

That's why he got so excited when she said this.

she's really skinny

Member when Tallia had her notmom get rat raped

Wrong, everyone is better than metallia even Fuka

How long is grinding to max stats supposed to take? Getting the 10 mil from subclasses is nothing. Shards/extracts take some time, but it's not a big deal. I don't really know where to go from there though.

>Turning your God / Father into a pet.
>Turning your Mother into a pet.
Metallia really has a thing for abusing her parents. Metallia is a demi-god biologically speaking.

I'm afraid to play this because big numbers scare me.

Should I still play it?

But it's also father(mother?) and daughter.
I mean, technically, Malia's a woman, so would be Metailia's mom, but her role in Metalia's parentage was in getting a seed into some swamp scum, which Metalia was born from, so really it's not too out there to consider Malia Metallia's dad, and Niike her mom.
Witch is just fucked up enough for that to work, I think.

>tfw no matter what universe Hundred Knight goes to Metallia will always want him for herself.
I can't tell if that is a curse or a blessing.

If you must play them play them in order. Each game improves on the previous title's gameplay so much it's hard to play an older game after a newer one.

Swamp was the blood with Nike's/Hundred's DNA the seed was the egg. When the egg mixed with the blood, Metallia was born.

>tfw Mallia tried to kill her baby's daddy after seeing him for the first time in years.

First, if you haven't, your +100% stats.
Commonly, this is obtained from Violence (+50%), status in the Foot Soldier or Flat Chest squad (+20% or 25% respectivly) and then your choice of Greedy Disposition or Heavy Stance (39% and 30% respectively) for the last bit.
A few characters get extra stat% from various sources (Red Magnus gets +80% from being in FSS alon, Asagi gets a bonus +25(?)% from having a maxed Asagi squad), and you can use Pleineir, or Happy Song+Idol Song users for extra if you have the support crew slots.
However you get it, +100% will get you to 40 million.
Your remaining two options are gear, end Eclipse Power.
Gear is definitely the faster route, even if you couldn't dupe your items. 3 Maxed traps should bring you up easily, without even touching weapons.
Eclipse Power takes a lot, lot longer, but lets you shore up a whopping 30 million (60 after your +100%), allowing you to have a max non-hp stat character, naked.

Don't be afraid. The big numbers are there in postgame if you want to play with them.
The main games are all fine, serviceable SRPGs with fairly manageable numbers to keep track of.

Eh, whichever way you look at it, I suppose.
I still love that they managed to include nuclear waste and radiation sickness in a game about witches.

Is there an item stat cap, or could you theoretically just use them alone for max stats?

Lets be fair. Bathing in the blood of a cross-dimensional god who taught you magic would make anyone sick. I also wonder why Hundred didn't absorb his Nike remnants instead of crippling himself forever, They said Nike's head flew off somewhere and I thought Hundred was Nike's rational side and semi-final boss was his body under Aguni's command.

I liked it, it's the' second best for me after the first one. I liked that it tried to be serious sometimes and I liked the cast.

In theory you could probably use items alone, but that would require both leveling a weapon, and pushing through the soft cap.
There is a "soft" cap, and a hard cap for individual item stats. It's very, very hard to reach the hard cap. You might be able to cap off of just the three equipment slots if you worked through the soft cap enough, though I'm not sure.
The problem with weapons are axes. It is impossible to bring any good axe above the negatives in the stats it detracts from. As such, you are instead forced to use low power axes that you can more easily "tip". Because item growth is geometric, and partially based on the levels and stats of the enemies you kill, it takes a long fucking time to get a low-rank, low-stat item up to the softcap.

In any event, I think it's doable, but given how easy the first 10 million is, there's no reason to worry, unless you *need* to do it that way.

Thanks for the help babe.

Am I the only one that thinks D3 had a bunch of really great ideas and pieces that were just poorly assembled?

Disgaea 5 has the worst cast of the franchise.

Disgaea 4 has the best cast of the franchise.

