So uh, it's almost the 13th, is it coming to PC or not? It's not listed on STEAM.
So uh, it's almost the 13th, is it coming to PC or not? It's not listed on STEAM
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Fuck off, rehash shit eater. These are some of the worst games ever.
Who gives a shit? These games suck.
Sage for garbage games.
It'll but it'll be available on launch day, they've said so
Literally don't even care about this brainlet tier "game". Hack n slash is a meme genre
Fuck you.
I unironically pre-ordered Dynasty Warriors 9
Me too user, i can't wait
Cucks. Enjoy your trash.
Must feel bad knowing you like such fucking garbage.
I ironically pre ordered it
Ive been a huge DW since childhood but after seeing what there is to offer, im surprisingly disappointed.
Im gonna feel really bad for the ppl that preordered.
I feel even more bad when total war will do the three kingdoms era better in one game than KOEI has in 8.
Total War will BTFO this disgusting piece of shit series and show that people actually appreciate depth, complexity, strategy and merit in their games.
Why does Cao Ren have a flail in 9?
Most disappointing..
I'll, thank you
Thank you man. Hope you enjoy whatever game you buy next.
>Equating Steam with PC
Fuck off and die Valve shill.
Just pirate it if it does.
>17 replies
>10 unique posters
Is that you Dan Ryckert?
It's two shills trying to act as if these games aren't fucking garbage and anyone actually wants them.
Someone is very pissed with the game, must suck being this assblasted about what other people play
I heard that Koei is actually teaming up with a company that specialized in A.I. programing to improve the A.I. of all their games. Unfortunately it's for games AFTER DW9.
>unironically posts bullshot marketing images
From what I've heard, it's big step up from 8 as far story/characterization goes, and the gameplay is a welcome change compared to 7 and 8's "do the same combo into ex attack"
I'm not a shill user, I just enjoy Dynasty Warriors :^)
I've not seen a huge amount for 9, how does characters work if it's open world now? Do you pick one and go through the whole game with them, or does it switch characters as the story progresses? Maybe a different campaign for each Kingdom again?
Do you wanna know the feeling of liking something user?
>a lot of beat'em up up games are just walking left or right and fighting enemies
>western reviewers like these
>Dynasty WArriors is a beat'em up with some light strategy, territory control and pon a large
>this is somehow consider dumber than simply going left or right and is hated by western reviewers
Certain characters are available for a certain amount of chapters. Whichever character you pick, you play as them for all of the chapters they are available.
For example, Cao Cao would be available from the beginning at the Yellow Turbans up to his death after Fan Castle
>>Dynasty WArriors is a beat'em up with some light strategy, territory control and pon a large
*and on a larger scale
Would some DW fan give me a video demonstrating the mechanics and skilled gameplay? I'm curious about the actual gameplay and anytime I read a DW thread its fanfiction. anecdotal but it is what it is.
yeah sorry, i'll abandon all interest
Good. Fuck this series.
DW warriors is very shallow and mostly comes to reflexes and luck. It is infamous for enemies 'walking in circles doing nothing' because if they were active the game would be impossible. High level consists of always being on the move and trying to never get hit because you can die from 2-3 hits from a lowly peon.
Here's an example of high level gameplay for a PS2 Dynasty Warriors game:
multiplayer was never a selling point for this game
you don't know what you're talking about
get out of the thread
I'm buying this game. Who /steaming/?
I'm thinking it about buying it this coming Friday. Dynasty Warriors 8 was my GOTY for 2013, but this whole open world business and smaller movesets have me very very concerned. If they
just built upon and polished 8 for a next gen system, I'd be fucking pumped.
If you're interested there is a Capcom rip off called Sengoku Basara. It has enemies that are much more aggressive and a lot more depth for skillful gameplay. Sadly the serious is completely dead in the West so you have to import it and know Japanese. Sengoku Basara 4 is actually recommended to people who like spectacle fighters.
It's the opposite for me. Played all the DW games since I was a kid and it's really great that now there's an actual change and I welcome that. I give props to koei for trying something new and will continue supporting them fully.
Can someone explain why this is one of the most hated genres ever?
Some people seriously chimp out when you mention a musou
Because it’s repetitive.
double standard that was created by western reviewers. Reviewers never liked the games for being too weird and stupid. Even though most now know that reviewers are retards that don't play games they still hold onto the view that Dynasty WArriors is bad without even playing it. I found this one retard on Twitter who reees about Dynasty WArriors whenever is brought up. Shit like "Hyrule WArriors has tarnished the Zelda legacy!" Yet also on his Twitter he is into some very shitty Marvel beat'em Android game and has admitted to paying hundreds on it,
Post favorite tracks
Literally the antithesis what to a good game is. Everything is bad.
A throw back since the ps2 days. On the surface, the combat has barely changed and the fact that theres so many iterations of this game makes people mad the same way some people foam at the mouth at the thought of turn based RPGs.
