What’s his problem?

What’s his problem?

he triggers Sup Forums too much!

He's a cuck.

He's a liberal and a cuck.

Being a fat cuckold who thinks way too highly of himself combined with an autistic fanbase


He's one of those peoples who doesn't care about social norms while thinking incredibly highly of himself.

He's not the worst e-celeb but i do wonder what his appeal outside of the minder SJW/fedora crowd is.

He needs a false rape accusation to hit him.

He's got an abrasive personality and annoying mannerisms and an overly loyal fanbase, but overall I don't think that he's a bad personality or anything like that at all. I admire the work he does every week to make sure that people don't forget how fucking shitty and lousy publishers are.

>fat bastard who gets off on being a fat bastard
>Sup Forums hates him