>game takes place in the past
>Apparently so far in the past that records of ti actually happening are dubious at best
>actually it wasn't that long ago by demon lifepans lol

blah blah blah Christo is Lamington

D2 still makes me laugh

>hey remember Laharl's mom who killed herself to save her son
>well guess what she was pregnet at the time (I checked)
>her dead pregnant baby became an angel while also being genetically half human half demon lol

It makes more sense for Laharl's mom to have become a prinny then, the sin of killing your unborn child has to outweigh that of suicide.

It was pretty fucking painful going from Arcadian Vampire to this bullshit.

>Majorly kills billions of people for fun
>Revives people as zombies and makes them fight their family members to the death for her entertainment
>Finally have her down and ready to pay for her actions
>Stupid fucking bunny steps in and says NO WE CAN'T KILL HER IT'LL MAKE US JUST AS BAD AS HER

Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.

I think I have spent more time listening to that theme then actually playing the game.

It was meh.


>4 introduces magichange and lets Gig transform into the weapon
>They cut Revya at the same time

Yeah I loved that school setting, wasted potential

Lamington is around 9000 in Disgaea 1.
Assuming Christo was literally born the day you meet him, Zetta is already an Overlord, already knows Kind Drake the lll, who is also an Overlord, and has for a thousand years.

I just want Overlord Prinny.

I'm just impressed that they managed to come up with a half-human, half-demon, half-angel.

3 introduced Magichange.
It wasn't very good, mind, and not even Gig was worth using, but it was there.


Her entire story is the most confusing of the 10, which even doesn't have a resolution due to he cast's not even wanting to be around her.

That part pissed me off to no end. On top of her chapters being way too long.

shut up plip

Needs more porn.

This was like, the one thing I'm actually motivated enough to be pissed about in D5.
It would have marked a much different, and much better development if Usalia, or fuck, anyone, had just been a proper demon in that moment, and killed the shit out of her.

I think it's more complicated than that, It's not like she's forgiving Majorita, She doesn't want to give her the satisfaction.

But we know that in the end, Usalia will grow up to be a titty monster like her mom and Majorita will be her perma-loli sex slave

It didn't require anyone to be a demon, it just required any one of them to not be a complete retard and say "putting a tyrant to death so they can't keep killing people for fun isn't the same as being a tyrant yourself you dumb little shit".

The satisfaction of what? Majorita didn't want to die, she was begging not to be killed. All Usalia's idiocy does is give her a chance to escape, recover, and resume being a genocidal maniac.

>But we know that in the end, Usalia will grow up to be a titty monster like her mom and Majorita will be her perma-loli sex slave
sounds hot, doujin material

I somehow sat through 4 and DD2 without grimacing too much so I thought it was fine. I'll admit I probably only liked it for the Killia edge though, that Killidia chapter with that music was the highlight of it all for me.

I'll admit, as shit as Killia was, the cringe/edge he brought to the table was fantastic.
I still don't know if that was on purpose.

I thought it was okay, postgame absolutely ruins it though.
>lol no one important died
>all villains are forgiven
I liked Killia, Red Magnus, and Zeroken the most, Christo was ok too. Other members weren't really developed enough and it felt kinda hamfisted how the second half of the game was literally "This Character's Growth Arc" each chapter(though Seraphina and Usalia's kinda sucked and they didn't really grow much). There really wasn't a whole lot to the plot either and it started dragging really bad.
>we learned the ultimate demon technique!
>not good enough
>we learned the true one!
>still not good enough
>Killia can do it by himself now that he accepted he was an edgelord
Void ends up being such a cliche too. Which is a shame, as I think the shell of the story could be pretty decent if written better. I'm a sucker for apprentices/friends becoming bitter enemies. Gameplay is fun at least.

Because she's forced to make Usalia happy as per the stipulations of her curses to stay alive (to do the thing you despise the most). Usalia gets to watch her suffer.

That didn't come up until long after the scene in question.

That was way, way later, man.

You got an image of her mother?


Is she really though?
Desco and Beryl are funnier, Beryl's cuter, and Hanako is the most ironic.

Vagina bones

Granted, but Desco actively gets turned on by the prospect of mass violence and destruction.


Are there any Disgaea reaction images? This is my only one.