People are stupid.
user, I am baffled at your formidable combat skills, we will hold banquets to your name!
maximum comfy
They all read gamepro and gameinformer reviews as a kid saying the games were bad without actually playing them. Or they played only 10 minutes of an easy difficulty level and don't understand the mechanics of high level play of the game, and are just rehashing meme buzzwords they've read before.
Its a repetitive hack n slash. It has its pros and cons. People act like theres something monstrously wrong with it for being exactly what its meant to be.
Yeah, it's totally great, guys. Look at this sick game.
They seem to be people who go into hard as a lvl 1 character and get utterly BTFO.
As much as I enjoy these series, they are simply not a good vehicle for carrying out a lot of things people like games.
>Cant have challenging and unique boss fights because the combat system is designed around you thrashing scores of mobs on screen at once
>Cant have interesting platforming sections because the movements are too rigid (think DMC3's platforming sections and see how that turned out)
>can't have cinematic setpieces with dynamic environments because the game's engine wouldnt allow or the dev is not skilled enough to incorporate it
Really, if you look around fansites or threads about this series, you'd know that most people agree it's mediocre but love it for the setting; the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. You'll find more people discussing Cao Cao's exploits than people trying to do high level gameplay.
I feel the core gameplay is sort of a cathartic mindlessness. I won't try to argue its good, but for me its the video game equivalent of watching junk tv after all day at work. I can just put it on and not think that hard or be challenged that much and have a good time.
From what I've read, DW9 is a mix up of DW7 and 6. Very good story telling, but hit or miss combat. Though apparently, DW9's combat seems to be at least better compared to the Renbu system because of how utility focused it is.
Sound track are still good as ever at least
How are they still making these? They never add anything new its just the same game over and over.
That isn't at all what I said but thank you for your retarded post doing the exact behavior I was criticizing.
I watched this entire video already, its nothing but two people who claim to be experienced game reviewers sit for 20 minutes and openly admit they have no idea what the series is about or what they are doing. They openly admit to having absolutely no knowledge of these games yet they've reviewed multiple. That speaks volumes.
DW9 is easily a 4/10 game for most people but at least people should fucking know -how- its actually supposed to be played before just saying like the video: "YOU JUST MASH SQUARE MEME".
Spoke like a true casual, congrats.
How are they still making these? They never add anything new its just the same game over and over.
Its just like sports games. This is Japanese Madden. You either get it or you don't.
To be fair, in DW9, it's literally mash square since they removed the charged attacks on triangle. You're triangle is now for utility and situational attacks, like countering enemy moves, closing gaps, or pulling them to the ground when airborne.
This isn't an argument.
If nothing else. I can always count on DW for my Chinese rock infused OSTs. Even DW6 didn't fuck up that
I like the games but have always felt like teh combat needed to be deeper. I thought 9 was suppose to make the combat deeper. They actually dumbed it down?
Dude, you're asking why a fucking Japanese game looks repetetive on first glance, which really applies to a lot of games in this industry.
If I was a normie being show DMC3 and DMC4 back to back, I'd think they'd be mindless button mashers too where all you do. Same with turn based JRPGs that are apparently just glorified menu clickers.
People say it's fun and most of the complaints are about console framerate and the bad chink dubbing.. Steam has refunds; play it for an hour and a half and get your cash back if you hate it.
I wonder why a lot of other mashers get a pass but DW always gets autismos heated.
It's a mixed bag. There are more inputs now (the game makes use of the shoulder buttons now for attacks) and it's relatively closer to other hack and slash games than previous DW games in terms of combat design, but the down side is there seems to be 'fewer' attacks per moveset compared to say, DW8 where your attack strings could go on for a long time.
I get that and I have heard about that. But my point is, there is a shit ton of content in the weapons forging / character upgrading... and the stages are not just "hit square". Thats just the combat. High difficulty warriors requires you to manage the map at all times and be at the right place at the right time very efficiently. High level Fire Emblem Warriors requires a surprising amount of strategy that the series has never seen before. But then come in the 15 game reviews "its just hit attack button and mow down thousands of enemies, if you like that, you'll love this!" and thats just really not even the truth about the series at its best.
It just speaks to how the reviewers simply do not know how the game's levels functions in the simplest forms. I've never witnessed any other game series in my life where the reviewers know so so little about how the game actually plays but will review it all the same. And I know journalists are shit but even for game journalist shit standards they don't even attempt to pretend they understand how these games play at all.
It's very apparent that most people dont have interest in RoTK. Most LPers, like , dont even know what the game is about or who the characters.
Now compare this to Hyrule Warriors, or FE Warriors, that gets a free pass. Heck, some people will even defend the Berserk musou just for the fact that it's Berserk. This is like a Total War situation where the setting or period peice is what decides whether you like the game or not.
Dong Bai DLC when?
it's literally the same two people in every single thread
Well, they are trying at least.